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Posts posted by V01

  1. Woke up randomly at 3:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. Ended up smashing an hour and half of destiny before work. Then rushing home for a quick half hour before I had to take the nipper to self defence. 


    Love the montage you get if you use your og destiny character. 

    There's a map. 

    No need to return to orbit to go to the next mission/activity. 


    I'm already addicted. 

  2. 1 hour ago, wazzap24 said:

    It's been nigh on 24 hours and I still couldn't sum up just how amazing Twin Peaks: The Return has been, but this article comes pretty close. 

    It wasn't just a TV show, it was like nothing I've ever seen and I'm not sure anything will ever come close to it again, Unless Lynch decides to go back in one more time. 

    A total and utter triumph. 

    Oh and fair play to Showtime, I doubt there are many 'mainstream' TV networks that would ever be brave enough to commission and show something like this. 



    Finished it earlier


    Still haven't got a scooby what was going on.

  3. My boss had a heart attack or a precursor to one at work yesterday.


    Wouldn't mind him being off work for a while if he wasn't responsible for my end of probation appraisal.


    Also on a sidenote, The Mrs changing her mind the other night was only a wobble, we're now back on the same page.

  4. 7 hours ago, Ingram85 said:

    I'm guessing she may be more than a little hormonal and emotional at the moment perhaps dude? Just be there for her chap.

    Just out of curiosity, and tell me to bugger off if you need to, why do you both not want to keep it? Why would she change her mind? You both happy together?

    Already have a 6 year old, We don't have room, I started a new job 6 months ago, She'll be 40 when it's due, We can't really afford another one, and all the upheaval that a pregnancy/another child brings. 

    Don't know

    Things aren't perfect by any stretch but we're content.

  5. Come home from work this afternoon to the wife in tears, she's pregnant from the only time we've had sex in ages. 

    She tries to push the decision on to me as I'm trying to be supportive and find out what she wants, eventually she comes out and says she doesn't want it. Fair enough, probably the best decision given the circumstances. I was 50/50 on it, maybe 60/40 against. 

    Came to bed tonight and she asks if I'd leave her if she kept it. 


    WTF we've been married 9 years and I've always been faithful so I don't know where she gets that idea and way to spin me through a loop when I've got an early start in the morning.

  6. accepted every extra shift my boss has asked me to do this month pretty much all mornings too, ended up with me having 4 days off for the month(4th, 14th, 15th ,27th). Emailed the boss asking if I can work nights next month as the constant 5:30 alarms have been quite draining. 

    Checked my rota for next month 8 afternoons in a row so no day off until the 9th and nothing for the last week of the month yet so I'm stuck having to accept extra shifts to make up my contracted hours.


    Tried to phone the boss to see if I can get my full shifts for the month if not a proper working week and it won't connect to even give me an unavailable message.

  7. 3 minutes ago, wazzap24 said:

    It's good, but no way it beats legion, let alone Twin Peaks. 

    It might hit the heights of the Leftovers, but that's a high bar too and Ray Donovan is back. 

    It might scrape the top 6 at the end of the year, bit like the Villa :D


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  8. The Admiral was visiting one of his ships. When having tea he noticed that every biscuit has the ship's insignia embossed on it. He is impressed and calls the cook to ask him how he does this.

    Cook: When rolling the biscuits I slap each one onto my belt buckle before putting them in the oven.

    Admiral: That’s pretty unhygienic.

    Cook: In that case sir, I’d suggest you skip the doughnuts.

  9. 7 hours ago, Stevo985 said:

    Completed my Gwent collection today! :hooray:


    Should hopefully speed the whole thing up for me as I was spending a lot of time playing Gwent as I hated the idea of missing a card.

    Now I can pretty much ignore it and get on with the story.


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