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Posts posted by rubberman

  1. 1 hour ago, RicRic said:

    Dont attack me but present your points to prove otherwise BUT i dont have that much confidence in Monchi, lets bear in mind that 90% of the team that have got us to where we are now before he arrived, zaniolo and lenglet were questionable at the time of signing and certainly proved to be so once the season had concluded. I respect both players for trying and giving what they could to the team absolutely full credit for that and to be fair they were loans, even Rogers who is a good player of course far from the finished article wasnt perhaps someone I expected us to sign at the time, and yes we did make a top four finish and rogers did contribute to that but more importantly down to super emerys coaching/management. 

    Rumours are not always true the Barkley one had my head spinning but if its a free and an extra player on low wages then it’s nowhere near as bad as first suspected so i can get on board, the other rumour is we may be signing a 33 yr old left back, im far from convinced and hope that is nothing but a rumour, we should not be signing anyone over 31 is my take.

    Again unless confirmed officially i cant make judgment but if all is true, it just seems to have a pattern of Monchi all over it hes player search hasn’t given me much if any optimism and all in all it doesn’t seem like he wants or knows about the foreign high talent emerging market, its hard to explain in a way but im not hearing those names that certainly would make us a much stronger force.

    @Daulmakan @burchy Boys your now in charge but please be mindful of FFP/PSR 😊


    @TRO thoughts 

    I dunno - maybe wait till the window is at very least open and more reasonably until it is closed before evaluating how Monchi is doing? 

    And we haven't signed any 33 year olds. 


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  2. 37 minutes ago, TRO said:

    I don't see us laying out any big money transfers fee's.

    Depends on 'big' I think. For one, PSR will I think mean overall prices are down a bit from previous seasons. I doubt we'll smash our transfer record but still expect we'll bring in 1 or 2 in the 30+m range.

  3. 29 minutes ago, CVByrne said:

    Not really, it's shifted to be weighted towards the best Leagues. So for example 75% of the media earnings is in European pillar - Premier League is top ranked. So we end up 4th ranked of the top pillar. We are then ranked 30th in the co-efficient pillar. So our average of the two is 17, we end up then ranked with the other teams and would probably end up around 14th lets say in the ranking. So being from the top League is a huge benefit in the new system financially. So in the example we would be 14th ranked we receive 23 shares and City would receive 36 shares. In the example where it's €960k per share we would get €22m, While we'd be among the bottom clubs in the 10 year coefficient so lets say get 2 shares of €320k.

    We then get €18.6m for the League phase qualification. Then €2.1m per win and 0.7m per draw. Let's say we win 3 games and draw 2 that's another €7.7m, we then end mid table and get 18 shares in the league ranking (18 x €0.275m) = €4.95m and an added €1m for making it to the knockout stages. 

    So in prize money alone we should be seeing around €55m or £47.3m. That's before the kicker in our sponsorship deals and the income from 5 home Champions League games. If we then qualify for round of 16 we get another €11m, then another €12.5m for QFs etc..

    Now remember this is additional prize money, we will be paying players additional wages in terms of bonuses for qualifying for the CL so a large chunk of the new revenue is gone on higher salaries.

    Thanks, that's clear. My point was that the 10yr ranking still gives £10+m more to say Man utd if they qualify next season. 

    It's all good money and great for us, but giving out extra money just because a club was good in the past stinks to me. All the prize money should be based on the current season only. I suppose the argument would be that the 'big' names are what attract the viewers and therefore the money, but it is not a level playing field we joining. 

  4. 40 minutes ago, viivvaa66 said:

    The coefficient used in the league stage is the 5 year club coefficient, while the coefficient used for the non-European value pillar (see: https://editorial.uefa.com/resources/028b-1a7880138a24-7a993e2e33d1-1000/20240322_circular_2024_13_en.pdf) is the 10 year club coefficient. But the non-European part is only 25% of the total value pillar, and since our coefficient is very low, we would end up with peanuts.

    We should get a good portion of the European value pillar, since I believe England is ranked as number 1 media contributor. That would give us something like €31 millions, only the 3 other English teams will get more than us.

    Thanks. Dear lord that's complicated (for the payment part). While we benefit from England being no1 which gives us a part ranking of 4th, that is then combined with our 10 Yr coefficient has us right near the bottom, so we'll end up being paid in the middle. 

    It's still all heavily weighted to reward the same clubs every time as long as they can sneak in qualification. 

  5. 8 hours ago, villaglint said:

    That is my understanding as well. But its left me wondering what the point of the seeding pots is? Do they have any bearing on anything?

    Isn't it also the basis for part of the carving up of cash? Higher coefficient, more money. One of the obscured changes aimed at shoring up the established 'elite' 

  6. 14 minutes ago, useless said:

    but if he does leave, I suspect he will end up somewhere like Wolves, West ham, maybe Crystal Palace

    This is the correct answer. He's excelled in a relegation level side and still has something to offer. But not to us. 

    • Like 1
  7. 37 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    I'm not sure Luiz will leave, not this summer anyway unless he's forced out.  He was celebrating as much as Emery was on the touchline when we equalised against Liverpool, he loves it here, and will want to play with us in CL for first time.

    Agree. He's the first player Unai goes to to switch things up mid-match.

    • Like 1
  8. 44 minutes ago, WallisFrizz said:

    Whether we can afford a second top quality DM or not is one thing but Kamara is not going to be up to speed until late October maybe even November, we’re going to need a player of similar standard, then hopefully they will both have loads of games to play over the rest of the season.  Defensively we have looked very shaky since Kamara got injured.

    100% This is the key signing for the summer and where I would splash whatever money we can. Since Boubs was out, we've shipped so many goals by not having him to drop into the back line. It makes the full backs much narrower and gives space for teams to attack us from out wide - we saw that time and again over the last weeks. It's a specific DM skillset and there's no-one in the squad to replicate it. Get that position right and we are instantly more secure in defence.


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  9. 32 minutes ago, stewiek2 said:

    Don Unai thrives on pressure. 4th?! Pfft he'll want top 3 next season.

    Well, with fewer injuries and those couple of red cards we could have been challenging for the title further into the pointy end of the season, but in the end the gap is pretty huge to the top 3. Depends what happens at Liverpool I guess. I'll be daring to dream again in August!

  10. I'd really hope we can get past the league stage. Getting through the knockouts and into the round of 16 would be excellent and anything more than that dreamland.

    Add to that a run in one of the cups and keeping 4th place please.

    No pressure.

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  11. Well, ideally I'd like a mix (which is likely in this format) of say 5 big beasts mixed home and away, and 3 'easier' ones to make getting through more possible. And then it's into knock-out lottery. But hopefully not draw any UK clubs at any point.

    Still - at least over the next 4 months there's plenty of time to debate every single possible combination.

  12. Had to be at the theatre last night. Interval comes...oh no 0-1 down. Then we equalise, yesssss!, but then they go ahead just as we go back in.

    Play finishes... 1-3. Balls. 

    Have a few drinks & snacks with theatre folk (it's a press night for the missus's work). Sneak another look at the score and let out a stifled shriek. 3-3 OMG! 

    Head home on the tube reading the match thread knowing how it's going to end. 


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