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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Posts posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. 15 hours ago, TrentVilla said:

    I disagree. It was managers plural, he was the one he put together the shortlist to replace Di Matteo, I've reason to believe he was also responsible for the ultimate decision. If Bruce went tomorrow should Wyness still be in post I believe it would be the same process. It is also clear Round was his appointment although clearly he isn't a manager.

    I don't know but I think it's also reasonable to assume he had some input in the decision to appoint Di Matteo. I struggle to believe the likes of Little had any say in either Di Matteo or Bruce.


    Do you think theres much chance of him being sacked along with Bruce? 

  2. The only reason Southgate was appointed was that we knew we wouldnt come close to challenging for the world cup and he would be an easy cheap firing once we get knocked out. We should do what Germany did and properly restructure from the bottom up. Bring in a way of playing that is attacking and nice to watch. Accept we wont do much for a few years but properly train our kids from a young age to pass and move, work as a team etc. Otherwise were just going to go through decades of the same old rubbish with nothing but disappointment.

    ...Half way through typing that i wasnt sure if i was talking about England or Villa...

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  3. 1 minute ago, Demitri_C said:

    Yep indeed. Espically now with the whole chinese government announcement. To be honest i think xia will sell up within the next couple years now after this announcement 

    As for the squad also hourihane will be worth a bit now with the goals. I think we have a number of assets we can make money. Id also include chester and if davis continues to exceed like he has wont be long until a premier league club will come in for him.


    Sell Hourihane for more than we paid for him? Chester aswell? Maybe make a few million, but certainly not what we would need. And Davis has played a handful of games for us, yes he looks promising but no way is a premier league side coming in for him. Thats madness. I doubt a championship side would. 

    Not directly aimed at you but as a collective fanbase we are so quick to jumping on our youth players being the next big thing. A couple of games for O'Hare and people were up in arms at him not being in the squad when a matter of weeks ago most wouldnt have had a clue what position he played. Even Andre Green was class last season and people are already jumping on him and wanting him dropped. We cant rush them, they have to be rotated and used wisely. We certainly cant be relying on fees for them making up our deficit. 

    You also have to remember that clubs will know we are desperate to sell and we wont be able to play hard ball. We really are going to be screwed from all ways if we dont go up. 

  4. 44 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    That's if they are a success here though. If they flop who will pay the big transfer fees for them? It's a gamble no doubt. I agree it's better than us paying stupid money fir 30 year old McCormack. That was stupid.

    but if we became desperate we could still get big money on the likes of grealish and big Kodj. Let's hope it doesn't come to that though.

    Kodija yes. But I think a fee of around 8 million for grealish would be lucky.

    If we don't go up we are in huge trouble. And that's without the possibility that xia will lost interest. I wouldn't blame him if he did, he's certainly supported us as much as I would have hoped. 

  5. I dont understand the worry about SHA. If they werent our rivals we wouldnt be giving them a second thought. Theyve made improvements to the squad but its no more average than most squads in the league. Theyll still finish mid-table. 

    • Like 2
  6. 21 hours ago, John said:

    Do we?

    I really hope we do.  

    20% apparently, with Lille having bid around £9 million and set to come back in with a bigger bid but apparently Boro dont want to sell. 

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, maqroll said:

    Same. It's a revolutionary change, IMO. The drawback isn't the monthly fee, it's that the service is internet dependent. That said, I really enjoy using it.

    Im pretty sure if you save the songs you want it will download them when next connected to wifi and you can listen without internet. I do this and can still play them when im driving somewhere there is no chance of signal. Obviously you cant listen to stuff you havent saved but you soon build a decent sized playlist. 

    • Like 2
  8. Just been notified that ive been shortlisted for a larger role. Its doing the same thing i do now but in a bigger office and a pay jump that would make my eyes water. It would make us extremely comfortable. It makes sense to put absolutely everything into going for it, but i just hate my job with a passion. I hate the company and the way im being expected to treat people. The job itself shouldnt be as stressful as what it is but the current company strategy/restructuring is a nightmare, i feel sick at the thought of going to work every morning. I know that my workload would be less in the new office as the managers they have in there are great and are happy to have a lot more delegated to them, so im pretty sure my stress would reduce if i got the role. 

    Ive been looking for something new for a couple of months now and feel a bit downbeat because i want a change of sector but everything needs direct experience and i cant really afford the drop in wages to go to a basic role in a new sector and hope for a promotion to around my pay level. I could take a drop but not as significant as what i think id have to. 

    My other option is that i could apply for a new grad scheme and essentially start again. Ive been with my company for three years now so it will be a big decision if i do decide to go this route. The advantage being that id be able to gain the experience i need with a pay drop i could afford. But i have a mortgage and responsibilities and i cant be flexible with location which most schemes require. 

    Essentially i feel pretty stuck. Im probably one of the front runners for a job that i really dont want (pay rise aside). I suppose the best worst case is i get this job and can keep looking for something new but it feels like a pretty bad thing to do. 

