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Posts posted by rubberman

  1. Liverpool chucking in a derisory low bid is exactly designed to have the effect it seems to be having to some on here - OMG they're not going to pay full whack so we better accept less plus some player instead.  Well, No thanks.  There's no-one there that I'd want (that they'd chuck in).  Put up or do one.


    He may not ideally want to be here next season, but if he is he will want to perform to a) make sure he's still first choice for the euros and b ) to prove he is worth the fee to clubs in CL positions - whether that's January or next summer.   There be no lack of incentive for him to perform well and a distinct possibility that with a stronger, better performing team around him he will excel.

    • Like 1

    Seems a lot more likely he'll be staying now, which I 'll be more than happy with.  A full season, injury-free, with an improved squad behind him and we could start to forget the last four years.


    Why is it more likely he'll be staying? 



    Liverpool looking elsewhere and not seeming inclined to offer more than £20m.  Falcao to Chelsea, Wenger seems happy with Giroud.  Really don't think Spurs will cough up enough either.


    Just seem to be fewer links being made. (Apart from the Utd one ^^ - can't see that happening though).


    May just be feeling optimistic today though...

  3. Seems a lot more likely he'll be staying now, which I 'll be more than happy with.  A full season, injury-free, with an improved squad behind him and we could start to forget the last four years.



    My problem isn't with Townsend himself, just that you could probably buy two more technically gifted European players for the same price.


    We could sign 4 Carlos Gils!



    C. Gil


    Carles G



    Good bench.



    C. Gil - Dead Leg

    Carles - Manager doesn't fancy him.

    Carles G - Forrin

    Gil - Left the ground after being dropped, never to be seen again.


    Such a waste...

    • Like 1
  5. Names are a bit underwhelming but then in the context of us finishing 17th what can we expect.


    Our aim next season is to hover around midtable ,getting into top 10 would be a great achievement.It's not flashy or that exciting but its where we are currently and once we get into a more respectable position

    we will be able to attract better players.



    True.  This lot of signings need to NOT be on long contracts.

  6. I've managed to persuade myself that Richards, despite being a sicknote, can do a job for us.  Is def a risk, but could well improve on what we've got.


    I might be able to persuade myself that Huddlestone, if he can be got fit and into form, can improve things, but also is a risk.


    I'm really not sure I can come to terms with Townsend at anywhere near that price. Seems just to run fast without anything coming from it and what we desperately need is good quality delivery from crosses (and from dead balls / set pieces - we don't score nearly enough from the opportunities we get).

  7. That's a pretty good fixture list.  Obv Arsenal away at the end could be rough if we have another stinker, but at the moment I feel slightly more optimistic and we should be able to regularly pick up points and not get to a stage of losing game after game.



    It's only been just over a week since the 4-6wk non-disclosure, exclusivity period started.  It's a bit mental to start conspiracy theories because nothings been heard yet.

    How do you know this? Where has it been confirmed that there is an exclusivity arrangement let along how long it is?






    Exactly.  I think it's unlikely the club would confirm anything more concrete while the due diligence is going on.  If nothing more comes out by the end of the month I'll start to get worried it's not going to happen.  


    As has been said before, there's been a couple of years to make sure the club is in good order for a sale so if a decent offer is there I'd expect it to progress pretty quickly.

  9. If I'm Benteke the last thing I'm doing is signing a new deal with Villa.  Absolute worst case is you play out the one you've got and walk away with your pick of clubs in 2 years time.


    But over 2 years he'd also be £5m poorer, which is not insignificant. I suppose the gamble is that he could make that up in signing on fees if he moves on a free, but its a lot of money to risk.

  10. I'm worried that at the moment it seems to be a mass exodus and we'll be playing 5-a-side with rush goalie come pre-season, but...


    There will be, as ever, 4-6 sides worse than us.  


    With Tim in charge we'll have wildly fluctuating results - plenty of hammerings, but also more wins.


    It'll certainly be a roller-coaster season (hopefully not the Smiler variety) - 14th I reckon, with a glimmer more potential.  Though I also harbour fears it'll be a car crash and Tim'll be gone by Christmas.

  11. Would have loved to see him come on in the second half of the cup final instead of same old, same old...or against Burnley or Saints - both dead games with a chance to try something new and when we should have been resting Jack (amongst others).


    I'm still clinging to the tiniest amount of hope that we'll see a new, solid spine for next season that will allow us to play Grealish, Gil and Benteke up front.


    Really tiny.



  12. Hopefully FSG will tell Rogers to do one when he goes over to the US for his meeting.  Leaving Liverpool without a manager for most of the transfer window and Tim can sit CB down and talk some sense into him / offer him a £100k contract.


    Van Gaal doesn't seem to be interested, he doesn't fit Wenger's style and City seem to be planning to spunk £200m on Messi so the most natural fit would seem be Chelsea, but I hope wanting to play every week would be enough to hold them off this window.


    1 more year please Christian.

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