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Posts posted by bannedfromHandV

  1. 1 minute ago, OutByEaster? said:

    It doesn't matter how many don't renew - the club are not selling any new season tickets this year - non-renewals won't be offered for re-sale.

    Oh right, I’d missed that thanks and also, pissed right on my chips too.

    So as a current non ST holder but in the queue for one, how or when can I get one?!

    • Sad 1
  2. How many do we reckon won’t renew? Can’t see it being many with what’s on the horizon for next season.

    Last update I had (last year) I think I’d moved up to around 650th in the queue, be surprised if that many don’t renew but hoping I’ll be in the first 200 in the queue once the dust has settled.

  3. I’m not a ST holder and I get it, no one likes paying more for the ‘same’ but is circa 5% really that heinous given that we’re seemingly going full throttle to be one of the top 7-8 clubs in the country on a consistent basis? How do the costs compare with the other top 7 or so clubs I wonder.

  4. 2 hours ago, MrBlack said:

    Assuming this guy becomes the new buyer, I don't understand why he'd pick Everton over Palace?

    They will have a new ground, sure, but they're going to have to sell all their players and likely end up relegated next season. He'll have to take on or write off a huge amount of debt.  I'd have thought Palace have the better prospects and they're based in London.

    The ceiling for Everton is much higher, it’s a risk / reward situation, if you can go in there, turn it around and get them back into the upper half of the league and challenging for Europe then you could make a good return, coupled with the new stadium of course.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, stewiek2 said:

    They're royally foooked. They need to shift 100m of players by end of June or face another points reduction and I'm sure 777 Partners aren't going to just let them off that 200m.

    But it hasn’t been positioned as them loaning them the money has it? Hence my confusion over what the arrangement actually is 

    • Like 1
  6. I really don’t get this whole process with 777, it’s left me wondering if it was all a sham from the outset but to what end? 

    What have 777 gotten out of the alleged £200M+ that they’ve already ‘invested’ in the club, money that has basically kept the club afloat this season and avoiding administration I assume. How does this factor into the PSR rules and how is it any different to any other ‘owner/investor’ deciding to pump millions into a club? 

    Just seems utterly bizarre to me. How much more than the £200M+ they’ve already put in would they have needed to finalise the purchase, if the money already spent hasn’t gone toward the overall sale price then again, why? What the flying heck have 777 gotten out of this other than being £200M down?! 

    • Like 2
  7. 15 hours ago, villa4europe said:

    The thing with Ollie is you might spend the same as you get for him and replace his goals, you might even better his goals, you might better his chances conversion rate - you won't better his work rate, you won't better his pressing or off the ball running

    Also same as always, who are we selling him to? Arsenal, Liverpool, utd, Chelsea? They all become better teams for signing him, it would be a disaster for us 

    You also won’t beat his physical resilience, I mean considering how often he puts his body on the line and gets kicked by defenders all over the pitch, his lack of injuries to date is remarkable.

    • Like 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, Keyblade said:

    If he didn't come into the team in early 17/18, I maintain we wouldn't have mounted a promotion charge that season. We were awful starting with Hogan up front, and was looking like Bruce was going to be sacked.

    I’ve said it before but his debut against Norwich was one of the best I’ve ever seen and filled me with such hope for him! Naturally, he didn’t score in the match but was a constant menace and handful for the Norwich defence, something that continued into his next few appearances.

    I really do think the difference between Keinan Davis as-is and Keinan Davis being a big name player in the PL is simply injury, he has the tools to be unplayable.

    • Like 3
  9. What was that one year extension all about a few months ago then? 

    Great bloody news tho, the good times just keep rolling

  10. 13 minutes ago, Villatillidie95 said:

    Meslier on the cheap might be someone good to go for.....24 years old, huge amounts of experience, french international youth team player....improvement on olsen

    Absolutely not

    • Like 2
    • Shocked 1
  11. 9 minutes ago, Chindie said:

    He was attempting to mock me critiquing Labour's right wing leadership. He thinks the opposite.

    Bit of a stretch to deem it right wing at this stage, you may well be proved correct over time but at the moment it’s just more right-leaning than it was previously, now considering under Corbyn it was probably about as left as could be, coming back toward the middle with a slightly more right wing approach isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

    I don’t know how it’s done or if it even can ever realistically be achieved but I really wish we could move away from categorising everything in such binary terms, it just creates division and leaves little room for compromise.

    • Like 3
  12. 8 hours ago, Demitri_C said:


    The sun will try take credit for helping labour win.

