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Posts posted by MrDuck

  1. I'd be quite happy with Fat Sam. I reckon he'd do well at a decent sized club, plus he knows how to organise a defence. And as you say, Sam would never have done so badly with our squad as Monsieur Foot-in-Mouth has done.

  2. Go for me, at the end of the season -which equates to stay the way this poll is laid out.

    Could do with modifying.

    Too late to sack him now, but I really hope he goes come the season's end. We've had some tools managing this club over the years, but he is really taking the piss now.

  3. I'm too young to remember anything about him really.

    You should spend a while checking out some of the footage of him on Youtube. One of the all time greats. For what he did for Liverpool as a player and a manager he deserves all the accolades you can throw at him. King Kenny indeed. He represents all that was so good about Liverpool in the 70's/80's, when they were actually respected (rather than laughed at) worldwide for the way they did everything - both on and off the field.

  4. Would agree with a fair amount of it but sacking GH now would damage the clubs reputation significantly.

    That, for me, is why I would pull back for now.

    How would it damage our reputation? If anything, showing this cut-throat attitude toward anything below-par will represent our high standards and ambitions

    Frankly I'd rather a damaged reputation than relegation, which is what we'll get if Houllier doesn't get his shit together sharp-ish.

  5. Excellent article.

    I must admit that despite not liking the appointment, despite recent results and performances and despite being grievously offended by his actions at Anfield, I'd still side with the sensible notion of giving the man more time... BUT the way he has turned a team of players who would have run through brick walls for MON into players that for the most part don't seem to have any fight or passion in them at all speaks volumes.

    For all his obvious faults, MON was a brilliant man-manager, and Houllier appears to be bloody hopeless at this, as well as being a walking PR disaster. I can't see that changing, and I'd rather we cut our losses now before it's too late.

    I'm old enough to remember the likes of Venglos and McNeill all too clearly, and as others have said, this is all a bit too similar for my liking.

  6. One Caveat: His comments reveal that his heart is not in Villa, but in Merseyside. I don't know if that will change over the course of this year but I suspect not.

    On that basis alone a replacement should be lined up to take over from next season.

    No, on that basis alone he should not be allowed back into Villa Park. Utterly inexcusable.

  7. General, interested to see how/if you defend GH after his comments tonight, as detailed in the previous posts. Utterly unforgivable. His actions were a complete disgrace, and if Randy and yerself are happy to let him act like this then I will have nothing more to do with Aston Villa. And I **** love this club. Can't adequately put into words how pissed off I am right now. The man has loyalty to one club in this country and it ain't Aston Villa.

  8. Houllier"]He added: "It's difficult to say but I prefer to lose 3-0 to Liverpool because I like Liverpool.

    He told his post-match press conference: "The fans were good. I appreciated the fact that they chanted my name at the end. It shows they can remember.

    It shows you cannot forget.

    He lost me tonight.

    If he said that he shouldn't even be given a lift home on the team bus.

  9. I think it's important we don't judge GH too soon. These are not 'his' players and we've been hit by bad injuries. Give him time to buy some players who are good enough to play 'his' way and see how we go next season. If we are struggling this time next year, then fair enough, look at something else. I just think it will take time and money to get the players who can fulfil his vision. Given time, I think GH WILL get it right...I've more confidence in his philosophy than MON's.

    Rubbish. Injuries or not, the players now look and play like they don't give a shit. Poor results are acceptable if the players are busting a gut and doing their best, but Houllier seems to have no ability to motivate them whatsoever. I'm doubting it would be much better with a full strength team available.

    GH is past it and still seems to wish he was Liverpool manager. I think Randy would be mad to give him money to spend in January. See how we go next season? Might be too late by then. Cut our losses and get Jol now, before we're truly ****. We're just lucky that Wigan, West Ham and Wolves are so awful, but right now we're really not much better.

    Still, at least people might start to appreciate that MON - for all his obvious faults - is actually a bloody good manager.

