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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Posts posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. Looking to do 4 nights in September for a city break. Flights seem really cheap and airbnb is really cheap in Budapest so that's the option at the moment. But wondering if it's worth getting the train to Vienna, either as a day trip or to split the trip and book an airbnb in Vienna as well. Has anyone been to either? Would we need more than a couple days in both, or better to stay for all 4 nights in one city and do the other at another time?

  2. 4 hours ago, nick76 said:

    I'm of the opposite view bizarrely. I only expected a few quality incoming and Terry so far has fitted that billing.


    we have 3 of the top goal scorers in this league over the last couple of seasons with Kodjia, Ross and Hogan. We have some of the form midfielders from last season who we brought in January. We have a mean defence and added a winner and experience in Terry to that. With Johnstone coming back we are ok there.


    Down the wings I'm more concerned about depending on what system we play.


    depth, I think we have so many players it's crazy.


    so we need to get a way of playing that works for us which we haven't found yet and we need more creativity whether from the players we have that suddenly click or some new players.


    overall though this window is going as I expected. Bedding down the players we have with a full preseason together. A few sprinklings of new quality players with some players leaving but overall a settled squad. Now it's about getting them to work together.

    I don't think we're of an entirely opposite view. As I said, I don't think we're too far away from a good squad that can challenge. My major concern lies in whether we are buying to fit a system or just buying because we recognise a name and it sounds reliable. 

  3. Im really concerned about the way we are approaching the window, it has to be one of the most uninspiring in recent times. Last summer we were pretty big spending but 'BUY ALL THE STRIKERS' policy didnt work, so in January we went for buying players in form who already played in this league but we just couldnt put them in a system that worked. We seem to be blindly stumbling around in the dark trying to find a transfer policy that works going into the biggest season weve had in years, with a manager that doesnt seem to know what system to play with the players he currently has, never mind a few more chucked in on top of that. 

    We have players to sell that no one wants. And everyone knows we need to sell them to do any proper business. 

    Id love to feel optimistic but i just cant help feeling we are chucking away another season. Im not convinced we are that far away in terms of squad, so maybe my concerns lie more with the system and the manager. But beyond that we still havent got that identity as a club. A system we stick with and buy players to suit. A system that will work in the championship and not have to be torn up and re-done if/when we get promoted. The article above sums up my fear really, its all short term and we know how that ends. 

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  4. 2 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    If you have no interest in ever using it again, I'd spend the same amount on hiring a bloody good one, rather than buying a cheap one.

    If you're in brum, I've hired one from Media Dog. They seem to have pretty fair prices, and a huge range. They have loads of ultra expensive high end ones that cost hundreds per day that are front and centre so don't be scared off by the prices, there are some cheaper ones that are 40-50 quid that'll be more than good enough for your needs, and a damn load better than anything you'll buy in that range.

    Any decent hire shop will talk through what you need and let you have a bit of a demo with suitable models to make sure you're happy with it.

    You'd be better off using a smartphone than buying a super cheap one on ebay.


    Edit: Oh, and definitely spend a few extra quid hiring a tripod if you've got a novice using it, or it'll look like it's being filmed by a bloke on a bouncy castle who'd had a couple of pints too many.

    The only problem with hiring is its abroad so we'll need it for two weeks at least. 

    Good thinking on the tripod! 

  5. Im looking to get a decent camcorder for our wedding next year. My brother will be filming the key parts and doing a few question and answer type things. Does anyone have any recommendations? Not looking to spend too much as we'll more than likely never use it again but do want one that will give us a good quality video for the day. Happy to search on ebay for second hand but dont know where to start with decent quality. 

  6. 7 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    just seen the charlie gard story on the news, looked to me like he was dragging her round, neither of them looked particularly healthy either, didnt look like a united front or a loving couple, she looked like a zombie and he looked angry as ****

    To be fair I'm sure if you'd had the last 10 months they had those would be the two overriding emotions. I doubt they have time or emotional energy to be a loving couple. 

    • Like 2
  7. Virgin Media. 

    And they absolutely should piss me off. Had billing issues with them since November last year when we moved back into our house following the flood. Spent until February arguing with them, which ended in me emailing the CEO and getting it sorted that way. Last month the bill was wrong again, so i spent over an hour on to customer services, escalated to a manager and eventually they admitted that my bill was wrong and said theyd sort it until the end of my current deal/contract in November. Unsurprisingly its wrong again this month. Havent even bothered with customer service, another email to the CEO to try and sort it again. 

    But what annoys me more than anything is theyre the only decent provider in our area so im pretty much stuck with them if i want high speed internet. 

  8. Should i be acknowledging that i dont know the business' internal policies and that i dont have the qualification that the advert says 'may be required' on the cover letter?

    I was thinking something like 'Whilst i dont currently hold ... qualification, i am always eager to develop and would look forward to earning the qualification if i was given the role.' ... and something similar about the policies and procedures, basically saying i would ensure i was confident in my knowledge of them. 

  9. I'm tempted on arsenal at 11/1 to win the league considering they have no champions league. Sky bet paying out 3 places and the last few years show no champions league is a big head start. 

    But... Arsene! Wonder if I could cash it out in December? 

    • Like 1
  10. Im in a similar position. So demotivated in my job. Ive been here 3 years and worked my way up to a respectable job after joining as a grad. They have just culled 50% of jobs at the level above me and common sense says they are coming for my lot next. But i just dont want to stay here either way. I could quite easily do this job for the next 12 months and i know there a bigger role waiting for me in 12 months when someone retires that id be great in. But past that i just have no interest in any of the roles, and the position im in is one that isnt the most attractive so if they have someone good they dont let them move around internally. They need you to be available and switched on 24/7 and i just value a decent work/life balance far too much to commit to that. So i just dont see the point in wasting the next 2/3 years in a company i dont want to progress in. 

