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Everything posted by paul514

  1. It’s just one player though Brighton have brought those players for peanuts that they sold for blockbuster figures. It’s highly impressive
  2. Gave up when his price became crazy no point anymore the train has left and he’s a few years older so the bet isn’t as good
  3. Sorry but I don’t care about much outside my own country or its people. I don’t have the hubris to virtue signal over the other 8 billion people.
  4. i posted about him a few weeks ago, certainly looks like a wonderkid
  5. What is this? Kamara is a DCM, Donk is a DCM that is no where near as good which is what the problem is. Luiz IS NOT a DCM, he is an 8 who is defensively sound, his back up is Telemans
  6. As a Christian he probably doesn't care anyway
  7. Zubimendi would be my pick to for the Kamara role, Frimpong for Cash, a back up keeper and if there is change from 100m (that is what I think we should spend) then I would go for Cherki he is clearly available on the cheap this January as a bit of a wildcard. All the obvious ones can go.
  8. Not according to our books we don't also that three won't fetch anything more than a few million in total IF you can get any fee at all
  9. the poster suggested a player who could only play the Diaby role in the team I would say your suggestion is far more sensible, Diaby/Baily/JPB would be a good option for the RW/SS role we have. Until then leave him at Hull to develop.
  10. as opposed to second fiddle to Pope? it's based on the story being true
  11. https://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/exclusive-newcastle-sam-johnstone-palace-31638112 if it is true that Johnson can be brought for 8 million then we should have him
  12. yea we definitely need to spend massively in the position we have loads of depth and quality
  13. Cherki only has 18 months left on his deal now
  14. It impacts everyone in so much that they also get extra revenue, so what? I don’t care what other clubs get to add an extra 15m to their revenue or whatever it is i care that it can buy us an extra player or two on top of our current budge, whatever that is set at. as for fee’s going up, probably for pl to pl transfers but we don’t really do that anyway.
  15. We talk about FFP because it matters, if it didnt exist we wouldn't talk about it
  16. No one has mentioned it yet, but the new tv deal being announced ups our revenue to raise the allowances for spending within the rules.
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