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Posts posted by nazvfc

  1. Ron Saunders built three teams.  


    One to get us promoted into the First Division (Premiership to you youngsters) 74-77.


    One that was the most Entertaining circa 1977-78 but fell away at end of season.


    One that won the league and Euro Cup 78-80.  This was kicked off by selling Gray and Gidman and Cropley getting injured which was looked on as a disaster at the time. 


    He took from 1974-1982 to build these teams and there was a lot of grumbling we were going backwards etc 78-80 but he was stubborn and stuck to his plan.


    Ellis took about two years to dismantle all that has been built and 5 years to destroy when we got relegated.

    Exactly - took time and patience from everyone. Remember also that if that old git Ellis had had his way Saunders would not have been manager and we would not have had the good times. It takes time and it takes having to take the really good with the really bad. Many fans at the time said the same about Saunders - he is shit and boring - but the club stuck with him and the fans (majority) too.


    Think patience (and I don't mean just a couple of seasons in the case of Lambert) is a thing many have got. Us old ones have perhaps as we have been around a lot longer (pre Sky).


    At least (for now) Lerner has not done what Ellis did - relegate us (maybe not for the want of trying to some). It takes a great chairman to take a team that was kings of Europe and fail to build on it but instead dismantle it.

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    Joking aside, people have booed at some ridiculous points in games. There was a section of people booing when we brought Tonev on against Fulham. Ridiculous. There had also been people booing when Bennett's name was mentioned in the starting 11 at the start of the Chelsea game.


    These are the kind of "fans" that no club needs.   Why on earth do these people spend their hard earned cash to do this? They must collectively be as thick as several short planks.


    Aah! Don't you know that they pay their money and they have a right to boo who they want when they want where ever they want - it's thier right and duty to do so. :)



    Crystal Palace have just turned Everton over in their own back yard.


    Will the natives at Goodison be getting restless & nailing Martinez's balls to the Glady's Street End goal posts now?


    Palace have momentum, they had it by winning 2 games before they beat us. Now they have kicked ass at Everton.


    Please stop looking to blame Lambert every time we have a set back.

    Probably not they're 5th...


    You haven't watched us much this season have you? You can't have.


    Palace was the straw that broke the camel's back, not a shock result in an otherwise brilliant season.


    Fingers crossed this change in backroom staff can see an improvement in style and results!


    Me and VR are from an older generation that have witnessed far worse than this season. We are better prepared to deal with failure and disappointment than others, we are hardened by experience. 


    Additionally, we have witnessed the ultimate rewards of longevity under Ron Saunders and have seen what unwavering support can achieve in difficult times.


    The same here - 52 years a supporter and fanatic (notice I did not put just fan - seeing as for some support is conditional on having a manager/chairman/player they want or like). And I'm proud to say I am an old fart - a proud member of the The Aston Villa Old Farts Club - support and follow unconditionally through thick and the very thin - through the shit and through the roses. And before I get slated - I hated Ellis but you know what - I may have protested but during the game I gave the TEAM 110% (as per the great Ron Suanders) support - no booing, no moaning (AT THE PLAYERS)

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    I think some are underestimating the disruption these pair could of caused, particularly culverhouse.


    I find it difficult to believe that they could have caused much disruption at all? Because if they were, why has it taken til now for someone to sort it out?

    They would arguably be in more contact with the players than the manager. If training was as bad as its been stated along with a poisonous atmosphere in the dressing room, the leaking of information before games etc. Do you really not think this has affected us?


    Nah mate - surely it's that the players are shit, Lambert is shit, Lerner is shit, Faulkner is shit - in fact Villa are just shit -  :P


    Personally I feel the same as you - being bullied (and I have been) in the workplace or in any place does have an effect and takes time to nip in the bud - the bully can be given warnings (and in most cases there is a first warning, followed by a written warning and then suspension before sacking if the culprit fails to do what is asked) UNLESS it is gross misconduct (and is specified as such in the contract of employment) when you can be  summarily dismissed.

    Again my opinion - maybe I am wrong??



    They haven't been summarily dismissed in this case, just suspended pending an investigation. 


    I know Risso mate - just putting forward what normally happens if it is gross misconduct. In this case it may not be but warrants investigation to get full facts then leads to dismissal. In any case - they could have been the cause of much (not all) of what has gone on. Hopefully now with these changes we might see a different Villa - the one we all want and know can be.



