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Posts posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. In training highly rated and has great technique but if we don't play him in his right position will be wasted

    That is reassuring at least.

    I want him to succeed, naturally. I just think he'll become an £8M(?) Sasa Curcic.

    I'm worried that he's a luxury player, and one that we can ill afford at present.

  2. Fully appreciate that he's made only three appearances and is still settling in, this is not in question but, can anyone genuinely say that they've been impressed with him so far?

    Honest appraisals would be appreciated, i.e. take away the fact that he's new to the club etc as those things are given already.

    Completely misused in fairness.

    True, but I reckon you could put Wayne Rooney at right back and still be in awe of his ability.

    A top player will come across as being a top player wherever he's played....within reason.

    Playing SI, who is a midfielder, in midfield should not pose a massive problem to him.

  3. Fully appreciate that he's made only three appearances and is still settling in, this is not in question but, can anyone genuinely say that they've been impressed with him so far?

    Honest appraisals would be appreciated, i.e. take away the fact that he's new to the club etc as those things are given already.

  4. We really are easily pleased aren't we.

    It says it all really that before I even viewed this thread I knew there would be multiple posts concerning the 20 yard run he went on.

    That was all he did in what, 75 minutes?

    I remember Ulisys De La Cruz doing something similar once......it may have even ended up as a goal, bring him back.

  5. I see the club are trying to flog special deals for the Bolton game under the premise of "welcoming the new manager to Villa Park". They've been very careful in their choice of words, eg "Gerard Houllier will be in attendance" (ie, not actually working as manager) but to me it all smacks a bit of false advertising.

    What? Seriously?? You mean that an advertisement might not be 100% factual?

    Shit man, I wondered why I didn't have hordes of women chasing after me once I'd sprayed myself with Lynx!

    I see that with a new regime in place we still have the same old negativity though eh? If nothing else you are consistent Risso.

  6. not sure if this has been posted by henrywinter has posted on twitter:

    henrywinter Patrice Bergues following Houllier to #AVFC. #Liverpool players really enjoyed Bergues training sessions (tho he did recommend buying Diouf)

    tbf,Diouf had a good world cup and other teams where after him..

    ....and he's still playing premier league football.....

  7. The fact is that 4th to 8th is a bit of a lottery, and there's not much between the teams.

    Man City and Spuds have got the firepower but the former haven't formed a team yet, and the latter overachieved last season and have distractions this.

    Plop are in decline, but can always put up a fight.

    Everton have the work ethic.

    If we finished 4th I wouldn't be surprised, but then nor would I if we finished 8th.

    Spot on!

    Also, thanks TT! Myself and a few of the lads in the office are £100 odd better off following your instinct last week re: GH!! :)

  8. Seems like the General is suffering a rather acute case of verbal diarrhea. I think for all concerned he'd be best advised to keep his mouth shut with regard to (over)reacting to every negative comment he reads on a message board. I would have thought that he would have realised by now that it's the negativity of football based forums that keeps the things alive. And as for Houllier getting scared off by a few negative online comments, if he does he's not the man for the job. Time to duck your head back below the parapet General, me thinks.

    Agreed. This is embarrassing.

    Of course it must be the Gen that is the embarrassment throughout all of this, couldn't possibly be the section of fans that have brought this outburst about that are the embarrassment.

    I know which of the two I find more embarrassing, and it isn't Krulak's response however naieve it may be.

  9. The only time he didn't look any good was at Man City when he was working under that despotic Shinawatra (spl) and you can hardly blame him for that.

    He was ultimately shit for England and didn't achieve what many expected from that group of players, he was subsequently shit with Mexico and a catastrophe with the Ivory Coast.

    3 of his last 4 jobs have been atrocious and you're only as good as your last piece of work.

    Sven is after paydays now, jobs which will further set his family up for the rest of eternity financially, he is, for me the very definition of a football mercenary.

    I know it's all about opinions but I find it laughable that anyone in their right mind could honestly want him at VP, particularly off the back of our 'sell to buy' transfer policy and strict wage structure.

  10. To be fair to Staunton's record as Irish coach I blame the FAI more than him. Staunton had f-all experience when he was hired. The FAI thought he'd learn the ropes working alongside Bobby Robson. Bobby sadly got sick and instead of doing the intelligent thing and hiring another highly experienced manager to mentor Staunton the goons let him run things solo which lead to disaster.

    What I'm hoping for is that it's a trial period for Houllier. That at the end of the season we can all reassess the season we had. That There can be an amicable split if it's not working out with say half the remaining contract being paid up. Then someone else can be approached.

    Maybe the club realise that there isn't any way the can get a manager they really want at the beginning of a season like this, and Houllier has the potential to be either a success or failure.

    Bloody hell mate, every single game is a trial period for a football manager, they can be fired just as quickly as they're hired!

    What makes you think GH would leave a cushy number in his home country to come and manage Aston Villa on a 'trial period', he's earned the right to be treated with the respect of not being put on a probation period.

