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Everything posted by KitKat

  1. KitKat

    Match Thread

    I hope we score from this counter and a bird shits in Mark Hughes' mouth.
  2. KitKat

    Match Thread

    I can't **** believe Hutton has been penalised for that. Absolutely **** criminal. Well Played Hutton, ignore that **** word removed with the whistle.
  3. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Get a bit of spackle on Rons chin and get him back on the pitch!
  4. KitKat

    Match Thread

    That's a **** foul on Delph and a yellow.
  5. KitKat

    Match Thread

    I thought this commentator was a bit anti-Villa, but hes just absolutely torn strips off Stoke for how they attacked that corner.
  6. KitKat

    Match Thread

    I would definitely get Bacuna on over Grealish today. Unless were a couple of goals up with a spare sub and 10 minutes to go.
  7. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Bojan is quite a handful, I'm sure he's going to do well for them this season. Just not against us. Please.
  8. KitKat

    Match Thread

    In fairness, I wouldn't want Gabby to take a running jump straight in to my face either...
  9. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Has any Stoke player been carded yet? Very much a home ref so far...
  10. KitKat

    Match Thread

    We haven't sat back after scoring, Stoke have just woken up.
  11. KitKat

    Match Thread

    FFS Charles is like the kid on FIFA who doesnt know where the **** pass button is. he had 2 GREAT options for a through ball then and chose to run into another **** dead end.
  12. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Laursen-esque commitment there from Ron.
  13. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Stoke switched off there, make no mistake about it! he was 100% un-marked, made a bit of a hash of his first go and still got to the ball for a second time to lash it home.
  14. KitKat

    Match Thread

    If Cissokho is the answer to our LB problems we'll owe Liverpool a debt of thanks for getting his price down for us. Better than Berty so far.
  15. KitKat

    Match Thread

    It's still more or less the same personnel, but they're not quite as rough.
  16. KitKat

    Match Thread

    You put Benteke back in this side and we look like an entirely different prospect. Richardsons passing has been excellent as well.
  17. KitKat

    Match Thread

    I don't think that's the problem so much as getting our "striker" involved. We really need a target up there if we're going to try and flood forward from midfield. At the minute the ball isn't sticking up top very well. Stoke are quite organised at the back. Decent first half. I'd bring Grealish or Bacuna on this half for Zog, or at least very early in the next half.
  18. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Senderos has been an upgrade over Baker/Clark so far. So that's good.
  19. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Cissokho might not be the worlds best crosser, but he hasn't failed to provide an option so far this game, and has at least put a ball in that someone *could* get on the end of.
  20. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Really? He's been on of our better players?! Agreed, he's picked out a few excellent passes.
  21. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Who had 39 minutes for the Zog special? Come up and claim your prize...
  22. KitKat

    Match Thread

    Jesus we played some football there! Richardson looking like an improvement over KEA. If we had someone upfront we'd be very dangerous. Incidentally I think Sanchez is going to do us the world of good by allowing Delph/Richardson to get further forward more often.
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