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Posts posted by MrDuck

  1. I can no longer love a game that's ruled by the almighty dollar. A game who's guardians stand by while businessmen rape and pillage with wanton abandon all at the expense of the fans. The real sad thing is that it’s not going to change anytime soon.


  2. Is it true most Aussies dont like Kewell? From what i heard he is a bit of a hate figure for Aussies

    Don't know. I always get the impression he was well liked, part of their own "golden generation" along with Viduka and... umm... some others. Certainly not a hate figure as far as I know, and I've seen some of my fellow oz-based VTers defend him when I've given him stick on here before.

    Aussies generally reserve their hatred for Brits in my experience. And cricketers and Aussie rules players have a way bigger profile here than the footballers. Although for a while you'd see Harry's near naked image everywhere as he had a big underwear advertising endorsement!

  3. how will it work with teams going through, i.e 6 groups? top 2 and best 2 runner up's?

    Top 2 and the 3rd place teams with the prettiest kits?

    Top 2 and the 3rd places teams with the biggest bribes?

    Top 2 and the 3rd place teams with most TV appeal?

    Top 2 and the 3rd place teams then all live together in one big house for a month, with viewers voting players out everyday. The team with the most players left in the house then qualify for the next round?

    Top 2 and then the 3rd place teams voted by Sepp Blatter and Henry Kissinger as the most deserving?

  4. I'm not sure, but I don't like what I'm seeing at the moment. I felt there was something wrong when MON walked, and I never bought the blame card he was dealt.


    I'm still holding out a little hope, based on the fact that there has been no official appointment announced. There could still be a twist in this tale. But if it's true, then... wow... one of the strangest decisions in football I've ever seen. The whole thing has made no sense to me. All those decent managers out there, and we tapped up McLeish? Or alternatively, McLeish suddenly became available and we thought "quick, get him in, he shits all over these other candidates"? Who were we originally interviewing, Ian Dowie and Roy Keane?!?!

    Or maybe Randy was so appalled at the McLaren backlash (surely a much sounder appointment than AM) that he just lost it and thought "**** you fans, see how you like this one!"

  5. We found out in advance with our kids. I wasn't bothered myself, but the missus wanted to know. Her rationale was that the whole thing was gonna be a big enough shock to us anyway, regardless of knowing the gender. But then she is also the sort of person who will always try and find out what xmas/birthday gifts are in advance. I think it's the not knowing that kills her...

    The one real positive for me of knowing in advance is it halved the task of working out names. This was difficult enough as it was, without having to come up with options for either outcome!

  6. I had a really sad moment last night with my 8 year old boy. I told him he couldn't have a new Villa shirt as I am not putting a penny into our club after this.


    Although kind of irrelevant as we don't have a new shirt anyway!

  7. Kudos on your sig

    Much obliged.

    In fact I've just watched it again and that's cheered me up aswell.

    I just converted a couple of good friends to Brasseye. That cheered us all up.

    Sigh. Australians have been woefully supplied with decent comedy over the years.

  8. Read JG's book a few years back. Quite a good read, it talked abouthis troubles with Collymore and his struggles with Ellis. Think it was only a pound in The Works. Smashing chap to have at the villa.

    Another thing that's giving me a tiny stonker is the magnificent weather I'm having on the way to work. I don't think I've ever worn sunglasses at 7am before in my life.

    Didn't know he had a book out, may have to track that down.

    Kudos on your sig 8)

  9. I loved JG :-)

    Yep, me too. Considering the time he worked at the Villa he was a magician and a proper funny geezer also.

    Never forget when Bosnich was on his way out, he was asked why he was resigned to losing him, and he just pulled out a big wad of cash from his pocket.

    Is it too late to petition the board for JG's return? :D

  10. Along the lines of what Ponky just said... I can't make sense of the McLeish thing at all.

    We've (presumably) have had a shortlist of who we'd like for a couple of months, since GH was taken ill. McLeish was obviously not on this list.

    We've then been interviewing potential managers, although clearly some - McLaren and Martinez for example - haven't reached the interview stage for whatever reason.

    Then, after already interviewing some candidates, McLeish has suddenly become available. The board have then thought "excellent, lets give him an interview, quick!"

    I can only presume that the "decent" candidates - Moyes, Ancelotti, Hughes - have all said no, and we've got a bit desperate.

    I couldn't care less myself that McLeish was Blues manager. And I think the "2 relegations, he's shit" mob overlook the promotions, the cup win and the fact that had to work for complete idiot owners.

    But even taking that more balanced perspective, he still falls way short IMO. If we're going for someone of McLeish's level, then for me Allardyce or Curbishley would be FAR better options. Waaaaay better Premiership records. **** me, I'd take John Gregory or Brian Little back any time over McLeish. And they'd probably both jump at the chance!

    I won't have a big sulk if AM gets the job. I'll judge him on performance. And part of me thinks that Scottish managers do seem to do rather well most of the time, maybe he'll work out after all. But, with all the names we were being linked with a couple of weeks back, I will certainly be entirely baffled as to how he somehow became the best candidate.

  11. The thing is im not even that angry, i just feel heartbroken and im a 34 year old man. Weve gone back to the darkest Ellis days. When will it ever end. I never thought this board would do something like this, they clearly know nothing about the game and the fans.
    . Mate I'm 32 and consider my self a very rational person and feel exactly the same, as fans fair enough we do like a moan and we're entitled too but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure any other manager mentioned for the position would have had the fans support albeit begrudgingly with some but we would have got behind them, think I speak for most in saying that if we'd have had a poll when Ged had to resign for the last person on earth you'd like to see takeover at VP he'd a resounding winner, let's just hope there's a twist in the tail yet.

    You're 32 and feel heart broken that Aston Villa would like to interview McLeish? And you consider yourself "very rational"?

    Well if you can explain to me what sort of message this sends out from our club then i'm all ears buddy? interview or not why on earth is he even on the shortlist?

    Hey, I'm not that keen on him either. There is much better out there. But heartbroken? **** me, it's not like your kids have died or your house has burned down.

  12. The thing is im not even that angry, i just feel heartbroken and im a 34 year old man. Weve gone back to the darkest Ellis days. When will it ever end. I never thought this board would do something like this, they clearly know nothing about the game and the fans.
    . Mate I'm 32 and consider my self a very rational person and feel exactly the same, as fans fair enough we do like a moan and we're entitled too but this is ridiculous. I'm pretty sure any other manager mentioned for the position would have had the fans support albeit begrudgingly with some but we would have got behind them, think I speak for most in saying that if we'd have had a poll when Ged had to resign for the last person on earth you'd like to see takeover at VP he'd a resounding winner, let's just hope there's a twist in the tail yet.

    You're 32 and feel heart broken that Aston Villa would like to interview McLeish? And you consider yourself "very rational"?

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