    I remember years ago a labour mp ripped up a sun news paper and the sun was going nits about it. Massive respect to that man

    Bet that was a hairy moment 

    • Haha 1
  13. At least when we usually sign / get linked to underwhelming names we can at least kid ourselves that they might work out okay.

    But, we’ve been here before, as far as I see it in the 3 years since he’s left he’s had one good half of a season for Luton, in a team whereby you would expect even him to stand out. I trust Emery and the transfer crew, everything they’ve done to date has had a positive effect on the team, so on that basis we have to give it the benefit of the doubt but feels a bit iffy to me.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Rustibrooks said:

    No surprise 


    Hopefully he can secure a permanent transfer and we can get a decent fee for him

    I think we’ll be lucky to get anything north of 3 or 4 million, wouldn’t even be surprised to see him leave on some sort of free transfer 

    • Like 1
  15. Not that it matters but we could get absolutely turned over today. We don’t have a great record at Palace, although did win last season there I think, they’re absolutely flying at the moment with Olise, Eze and Mateta easily the most dangerous front line in the division right now. We’re almost certainly going to be in party mode, I don’t really care if we lose but just don’t want a pasting to end the season, although it would bookend the season somewhat having been battered in the opening match.

    • Like 1
  16. Stockport will not have a couple of million to spend on a single player, I’m not privy to the inner workings of their finances but I feel fairly confident in that.

    Not sure what kind of deal we can expect to see with that in mind.

  17. On 13/05/2024 at 23:25, maltesemike said:

    He’s not just playing amazingly well, he’s also becoming a leader. His fight and determination is an excellent example. This guy really cares and I agree that he’s our best player.


    His persona on the pitch now is just insanely different to how he was when he arrived. An absolute leader and of late, a warrior.

    Him coming on against Lille away will linger long in the memory, shouting at everyone that we had time, as so it proved. Even on Monday night, I don’t like to see players arguing but that fracas between him and Ollie after he clearly should have left the ball for an onside Diaby to run on to, it just shows how much he cares, his passion for the club / shirt.

    That’s before you even get into how good he’s been and the return on key statistics, he’s been electric at times, defenders now back off because they know he can destroy them. Sure he’s gone missing at times but if he didn’t he’d be one of the top players in world football and likely not still here come the start of next season.

    Unbelievable turnaround and hopefully the blueprint for Diaby to follow.

    • Like 4
  18. 1 hour ago, DaoDeMings said:

    7-11 year olds not heading the ball to protect their developing brains doesn't sound like the worst idea in the world to me

    And what happens when they get to 12 years old and suddenly have to start heading the ball having had no training on how to do so properly?

    Or do you think it should be eradicated from the game entirely? 

  19. FA now phasing out ALL heading at grassroots level (ages 7-11).

    It won’t be long before it’s all just virtualised through computers to make sure no one ever gets hurt, because heaven forbid, someone might get hurt voluntarily playing a contact sport.

    • Confused 1
  20. 1 hour ago, OutByEaster? said:

    Well, now you mention it, they're not, they're a different category to the proper shares and they don't have any voting rights.

    It looks like they just gave him 3% of the club as payment for putting his face out front.

    From his perspective it isn't a bad deal; you get given a tiny chunk of a company that's not worth much, you increase its value by having your famous name and face associated with it and then when you sell up your 3% generates you a nice profit.

    It does make me wonder though, how long are they looking to be involved? Tom won't have taken that deal on the promise of money in ten or fifteen years time you'd have thought.

    It’s a private equity group, there is no long term with them. Buy and flip for profit and when it reaches the point where this is no longer viable they’ll just cut their losses as best possible.

    It’s all for show, I’m sure of it, they have no intention to build a new stadium themselves, just to create the possibility for it, thus increasing the potential value of the business for the next chump to purchase:

    • Like 1
  21. What little you can piece together would seem to suggest he doesn’t seem to be overly keen on staying, for whatever reason. At the awards night he posted something about a ‘final dinner’ - now I get it, he could easily have meant last one of the season but it didn’t say that, it said final. Added to his deleting all reference to Villa on his socials earlier in the season, the links with Chelsea and this ongoing liking of Chelsea related content, yeah I can well see him leaving.

    Shame as he’s got plenty of potential but he’s clearly something of a loose cannon both on and off the pitch, I wouldn’t be too upset for him to go Chelsea if he is going to leave, I think there’s as much chance he fades into obscurity there as there is him being successful.

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