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Posts posted by useless


    I'd seen on their forums that apparently the richest guy in China was meant to interested, part of the Dalian Group I think it was.

    I heard something but didn't believe it.



    I think this Dalian Group already have interests in the area and that's how the rumours began. It kind of reminded me of the whole QIA thing with us, so I didn't really believe it myself. Now with press reporting it you never know, I guess it's looking more likely.


    There was something about somebody buying 25 percent of them on the Birmingham Mail website the other day, but looking at their forum there doesn't seem to be any reaction to it whatsoever, the fans must just be numb to it all by now.  It's about time they were punished.

    Carson Yeung owns 26%.

    They can't find the shareholders who own a fairly large lump of the club. They are somewhere in deepest China.



    Deary me, that's no way to look after your shares. Here's the article if anyone is interested, although it's not that interesting, I guess you could say their fans are right to be blasé about it all.


    And all the best to Yeovil for today :)

  3. Might be harder for him to as impressive in our team as Chelsea but I'm sure he'll do fantastically well. Maybe his presence around the place might bring out the best in the other young guys as well.


    I'd prefer it if didn't have to load players but we need to do whatever we need to do to get us over the line and then into the summer at which time hopefully Randy has mapped it all out so we've reached a staged where we are able to invest in the team one way or another.


    Is it all something to with Apoptosis? Maybe the lack of regeneration is some sort of safe guard against tumors? 


    Apparently it (regeneration/replacement) just does more harm than good. The brain is complex and regeneration would cause too many potential problems. Although, from what I've seen, some studies suggest it does happen in animals and possibly in humans but there isn't enough evidence to suggest the latter. You seem to reach a certain point after birth and your brain closes up shop and you're left with what you've got for life - which is why plasticity is important.


    Although could new cells be put in via external processes? Probably been tried already (stem cell research all that).



    Yeah I think after certain point the brain kills a load of neurons as well (a form of apoptosis) if I've read up correctly I think it basically kills of all the ones it thinks you don't need, for example I've read that very young children are able distinguish between Chimpanzees in the same way we would distinguish between different humans, but this gets lost after a certain age when Apoptosis as occurred. So I guess it must have some reason for keeping a lid on everything.


    I wouldn't know about adding foreign foreign cells, I guess that has something to do with embryonic stem cells as you mention.

  5. Question that will likely go unanswered #1: does anyone know any good articles (etc.) about cell regeneration, 'specially in the brain?


    I don't of any articles but maybe searching for brain plasticity, might help. thinking about it you probably mean something else maybe search for mitosis in the brain?

  6. No PM for me please, I'm on a slow boat to China regarding the signings lets hold it back and see how it all plays out. I'm sorta glad it isn't Dann though I was starting to Worry than Lambert was degenerating into Mcleish. Who was the guy who used to play for Peterborough and was a big VIlla fan? Sean St Ledger?? I reckon Moore as mentioned might more likely though if Lambert can afford him.

  7. Strange how Dann and Johnson both did so well with small heath, both got linked with big clubs, but both ended up getting relegated in Johnson's case twice and now both could be battling to avoid another relegation this season. I didn't realise he was only 26 though could be astute buy.


    I recently finished reading the Great Gatsby and whilst I was still in the zone I decided to watch the movie. I liked the actors, looking at it though it didn't feel like I was watching something from the 1920's I easily knew it was all recent without even thinking about it. Plus it kind of had cartoonish feel to it, that and the soundtrack made it feel completely out of wack with the book for me.


    I adore the book, really, I've read it a gazillion times, and I've no intention of ever watching the films.


    No reason for it to be a film, tbh.



    Your not missing out in my view, I probably should have just read another of Fitzgerald's books if I was still in that frame of mind. If the movie is peoples only experience of the story then that's too sad and they're missing out majorly.



    According to an article in the Guardian, Morrison is on Fifteen grand a week at West Ham, but if  a club were to bid Ten Million for him then there is a clause in his contract that says his wages have to be raised to Sixty grand a week.  


    That would be a pretty bizarre clause.


    Could we just troll West Ham by bidding £10m but not agreeing terms with Morrison, thus adding £45k pw to the West Ham wage bill?




    Exactly what I was going to say!



    Here's the article that mentions it, in the fourth paragraph. Does seem bizarre though, maybe there's more to it.

  10. Yeah thanks guys, I've seen the photo's now, strange that all the photos get released after I mention it, well not that strange really. The latest I've just been reading on the Saints board is that one of their high profile players has some sort of release clause in his contract should Cortese leave. He must be quite some guy with so many people tying their future to his.

  11. According to an article in the Guardian, Morrison is on Fifteen grand a week at West Ham, but if  a club were to bid Ten Million for him then there is a clause in his contract that says his wages have to be raised to Sixty grand a week. So I'd imagine he would want pretty high wages from his next move.


    Diame is the player I like at West Ham, again probably out of our league as it stands.

  12. I don't think there's anything in the Red Bull talk anyway, at all whatsoever. When Collymore tweeted about it the other day I was hoping that would lead to a discussion on National radio, which might have forced the club to come out and deny the rumours.


    Also this link might be of interest it basically has Houllier denying that Red Bull want to buy an English club, although he does mention "It would be better to follow the example of RB Leipzig" which might suggest they could be interested in a lower league club.


    But as I say I wouldn't be surprised if there is something abroad regarding the ownership the fixation is RB at the moment but I'm sure there will be others who might be interested.

  13. Cortese wouldn't be buying any club himself the Liebherrs are the money people at Southampton, he'd be brought in with a consortium of wealthy backers. But like I said I think the suggestion is that he might going to AC Milan or if Katharina sells up then back to Saints.

  14. I think people are barking up the wrong tree with Cortese, I think the feeling is that he might end up at Milan, there's even talk that he could return to Southampton as part of new consortium. But as I say with everything now I think it's pointing to Randy's departure I guess it's just a question of how long will it take and lets hope it's all for the best.

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