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Posts posted by useless

  1. For those that like HBO dramas there's a new one starting tomorrow called True Detective starring Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey. I'm having difficulty understanding what it's meant to be about but seems it has something to do with a 17 year serial killer hunt, as far TV shows go though HBO seem to be quite good so we shall see.

  2. I don't see an owner giving figures out to a "secret footballer" or any other footballer.


    Yeh I agree, I read on a bit and the suggestion was that this so called 'Secret Footballer' is Dave Kitson, so not sure what he'd have to do with anything regarding the sale of any club.

  3. I found this which is apparently a quote from the 'Secret Footballer', on a Wolverhampton Wanderers talkboard, apart from the owner being willing to sell up for 40 Million, everything else sounds like it could describe us.



    "My first call was to the owner of a big Midlands club that have been down on their luck for some time. They pull in huge crowds, have planning permission to take their capacity close to 50,000 and offer first-class training facilities. There’s a huge amount of work that goes into these deals but the starting point is always a friendly call followed by lunch. During that lunch the owner told me that he had other interests that he wanted to pursue and that maybe it was time for someone new to come in, throw some money at the club and see what happened. “What would you want for it?” I asked. He didn’t hesitate, “Lock, stock and barrel, I’d take £40m,” he said. For a broker whose business would net between 10 and 20 per cent of any deal, that’s a hell of a payday

  4. Here's a showreel of what he can do, for anyone who hasn't seen already.


    Maybe if he does sign it's would be mostly to replace Bowery in the pecking order, and challenge Weimann.


    Telegraph put an article saying Hoolahan had put in a transfer request, but now it's been removed.


    Screenshot? As far as I can see on here and twitter you are the only one who spotted it... :detect:



    Here's a link the actual article has gone, but if you look in the address bar you can see the headline, I've no idea why they'd put it up then remove it.


    Just the description of that Salo film put me of my dinners for like a century, no way I could watch it. It's released on Criterion as well who put out a lot of good movies. The guy who made it was murdered shortly after as well.

    Assassinated, some would say. Here is a rather wonderful song by Coil on the subject


    As it happens, I quite like Salo. The BFI blu ray I have of it I would recommend to mostly anyone, it looks incredible, and features a bunch of documentarys about the movie and director that help with the (as pointed out above) 'why'.


    Yeh,  just read it's meant to be based on a book by Marquis De Sade who's name the word sadism comes from (T think?) so that gives people an idea,


    The whole film has been posted on Youtube by several users, if anybody wants to try it, you have to sign in, of course.

  7. Just the description of that Salo film put me of my dinners for like a century, no way I could watch it. It's released on Criterion as well who put out a lot of good movies. The guy who made it was murdered shortly after as well.

  8. Stephen Fletcher's agent has mentioned some premier teams are interested in taking him from Sunderland, I thought it might be us at first with Kozák being injured, but then thought probably most likely not. Maybe West Ham.


    Article on the Daily Mail site mentions Spurs, Hull and Celtic being interested and that Sunderland want around ten mill.

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