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Posts posted by useless

  1. I was reading the villa blog just now and someone there had mentioned that he'd heard something was going on behind the scenes regarding a takeover and his guess was that it might involve Cortese so maybe thats where it started. Someone else on there claimed that they too had also heard what he mentions, not the part about Cortese though. But with or without the rumours I've a feeling that something might be on the horizon.

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  2. I recently finished reading the Great Gatsby and whilst I was still in the zone I decided to watch the movie. I liked the actors, looking at it though it didn't feel like I was watching something from the 1920's I easily knew it was all recent without even thinking about it. Plus it kind of had cartoonish feel to it, that and the soundtrack made it feel completely out of wack with the book for me.

  3. I re-watched the first episode of True Detective because I think missed a few important things, I guess you could say it has slight se7en feel to it, all episodes directed by the same guy so it's almost going to be like an eight hour film, it's easily looking great though.

  4. solentsport: It is now our understanding that Nicola Cortese has left Southampton football club after #saintsfc owner accepted his resignation


    Solent is the local radio I think. It's now been confirmed officially be Southampton.

  5. I've been trying to follow it all on this Southampton thread. But it's really quite confusing, too many theories to mention. Interestingly though it seems none of the Southampton fans know what owner Katharina Liebherr looks like as their isn't a single picture of her in the public domain.


    Hopefully they can keep it together and beat Sunderland over the weekend though.


    Apparently Cardiff or Fulham could be trying to get Ravel Morrison from West Ham, I thought he'd moved up in the world and would be on his way to a bigger club. The article suggests that if someone bids ten million then West Ham have to increase wages from Fifteen thousand a week to Sixty Thousand.


    That would be a strange contract incentive to give him. It'll only encourage him to court interest from other clubs. 


    I'm not sure he's as good as the media like to say he is. 



    Yes, I had him down as a decent player, but thinking about it after I posted I wondered if he was one these so called MOTD players who look better in highlights.

  7. Norwich were a good footballing side WITH Holt under PL !!!


    I agree. When Lambert was appointed I made a point of watching as many Norwich games as I could and I thought they were really impressive. Even when playing long balls they were more floated onto Holt's chest so he could bring people like Hoolahan and Pilkington into play.

  8. Thou shalt not halt holt's pole vault into the holte!


    Whenever I saw him play for Norwich especially under Lambert he looked really decent, held the ball up really well for people like Hoolahan and Pilkington to run onto. A lot of the long balls were floated onto his chest rather than hit aimlessly. We'll just have to wait and see how he gets on.


    By 'proper man' maybe Lambert just means someone who'll get the rest of the guys out their shells a bit, who knows.


    I think until someone decides to buy from Randy we'll just have to get used to these kind of signings.

  9. I'm not sure even Red Bull would be able to compete financially with some the leagues richest clubs.


    I'd have thought this 90 million shares thing would be more of an indication of somethings up, than anything Stan Collymore might say though.

  10. I thought that True Detective was really good, at times I thought Woody Harrelson seemed to ever so slightly over-act, hearing those train noises in the background reminded me of the WIre, I was expecting it to mean something bad was going to happen.


    Apparently a new season has already been granted but will have a completely new cast of characters, but with actors only having to commit to a season it means they can get in the big names who'd otherwise have other commitments.

  11. Before last night I'd never heard of our new friend Depay. My recent outlook has been that Lerner wants out and we wont  be seeing any big signings until he's out the door, this would make me wonder though. My inclination is to doubt the whole thing, I reckon the whole getting a player on loan for cheap wages is the more likelier scenario, not that I'm trying to be gloomy for the sake of it, Hoolahan might be just the ticket in the short term, team just needs to relax, breath and expand.

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