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Posts posted by sexbelowsound

  1. 25 minutes ago, NurembergVillan said:

    This year my gifts have mostly been - Scotch (assorted), cheese (assorted), chilli oil (assorted), moisturiser (assorted), socks (assorted).  And some fishing tackle.  I plan to get back into fishing in 2018 (not done much since my early teens).

    Other 2018 plans include yoga, meditation, and back to the gym.  It's going to be a year of looking after myself and my mental wellbeing, as well as my family.

    For now though, that cheese and whisky isn't going to consume itself.

    Don't mix up the assorted chilli oil and assorted moisturiser. 

    • Like 1
  2. 36 minutes ago, Brumerican said:

    Jimmy G ripped us to shreds. He was fantastic.

    But was that partly because he's legit and partly because you guys are already in the post season and the edge has slightly gone?

    The Niners' weapons are not that good IMO although I'd imagine they will end up above .500 next season.

    Interestingly, for Fantasy purposes, Bortles had the much better game.

  3. Whilst we are still in the playoffs it would be crazy to replace Bruce unless the club have a clear vision and a manager who they think can take us on. 

    Unfortunately I think the vision stems as far as getting somebody in who has championship promotion experience.

    I don’t have any faith in the club to make a positive change. 

  4. I did this last time around, made my £400–500 profit from the introductory bets and then got out. It becomes much harder and far less of a certainty once you’ve taken up the introductory offers.

    It works and if you want to make around that much and leave it at that I’d do it. I just wouldn’t  get suckered in full time because it’s far too close to gambling for me.

  5. As well as the many other things wrong with that BNP Christmas card i'd love to know why they've changed the 't' in Christmas to a cross.

    Are they implying she's anti-Christianity as well?

  6. 1 hour ago, dubbs said:

    Im also low ranked and haven't done the heists yet so I've probably missed the boat too.

    I wouldn't say you've missed the boat. If you have mates or know people who play you're fine. It's getting in with randomers you'll struggle with, particularly for the Pacific Standard heist as most people are doing glitches for it and they need people who know what they're doing.

  7. 11 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I don't mind starting from the bottom (ouu err) but I just don't really know how to get into it. When ou say missions, are they like the offline ones playing again AI?

    Whenever I've had a dabble online I just end up driving round looking for something to do. I joined a couple of team deathmatch  online gun fights which gets boring fast :-/

    It does get boring. It's the only game I play and I last about 20-30 minutes before i'm bored unless it's new stuff but even that becomes boring, quickly.

    I'd recommend you get into Heists or play the double money adversary modes.

    The issue with heists is this you'll most likely get kicked from the job because you're a low level.

    The missions are mostly working with other players against the AI then you have deathmatches, adversary modes and races which are either player vs player or team vs team.

    If the lads on here get heists going i'm sure they'd let you jump in. It's randomers that will kick you because they'll think you don't know what you're doing. The only reason people do these missions anymore is for making money.

    • Like 1
  8. 36 minutes ago, Genie said:

    I absolutely loved the story and offline side missions, I did them all a long time ago. I just don't understand the online element at all. I've tried a few times but don't know where to start or what to do.

    If you're not fully immersed in it already there is no hope IMO.

    There's too much stuff that has been added and everything is so expensive you'd be grinding through countless boring missions for weeks just to get on the first couple of rungs.

    It started off fine. Everyone started with a stolen vehicle and a 2 car garage and the majority of people were roughly the same level. Now you've got people with multiple properties with 10 car garages in each, offices, motorcycle clubs, bunkers, warehouses and an array of OP vehicles.

    I still play online and i'm a decent level, 250 something, and if i'm not in a mission I'm permanently in passive mode because i'm way behind the top level people.

    The snow is cool though so have a ganders over Christmas. Usually starts Christmas Eve.

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