    I think some are underestimating the disruption these pair could of caused, particularly culverhouse.


    I find it difficult to believe that they could have caused much disruption at all? Because if they were, why has it taken til now for someone to sort it out?

    They would arguably be in more contact with the players than the manager. If training was as bad as its been stated along with a poisonous atmosphere in the dressing room, the leaking of information before games etc. Do you really not think this has affected us?


    Nah mate - surely it's that the players are shit, Lambert is shit, Lerner is shit, Faulkner is shit - in fact Villa are just shit -  :P


    Personally I feel the same as you - being bullied (and I have been) in the workplace or in any place does have an effect and takes time to nip in the bud - the bully can be given warnings (and in most cases there is a first warning, followed by a written warning and then suspension before sacking if the culprit fails to do what is asked) UNLESS it is gross misconduct (and is specified as such in the contract of employment) when you can be  summarily dismissed.

    Again my opinion - maybe I am wrong??



    We cannot afford Ba's wages.

    We couldn't afford his incidental expenses, let alone his wages.



    And we all know that if by some miracle we got him to come to the club, he's mythical dodgy knee would go within a month.


    What's our fellow poster dodgyknees got to do with Ba??? - and if I'm correct he defintely is not mythical - he is real and a mithter.  :huh:  :P


    Sorry I'll get me coat!!!

  7. Didn't Sid step up under Houllier to assist the first team.  I was under the impression he didn't like dealing with the first team due to all the egos floating around

    Haven't most or all of the ego's gone now?? There were big ego's - Young,Downing,Dunne,Collins,Warnock etc etc etc.


    Maybe now with players with not very big ego's he could just be in his element??



    If what's being reported is true then it reflects very badly on Lambert. How he could let the situation get so out of control before taking action is a real worry.

    I keep reading things like this but as I alluded to in my post, he wanted to take action sooner but wasn't allowed to do so.

    Just playing devil's advocate here, but those who said he should've taken action sooner don't necessarily mean they should have suspended them sooner, just that Lambert should have got a grip on things earlier e.g. monitoring training more closely, overseeing things more regularly, and questioning why our performances seemed to be deteriorating.


    Dunno - just my opinion - maybe he heard and knew but as many do (case in point when my son was bullied at school - at one point he had his back cut with a stanley knife but kept if from us for over a year and never changed clothes in front of anyone so teachers watched from afar until they had proof). Lambert observed from afar for a while to make sure it was not a 'one-off' incident.


    Once it became clear it was ongoing - he took action so maybe just maybe he did the right thing after seeing for himself what was happening. Just my opinion

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    If we get taken over in the summer ill suck off an horse.

    you can quote me on that.

    I don't believe you, when it was rumoured that MON had been sacked, Shillzz said he would bed a donkey if it was true. Then it was confirmed and he let us all down. All he did was change his profile picture to the one from Shrek. MON really has ruined our club in so many ways


    Well he didn't post a picture of the lady in question - how do you know she wasn't a donkey (or looked like one) :P ??


    **** me - all this judgement on lambert because of Culverhouse and Karsa and it must be poor because he chose them. 



    The rest of your post is right, you make some good points. And I'm actually a fan of Lambert..


    But, yes, it does come down to them being his choice and yes it does reflect badly on him and his judgement. Fundamentally, he chose the people to run the team for him, supposedly he then proceeded to sit in his office and let them run all of the training sessions as our style of football got worse and worse and "allegedly" the people he signed to run the club for him bullied the players, physios, tea ladies and the kitchen sink.


    Of course it reflects poorly upon him. Not least of all for his poor decision making (also shown in three left backs in 4 windows, Helenius, Bowery and Tonev). But also his incompetence to not see it as it was happening, his inability to understand that whatever was going on at these training sessions, bullying or no bullying, was nowhere near working for the club and take action sooner (I'm not even specifically talking suspending Karsa and Culverhouse here, just turning up and taking a hands on approach).


    Not a problem with what you say - I too am a fan of Lambert. I still feel those two were the culpable ones. Let's see on Saturday - we get the performance from the players for the manager and the fans then maybe just maybe there  is a light at the end of this very dark tunnel.

  11. **** me - all this judgement on lambert because of Culverhouse and Karsa and it must be poor because he chose them. 


