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This Could Be Rotterdam

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Posts posted by This Could Be Rotterdam

  1. If Corbyn had a fully supportive party behind him, with the manifesto he has, the election never would have been called by May. She underestimated him and regardless of whether the torys get a majority I'm certain she regrets it now. 

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  2. When the election was called I remember several people saying it was the end of Corbyn. Id now put money on the end of May coming before the end of Corbyn. It really does sum up her disastrous campaign. 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Ginko said:

     I then treated myself to watching In Bruges again afterwards. Such a great fil'um that has you laugh out loud one minute and gets you in the feels the next. So many memorable and quotable bits and the cast is bloody brilliant - 9.5/10 WB (again and again)


    A photo from a trip to Bruges last year, this made me chuckle much more than it should have. 


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  4. BBC news reporting white van mounted pavement hitting at least six pedestrians. Police boats currently searching the river for missing pedestrians. 

    Sky news reporting possible stabbing attack but BBC making no mention of it so fingers crossed that's just speculation. 

    Here's hoping it's nothing terror related,that horrible deja vu from Westminster bridge at the moment.  

  5. 1 hour ago, Amsterdam_Neil_D said:

    That's what the Conservative party exists for as far as I know at it's very core and I think they would admit that themselves in private,  well some of the the honest ones at least.  Corbyn spoke about it briefly,  it's all about pulling the ladder up for them or can be easily be perceived as so.  

    One thing that does seem a bit OTT is the free tuition fees for all (11 Bn?).  Just means test it and a lot of it could be paid for I suspect,  the same with fines in general.  Sticking a 80 parking fine on a 200,000 pound car seems a bit strange as well as a very simple example.


    The tuition fee issue is actually one of the main things i disagree with him on. Ive said it earlier in the thread, but i went to uni the year before the fees were increased luckily, worked really hard and believe the wage im earning now is a direct representation of that. Im happy to pay my loan every month (i think it amounts the less that £90, and comes out before my wages so i never notice it is missing) because i know that without that education i wouldnt be earning what i am, and would be significantly worse off.

    My concern with the free fees is that uni just becomes even more of a 3 year holiday that people dont take it seriously. Then again, i didnt take it seriously because of the fees, it was because i wanted to do well. 

    However, i would be happy with free fees for people doing specific courses which would tackle a specific skills gap that needs addressing for the country, providing they stay in that employment for a set amount of time after they leave uni. Once they have done their time, they would have technically paid back what they have got for free. If they leave before a set time then they have an amount calculated based on the percentage of what they 'paid back', and the time they have done is deducted. I believe this has been used before, but whether it was this country or another escapes me. 

    Either way, im certainly not going to let free education sway me towards voting for that despicable woman! 

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  6. Very impressed with Corbyn. Unfortunately my dad who is adamant he can't vote for a Corbyn labour has declined to watch it because he doesn't like Corbyn. I worry it's those who could make a difference are so taken in with the media campaign that they won't take the opportunity to make a slightly more informed opinion. 

  7. Well at least we know her hairstyle has changed since then. The point finally sunk in after the 10th time of her mentioning it. Made me forget all about whether or not she regrets her comments on the ira! 

  8. http://www.itv.com/news/calendar/2017-05-23/daughter-appeals-to-find-parents-missing-after-manchester-terror-attack/


    A York College student has written an appeal on Facebook to help find her parents who have gone missing after the Manchester terror attack.

    It isnt just parents searching for their children, its kids looking for their parents. That girl must feel so lost. 

    Some of the comments on this topic have been ill judged to say the least. 

  9. A quick look on facebook and there are countless posts being shared of kids that are missing. Its heartbreaking to think that there are parents somewhere still not knowing if their kids are coming home or not. Its just unimaginable what they are going through right now. 

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  10. Someone on the radio this morning described what happened, she'd taken her 11 year old daughter to her first concert. The way she described it was truly terrifying. I cant begin to fathom how someone can do this, targeting kids. Apparently the concert overran by 7-8 minutes, it could have been so much worse. I just hope that the parents and loved ones of those affected all know and that they arent sat around waiting for the news. 

    And on top of that, i cant stop thinking of how terrible a job it will be for the emergency services in the aftermath of this. They really do deserve so much respect from everyone. 

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