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Posts posted by V01

  1. My daily weigh in was 0.5 kg lower than yesterday despite stuffing my face again yesterday. Taken me back above 15st but only just. Going to try to have a good deficit today to make up some of the difference from earlier in the week. 

  2. The diet was sabotaged again today.


    Called to the control room expecting to grab the master keys and unlock some doors for someone, turns out one of the lads had brought in a load of chicken pakora, katlama and chicken curry. My refusal didn't last long enough for me leave before I demolished a large helping of everything. Came home and there was a plate of chilli waiting for me, absolutely stuffed.


    I think I've hit the stage where the easy weight has gone and my love of food is winning over my motivation to get rid of this last stone or two.

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  3. Father in law went in to hospital on Monday for a heart bypass, the missus has been taking the nipper to school in the morning then going to her mum's/the hospital for the rest of day leaving me to pick the nipper up and take her to her various after school activities. 


    In this time I've managed to catch a cold, definitely blaming the bug factories at the nippers school for that. 

    Today I asked the missus if there was anything on after school today and what's for dinner. She answered in the negative on both accounts so I did myself a couple of sirloin steaks for lunch and defrosted some Chinese style pork steaks for dinner. As I sat there stuffed feeling smug I'd managed to fit these meals under my calorie goal for the day with room for a small lapse in discipline later my mum called to check what time to book the table for after I pick up nipper. I've ended up being 800 calories over after refusing a pudding, on the bright side I really enjoyed my bbq platter and bottle of cider and I had weighed in a whole pound lighter than my weekly average today breaking through the 15st barrier. 


    Oh well I'll be fat a little while longer. 

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  4. 22 minutes ago, Xela said:

    I think the most pints I ever managed in one night was 10 or 11... Guinness both times. Once at the Hard Rock Cafe in Birmingham (was shitting tar the next day) and the other in The Crown in Belfast on a mates stag.

    in terms of spirits, on one night out some work colleague reckoned I guzzled 20 plus JD & Cokes... over the course of about 12 hours, mind you. 

    Nowadays... 2 pints and i'm yawning and wake up with a stonking headache.

    Most I've done in a session is 25 pints of Guinness, Euro 2004 in the local from open until close. Don't remember much else.

    Spirits wise I polished off a bottle of JD at home at a little get together and blamed everyone else for drinking it, that was a messy night.


    Now it's a bit different I barely go out/drink, might have a few bitter shandies or couple of bottles of cider but it hits me when I do.

  5. 41 minutes ago, Paddywhack said:

    To kill the last 10 minutes of my working day I've tried to name as many Villa players as I could that start with B (Surnames). I only got 14.

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    Baker, Berson, Balaban, Bosnich, Betrand, Bouma, Berger, Barry, Bannan, Bree, Bunn, Birch, Bent, Benteke



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