  11. To be fair to Staunton's record as Irish coach I blame the FAI more than him. Staunton had f-all experience when he was hired. The FAI thought he'd learn the ropes working alongside Bobby Robson. Bobby sadly got sick and instead of doing the intelligent thing and hiring another highly experienced manager to mentor Staunton the goons let him run things solo which lead to disaster.

    What I'm hoping for is that it's a trial period for Houllier. That at the end of the season we can all reassess the season we had. That There can be an amicable split if it's not working out with say half the remaining contract being paid up. Then someone else can be approached.

    Maybe the club realise that there isn't any way the can get a manager they really want at the beginning of a season like this, and Houllier has the potential to be either a success or failure.

    Bloody hell mate, every single game is a trial period for a football manager, they can be fired just as quickly as they're hired!

    What makes you think GH would leave a cushy number in his home country to come and manage Aston Villa on a 'trial period', he's earned the right to be treated with the respect of not being put on a probation period.

  12. People are yet to give a good reason why they dislike Thompson so much?

    Just because he is a Liverpool fan? Do you think Alex Ferguson is a Man Utd fan? Do you think Mourinho hesitated putting one over his old team when he is clearly and always will be a Chelsea fan? Christ...he refers to them as ''my team''! But did that stop him knopcking them out the Champians League...did it ****!!!

    These guys are professionals, i could care less if Phil Thompson still has a season ticket at Anfield, as long as he does well for Villa.

    People just need to remember that these guys are more than capable of seperating their support for a team with there job!

    For me it has nothing to do with who he supports or what accent he has. It is to do with the fact that he has not one positive, and quite a few negative, things to say about Villa in all the time he has been a pundit.

    When he talks about Villa it comes across as we are a nothing club, something of not much relevance who have never achieved and will never achieve anything and who should be grateful for merely being in the premier league

    Have heard Thompson call us a big club that has greatly underachieved in 20 years. He is just giving his opinion.

    Also it is Pot Kettle Black with you as im sure Thonpson has been more positive about us in last few months than you

    How irritating that people seem unable to distinguish between two trains of thought.

    I tell you waht you go away and search my posts and tell me where I have not had one positive thing to say about ASTON VILLA. Or where all I am saying is negative things abour ASTON VILLA or where I have suggested that we should be happy to merely be in the premier league, ASTON VILLA, that is.

    Keep searching.

    I have been highly critical of Randy Lerner, I have been critical of Krulak, I have been critical of the board and their PR and handling of this whole affair, I have even been critical of MON at times and his decisions, I have been critical of the appointment of Houllier and especially Thompson. I have been critical of Macdonald when he was caretaker and the choices he made.

    Tell me is that Aston Villa, or individuals charged with various functions in the club?

    I was critical of Doug Ellis, I was extremely critical of David O'leary did that make me negative towards Aston Villa at that time do you think?

    In fact let me tell you it didn't then and it doesn't now.

    Randy Lerner is not Aston Villa

    Krulak is not Aston Villa

    Oleary was not Aston Villa

    Ellis is not (and never will be) Aston Villa

    there is a huge difference between being critical of people involved in the running of the club and being negative towards the club, never saying one thing positive REGARDLESS OF THE PERCEPTION OF SOME, or the myth that others would like to perpetuate.

    Being critical is allowed. Having an opinion which is not the popular one is also allowed and should continue to be allowed without people getting all shirty that because you are not happy with their beloved Randy that you hate Villa and are being negative about the club.

    There is a world of difference and the difference between my opinions and those that I have said I do not like by Thompson is, quite frankly, a universe apart.

    The fact that some people on here cannot understand that is to their immense discredit

    Trouble is though Richard, by the admittance of your own timeline of negativity it's been some serious years since you were last positive about any aspect of the incumbents of what are the most important positions at the club (i.e. Manager, Chairman, Board Member etc).

    Whether you like it or not RL owns this club now, he stumped up millions of pounds to buy them when many of our 'fans' can't even be arsed to pay £25 (odd) for a matchday ticket.

    Whether you like it or not, he is Aston Villa at the moment. He makes all the decisions that effect us greatly, this line of "I was here long before and I'll be here long after" just doesn't actually mean anything, it's been made up by fans to justify their obsession as being more important than an owners millions.

  13. Cups are cups mate.

    If you think the Charity Shield and the European Super Cup are actual honours you are mistaken. One is a one legged pre-season exhibition game the other is a two legged exhibition game that rarely attracts even a TV camera


    Euro super cup is a one off match and attracts cameras easily. Been on the BBC for past few years and was on Sky this time round.

    I was trying to see where he was coming from with that one myself.

    So what really, its still an exhibition game.

    Oh well, I'll disregard it from our plethora of European titles then.

  14. Cups are cups mate.

    If you think the Charity Shield and the European Super Cup are actual honours you are mistaken. One is a one legged pre-season exhibition game the other is a two legged exhibition game that rarely attracts even a TV camera


    Euro super cup is a one off match and attracts cameras easily. Been on the BBC for past few years and was on Sky this time round.

  15. I think it's an interesting one. I'm neither elated nor disappointed, time wil tell obviously as to the overall merit of the decision but I certainly think we can and should try to look at this positively and get behind the new manager, let's get some more bums on seats at VP and start moving on as a club again.

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