  10. Well that was all rather under-whelming. Once again.

    Note to Collins - stop trying be David Beckham. Trying 60 yard passes out of defense every feckin time you get the ball is not the way to go. Just give the ball to the midfield and let them move it up the pitch. The we might actually keep possession for more than 5 seconds.

    Warnock still looks a shadow of the player we signed. Frankly he's beginning to look a shadow of the player Nicky Shorey is.

    Come back Martin O'Neill.

  11. ... So Spurs overall less successful in both the main competitions ...

    But, unfortunately for Villa, less successful than Spurs since WWI onwards.

    As I've said, it's perhaps time for Villa fans to stop looking backwards into the remote, Victorian past when the league was tiny.

    There really are no words to adequately describe the absurdity of Glaston's posts.

  12. Now the interesting thing is that IIRC, a short while ago Houllier also attempted to claim credit for Plop's 05 CL win, even though he wasn't even involved with the club by that time.

    Well in fairness I think many people said the same (including the Liverpool players) - Rafa won it with what was essentially Houllier's team.

    Bit surprised that Houllier backed Domenech after Euro 2008 though - that's a bit of a worry!

  13. Harry interested in England manager job - who'd have thunk it!


    Tottenham boss Harry Redknapp says the England job would be "hard to turn down" should he be approached to replace manager Fabio Capello. Capello confirmed he will quit after Euro 2012 and Redknapp is favourite to succeed the Italian, with Blackburn's Sam Allardyce another likely candidate.

    "If you're an Englishman it would be hard to turn it down. It's the pinnacle of your career," said Redknapp.

    "If you've got good players, managing England wouldn't be that difficult."

    The 63-year-old Spurs boss added: "And we've got good players, so I'm sure somebody out there could do it."

    However, he stressed: "Honestly, it's not something I sit at home and ever think about. I really don't.

    "2012? I look at my life and I worry about next week, to be honest."

    Redknapp was backed as a future England manager by West Brom boss Roberto di Matteo, who described him as "the obvious successor" to Capello.

    "Harry is a great guy, a great manager, a football guy," said Di Matteo, whose team face Tottenham in the Premier League on Saturday.

    "He has done a terrific job at Spurs and is very likeable."

    Redknapp insisted that any replacement for 64-year-old Capello, who earns £6m a year to manage the national side, must be English.

    "Why do the English lads waste their time doing their coaching badges and all the rest of the work if they're never going to get the chance to manage at the top level?," asked Redknapp.

    "I want to see an Englishman get the job - whoever it may be - and there are lots of lads out there who could do that job, I'm sure."

  14. Stoke have lost 3 in a row, and you wouldn't expect them to make it 4. I'd be inclined to think a draw, but... hopefully we'll have new manager syndrome and give them a good beating.

  15. The only time he didn't look any good was at Man City when he was working under that despotic Shinawatra (spl) and you can hardly blame him for that.

    I thought Sven did a good job at City. Got their highest ever premier league points total (at the time) and did the double over Man U. I'd have preferred Sven over Houllier to be honest.

    I don't get all the people who write off Curbishley as crap either. Wouldn't be my first choice here, but the man did a brilliant job with Charlton. Followed that up with saving West Ham from relegation and got them top 10 the following year - no mean achievement. I don't see any negatives on his record really.

    I can cope with the Houllier appointment, but I hope to god he doesn't bring Thompson with him. The man is Liverpool through and through and in the media he acts like he has some sort of personal grudge against Villa.

  16. But, you don't have a premiership/International career without being half decent. All those managers/players cant be wrong. He must bring something to the table - thats maybe not obvious to the average fan where of course goals speak volumes.

    And even if people dont agree with me, he certainly doesnt deserve the level and constant and abuse he gets on here. Id half understand it if he was a Joey Barton figure, but hes clearly a nice guy who does his best.

    Some people say he was at fault for not getting 4th a couple of years back.

    Its just ludicrous.


    So very true.

  17. I'm not sure I understand the importance or relevance of this article; I personally am not at all frustrated with the manner in which the club has dealt with the situation. In fact, I find it comforting that our internal business is not being discussed and disected by the idiots involved with sports media.

    Wot 'e said.

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