    If that's the case why did this not happen at Norwich or at Colchester? 


    Maybe just maybe Trent (who I respect and has the  utmost integrity) is correct - those two and only those two are culpable. They undermined Lambert. Norwich with due respect are not a 'big' club but they came to Villa and thought (and became too big for thier boots).


    When you have allegations you CANNOT just sack them without thorough investigation - you'd be taken to the cleaners otherwise.


    Maybe Lambert trusted those two and they betrayed his trust and this is the result. 


    Sometimes managers are not aware of what his staff do - I bet if something like this (bullying etc) is going on at your place unless you make a complaint to your manager they won't know. Maybe the thought that if they complained to Lambert who is 'buddies' with those two then their complaints would be dismissed - and that is just MY opinion.


    Let's see from Saturday onwards - if there is an upturn and the team can then express themselves and perform like they can - why not give them (and Lambert a chance to turn things round).


    So for me I do not lay the blame on Lambert - then I'm a prat as many of you know. :P

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    Jut my opinion but maybe just maybe Culverhouse and Karsa might have undermined Lambert in some way. People say that they suspended Lamberts two buddies - but I think they are just like MON and his 'mates' that went everywhere he went - Robertson and Walford. Just like Little Gregory and Evans. Just a professional team.


    Get the feeling that those two must have been causing some sort of issues and the players as someone said did not get on with them and it affected them and the team!


    Maybe now the players will respond. Possibly issue was not just Lambert but the other two. And before I get the smart arse responses about Lambert - it's my opinion - maybe totally wrong and there is a conspiracy and Lambert is the Anti Christ and has 666 tattooed on his scalp!


    Naz me old cocker - Every body knows the anti christ invented both the wheel & the over head kick both at the same time! ;):P


    Yeah my bad - he must be the son of the Anti Christ!

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    I give my club UNEQUIVACAL support regardless.

    I have booed Ellis



    Notice I said I NEVER BOO A PLAYER - since when has Ellis played for Villa??? Booing a CHAIRMAN is totally different to booing a player before during and after a match!!! (so thanks for removing the part of my sentence where I mention players)

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    New owner would be great news as it would pretty much guarantee Lambert being removed as well.

    I'm hopeful. I think evidence points to a sale over some brilliant plan to be competitive again.

    And I'm really looking forward to you moaning about the new owner and comparing him to Doug (spit!!!) and wanting him back when he doesn't do what you want him too. :P
    Do you even watch the club you support?
    How the **** can you question me??? I've been a fan since I was 4 years old - first game in 1962 - been a fan 52 **** years and you question me??? I've had a season ticket and going longer than you probably. How many games have you been to ths season - I've travelled up from London for EACH and EVERY league game and I've travelled to Villa Park for games when I lived and worked in Kent and Wigan. Shit I even travelled from Turkey and cut my stay with family short so I could watch Villa - so get off your high horse. All you've done all season (and longer) is bitch and moan about Lerner and this player and that player blah de blah. I give my club UNEQUIVACAL support regardless.

    I may not like what Lerner is doing but I put ALL my energy in SUPPORTING the TEAM/CLUB regardless of performance/shit manager/shit owner. I've NEVER BOOED a player - I have booed Ellis cause I know what he is.

    I wonder if you are one of the boo boys??

    See I can make stupid judgmental statements too.

    Take a breath. I wasn't questioning your support or having a go at you, like you did to me.

    You make it sound like I complain for no reason. Yet if you've seen the state of us for the last 4 years surely you'd understand.


    Yes you were - you stated Did I ever watch the team I support - is that not questioning it??? You must have missed my smiley at the end of my first post. If you had done the same to your post I would not have said what I did!


    I've seen the state of us for 52 years - when we were bankrupt and believe me I have seen worse than this. I've seen worse managers/players/owners  I'm not unsympathetic to opinions  (I have my own opinions) - but please don't make a statement about if I ever see Villa play - people who know me know I was against Ellis (I still hate him for the way he treated me) but I NEVER EVER failed to give 100% backing to the TEAM.



    New owner would be great news as it would pretty much guarantee Lambert being removed as well.

    I'm hopeful. I think evidence points to a sale over some brilliant plan to be competitive again.