    Ive just tweeked my cv for my first application in 4 years for a job in a completely different sector. The role is simlar to what i do now, but seems to be the bits i enjoy most picked out without the bits that i hate. It isnt the 'dream' job but its certainly an improvement on what im doing at the moment which is making me miserable. I genuinely struggle to get out of bed most mornings with the thought of work and what im walking in to. 

    The only thing im stumbling on is that the application asks for a cv which ive pretty much done, but says a cover letter is optional. I feel like i should submit one to show ive put some more effort in but have never written one before. Does anyone have any tips? 

    Its pretty nerve wracking looking for jobs in a totally different area to what all of my experience is to be honest. But if i dont make the change now my cv will just become more and more focused on my current role and less attractive to someone in a different sector. 

    • Like 1
  11. Just watched Hospital on BBC iPlayer. They were doing a documentary in st Mary's hospital as news of the attack came through and filmed the whole response. If you haven't seen it yet, it's absolutely vital viewing. Unreal to watch. Brings back all the emotions of that day but with so much pride and awe in the way the emergency services responded, as well as the reactions of the victims. Two French lads in particular are fantastic young kids. 

    Cant recommend it highly enough.

    edit...the first person into a&e was the attacker. Must have been such a surreal moment. Safe to say I'm unbelievably glad they weren't having to waste precious time on him once the other patients arrived.

    • Like 1
  12. Looking at changing cars. At the moment we've got a clapped out corsa which is leaking water and won't even start, be lucky for a couple hundred quid to scrap it most likely. Then a 14 plate vauxhall Adam from new that's in good condition, just under 30000 miles on the clock. 

    Looking at a skoda yeti at the moment. Essentially need something we can fit a couple of dogs in the boot and in the next few years starting a family so nothing too small. Currently driving 300ish miles a week, mainly motorways but hoping to change jobs soon so not dependent on it being decent for the motorway.

    Don't want to overstretch ourselves hence the yeti seems a decent option. Any advice? Would we be best part ex'ing the Adam, even with it still being two years left on finance? We've just got to the point where we owe less than its worth. Or best to sell privately and then buy something separately? 

  13. 51 minutes ago, magnkarl said:

    So I woke up this morning, put the coffee on, banged some toast in the toaster, opened the back door to the garden, stepped out and instantly stepped into a turd from a bleedin cat. Is there anything worse than cat shit? Dog shit doesn't have anything on that. I scooped the cat shit up with my trusty garden trowel and flung it at the window of the guy next to me who has 8 cats. Later he came around and asked why there's cat shit on his window, I politely told him to install some sort of cat toilet. I then went to homebase, bought 100 litres of play sand and dumped it just outside his fence, two meters from their outside seating area. I'm hoping it'll stink nicely for them so they see the extent of shit we have to deal with in our flowerbeds, vegetable garden, flower pots, my grandkid's sandbox etc.

    I like cats but this is too much. I need some sort of cat deterrent because this is getting out of hand.

    This could be totally wrong but my grandad used half fill a litre Pepsi bottle with water and leave them round the perimeter of his garden to deter cats. Something about them not liking their reflection or something but he was adamant it worked. 

  14. Said it before, I'll say it again. I really hate this world sometimes. We are descending into absolute chaos. Absolute respect to the immam who restrained himself and the people there, this scum didn't deserve that. Now I hope he feels the full force of the law. 

    • Like 2
  15. Theresa may saying she's spoken to people who lost bank cards, have no access to money and o ly the clothes on their backs. 

    Wow. Maybe she should also spend time talking to those who have lost loved ones. Those who are still missed. 

    Maybe if she was less focused on money and more on people this wouldn't have happened. 

    Whoever is advising her currently is doing a shambolic job. 

  16. We've been with them for almost 18 months, had loads of problems with them mainly surrounding having to suspend our service and reinstate it before and after a flood at home. Took so long to sort it i ended up writing to the CEO for the first time ever, they sorted it within minutes. Then the solution they put in place was changed after 3 months. Another letter to CEO later and it was sorted...again. 


    All in all, service good, no issues with internet provision. But customer service generally shocking. 

  17. Im losing average of a pound a week using myfitnesspal, without really cutting down what im eating too much. As has been said, it just makes you aware of what youve taken in and gives a more guided decision on whether you open that tub of salted caramel haagen daas or wait until tomorrow. 

  18. 4 minutes ago, jon_c said:

    Cameron calling the EU referendum? At least May's decision is only damaging to her. Not the whole country.

    Mays decision is damaging to the whole country though. She was in a position of strength but wanted to get her claws on more. We are now in a complete unknown with the most important negotiations in decades to commence shortly. She has left the country in a state. 

  19. So our options now are for her to remain as leader and negotiate brexit on the back of this vote which is a disaster waiting to happen. The other EU leaders must be rolling around laughing at her! Or she goes, and they appoint a new leader meaning we go into the negotiations without an elected PM. Yet again the arguments will come that they wont have a mandate and on the back of such a loss of support from the country the party is in an awful position. Or she resigns, the new PM does the right thing (ignoring Brexit) and calls another election at the end of the year. At which point we will be almost a year into article 50. 

    She must feel like such a mug. This is all her fault. She called a needless election, thought the electorate were either stupid enough or loyal enough that they wouldnt react to her negative and insulting campaign. She even went after the safe vote in the elderly. Meanwhile Corbyn has played a blinder. The success in engaging the young vote seems to have been nothing short of a masterclass and Im delighted for him. 

    I feel like villa were losing 5-0 at half time and its 5-4 at full time. I know we didn't win, but we gave it a good shot, it was great to watch and somehow it feels like we're leaving the ground having won the game. And it was the managers tactics and substitutions that made the difference! 

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