  9. Just saw Detroit. Hands down best film I've seen all year. Emotion and suspense held throughout, great performances by the whole cast. 

    Someone in the cinema actually walked out half way through, I couldn't believe  it. 

  10. Hitman's bodyguard was enjoyable but forgettable. Both main actors have great chemistry (Deadpool and Nick Fury in a film together), and Salma Hayek makes a few scenes great. 

    Caught the trailer for Daddy's Home 2, that'll be my guilty pleasure come November. 

  11. A decent atmosphere aswell tonight... Even though most did have it for free ;) I think our fans are harshly thought of. We consistently have the best away support, still average high 20s/low 30s and as much as people say we are fickle I don't believe many other fans that had gone through what we have in the last decade would still stick with the club like we have. 

  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-40999000 


    The top 15 funniest jokes from the Fringe

    1. "I'm not a fan of the new pound coin, but then again, I hate all change" - Ken Cheng

    2. "Trump's nothing like Hitler. There's no way he could write a book" - Frankie Boyle

    3. "I've given up asking rhetorical questions. What's the point?" - Alexei Sayle

    4. "I'm looking for the girl next door type. I'm just gonna keep moving house till I find her" - Lew Fitz

    5. "I like to imagine the guy who invented the umbrella was going to call it the 'brella'. But he hesitated" - Andy Field

    6. "Combine Harvesters. And you'll have a really big restaurant" - Mark Simmons

    7. "I'm rubbish with names. It's not my fault, it's a condition. There's a name for it..." - Jimeoin

    8. "I have two boys, 5 and 6. We're no good at naming things in our house" - Ed Byrne

    9. "I wasn't particularly close to my dad before he died... which was lucky, because he trod on a land mine" - Olaf Falafel

    10. "Whenever someone says, 'I don't believe in coincidences.' I say, 'Oh my God, me neither!"' - Alasdair Beckett-King

    11. "A friend tricked me into going to Wimbledon by telling me it was a men's singles event" - Angela Barnes

    12. "As a vegan, I think people who sell meat are disgusting; but apparently people who sell fruit and veg are grocer" - Adele Cliff

    13. "For me dying is a lot like going camping. I don't want to do it" - Phil Wang

    14. "I wonder how many chameleons snuck onto the Ark" - Adam Hess

    15. "I went to a Pretenders gig. It was a tribute act" - Tim Vine

    Ive never thought of myself as particularly funny but i reckon i could give half of these a run for their money. 

  13. How long before a fixed rate term ending should we start looking for a new deal? We have been on a 2 year fixed rate after buying our first house in Jan 2016 and paid for the estate agent mortgage broker (wouldnt ever recommend doing this) which gives the lifetime broker service so we will use them just to get our moneys worth even though they were a nightmare last time with getting details wrong on the application. 

    Is it a fairly simple process or do i need to get the ball rolling early? Looking to fix for as long term as possible but hopefully avoid a fee. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    the thing is chrisp are your parent(s) contributing towards the wedding costs? at Greek weddings they tend to help you alot financially therefore I would be abit embarrassed to say to them you cant bring some of their friends to my wedding.

    if you are paying for the whole thing then i get why you would feel that way.  

    I dont get that either. We're planning our wedding at the moment and paying for it all ourselves. We chose to do it abroad to avoid the massive thing here with people we dont really care about. We even got a planner out there to do all of the legwork for us. It adds on a cost but the saved stress is so worth it! But, if our parents were helping out i still see it as our day. If they kindly offer to help then its a very nice and generous gift, but i dont see why that means they take over the day. Maybe its to different extents, but ive seen peoples parents tell them they cant have the dress they want because it wont suit the decorations they want to buy, and rule out venues and dj's because it isnt what their friends would expect. One of my mates even had their mom tell them not to invite certain friends because they liked a drink too much and her friends would feel uncomfortable. At that point id be giving every penny back and saving for longer to pay it myself. 


  15. Alan nixon is usually really reliable with villa stuff, saying Brighton were about to sign him before yesterday's hat trick. If that is true, then how is it ridiculous that we are so concerned? We bought him in January, gave him no chance to play in his natural position and no really consistent opportunity to play anywhere, and were about to sell him. Yesterday's result hasn't done much to stop the worries about our '' strategy'' at the moment. 

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  16. 54 minutes ago, BruLan said:

    I hand on Heart don't see what he brings to the Team, thought he was woeful against Norwich, sorry and I hope I get proved wrong 

    He played 30 minutes today? And he isn't Alan Hutton! (who while he gives 100% isn't anywhere near good enough). Maybe a bit like hourihane, if he's given a chance to actually play a full game for a few games then we can judge him. The kid has been bought from a team where he was a first teamer , and bizarrely the manager who wanted him doesn't seem to want to trust him. 

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