    And I'm really looking forward to you moaning about the new owner and comparing him to Doug (spit!!!) and wanting him back when he doesn't do what you want him too. :P

    Do you even watch the club you support?


    How the **** can you question me??? I've been a fan since I was 4 years old - first game in 1962 - been a fan 52 **** years and you question me??? I've had a season ticket and going longer than you probably. How many games have you been to ths season - I've travelled up from London for EACH and EVERY league game and I've travelled to Villa Park for games when I lived and worked in Kent and Wigan. Shit I even travelled from Turkey and cut my stay with family short so I could watch Villa - so get off your high horse. All you've done all season (and longer) is bitch and moan about Lerner and this player and that player blah de blah. I give my club UNEQUIVACAL support regardless.


    I may not like what Lerner is doing but I put ALL my energy in SUPPORTING the TEAM/CLUB regardless of performance/shit manager/shit owner. I've NEVER BOOED a player - I have booed Ellis cause I know what he is.


    I wonder if you are one of the boo boys?? 


    See I can make stupid  judgmental statements too.

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  16. New owner would be great news as it would pretty much guarantee Lambert being removed as well.

    I'm hopeful. I think evidence points to a sale over some brilliant plan to be competitive again.

    And I'm really looking forward to you moaning about the new owner and comparing him to Doug (spit!!!) and wanting him back when he doesn't do what you want him too.  :P

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  17. Nice to see him getting the praise he deserves.

    Just goes to show that you should give all players a chance before blindly criticising them.

    The alarm will go off - you'll wake up and stop dreaming - there's not a chance in hell for that to happen you know that don't you? As much chance of that happening as there is of BJ10 saying something nice about Lerner - diddly squat ;) - but I do agree - it's a habit that's hard to break for many1


    Has anyone else ruptured their achilles in the premier league? I can't think of anyone off the top of my head

    Didn't Jermaine Jenas rupture his when he was on loan with us?


    Curtis Davis did for us against Arsenal when Mon was manager. Shit like this happens, no ones fault just really bad luck.



    I'm surprised that people seem to be so sure in their predictions - we've been so inconsistent at home over the past few months that I have no idea what Villa will turn up.

    I guess because our home record shows up as very poor over the last few years. The team have done nothing to really suggest that it will pick up the win required at the weekend. We have lost more often than we have won over the last few seasons, so it is fair for most to assume that a loss is more likely than a victory. If Fulham come and stay organised at the back, I can see them nicking one goal as it is rare that we can keep a clean sheet. Then it is a case of can we score, which we have shown a number of times this year that we struggle to break down teams. I hope I am proven wrong, but I have a bad feeling about this one. It wouldn't be unlike us to throw Fulham a lifeline.




    Re: Markavfc40, your post sums up my feelings perfectly. 


    Well we've beaten West Brom and Norwich fairly recently.


    I'm also sure we beat Chelsea as well but hey let's forget that and focus on the negatives (not you Mantis mate) I actually thought a team consisted of 11 and subs but seems it's now one man and now he's out we are doomed I tell ya doomed!!!




    Ohhhhhh. I get it. He's playing on the fact that some of Tonev's shots at goal sometimes miss the target. Of COURSE!


    With a sprinkle of racism, hilarious isn't it?


    Yeah - I thought this was a site for Villa fans (and fans in general) to discuss football. Didn't realise the EDL had popped in!.


    Racism or Bigotry of any kind is a no no. Even in jest it's not funny. Oh! well suppose some can find humour in that. 


    I can take a joke (and have had to face racism from our own fans). Over reaction - probably - justified - yes. 


    Please fellow fans - less racism and more informed discussion (even if it was said in jest)


    Being a person of the Jewish faith and also being in a minority i hardly call myslf a rascist or and EDL lover!  This is banter or have the PC police finally taken over the asylum!  In fact racism is in itself a faulted theory as the races on planet earth consist of the human race and the animal race!!


    Sorry mate - I'm from an Asian background - and any sort of racism comment even in jest is not on. It's ok making fun of other teams  fans - that is in jest and banter but we don't refer to the race do we. Didn't say you were a racist or edl member - just commented  that that is the sort of comment made by those kind of people who make it out to be a joke but in reality they mean it.


    So sorry if you thought it was directed at you it wasn't - was a general point. And yes I agree about the Human race and animal race.


    There's enough shit aroun

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