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Posts posted by dnmacf

  1. Anyone notice that CB was playing in different boots against Shamrock Rovers?


    Nike Hypervenom's as apposed to his normal, more classically styled Nike Tiempo's. Could be interesting, might not be, but generally different boots have different sorts of players associated with them and while the Tiempo's are generally linked to aiding touch and feel and are quite understated, the Hypervenom range is loud and worn by some of the more attacking minded players, for example the lead ambassador for the range is Neymar. 


    It could just be that Nike are paying him to wear the Hypervenom now this season. Or could be a sign of a more attacking intent from him, could even just be as simple as he liked the colour or they were more comfortable. Just thought it was interesting and never know, there could be something in it!

  2. Or it might in the eyes of the powers that be go some way to cover our expenditure in this window?


    As much as we'd all like some more new signings, I think this looking more and more likely

  3. Got my home shirt the other day. Thought I'd post some pics as people are asking about sizing. Fast delivery to Australia albeit fairly pricey. It's a really nice shirt, nicest since 2009 for me which is incidentally the last kit I owned! The collar is quite unique, I like that it's individual and I think it looks good. It sits quite high on the neck however which is both good and bad. Was thinking it'll be handy on a cold winters night at Villa Park as I expect it'll keep the heat in but could be a bit of a pain to wear over a hoody or a jumper though as I sometimes do!


    The striped detail on the neck and around the bottom are probably my favourite details, along with the embossed 'Prepared' logo on the back and the chequered AVFC tag.


    Sizing wise, I got a medium. I'm normally between medium and large depending on where. I think high street manufacturers have just gone crazy about slim fitting clothes so people have forgotten how a shirt should fit. It's certainly not tight although the arms are fitted more so but the fabric has a lot of stretch in it. Fabric quality seems good, but I think there is a fair potential for it to snag/nick against finger nails etc. Hopefully not but could be an issue for the future.


    Dafabet logo is :angry: . Looks best in the photo below where it's covered by my hands! I appreciate they are paying the club a tidy some though so I'm happy to wear the logo for their support.


    Andi's number 10 will probably take some getting used to. Especially as he has been wearing 26 in preseason still!


    Worth an upgrade for me as my last shirt was 4 years ago now but if I got last seasons, I probably wouldn't rush to get it unless you have some spare cash.






    By far the worst thing about going to the footy is being stuck with people you dont want to be with, and being stuck where people dont sing. Altho' Upper Holte is ok it can be a real struggle sometimes.

    There is nothing I would like more than to go back to some ersion of standing and, implicit in that, singing.

    It is appalling that we are treated so badly when in all other sports, parades, or festival, people can stand.


    Couldn't agree more with you terrytine. At the 2000 FA Cup Final versus Chelsea I had the total misfortune of having a gloom & doom merchant sit by me all game slating our players & constantly moaning throughout & stating that we wouldn't win the game under any circumstances. He absolutely put the kiss of death on us all game & because I had no way of moving from my allocated seat I had to listen to the shit all game.


    I can't even begin to tell you how much he pissed me & others off with his constant moaning which ruined the game completely.


    I know we were shocking that game but not as shocking as him. He definitely won the moan of the match award that's for sure.



    Nothing worse than a serial moaner. Don't even understand why you show up with an attitude like that. I had one next to me for Sunderland at Villa Park this year (yes 6-1) and he was still badgering at Gabby for not tracking back at 5-1. Bloody ridiculous. Barely stood up all game! 


    I completely understand people who want to sit and watch the game and just stand when a goal is scored. From that perspective I understand why people standing near by is annoying because it effects the view or means they have to stand too. I don't think anyone here is proposing a large amount of standing though. Not even a full stand of standing. I think a couple of key blocks in say the lower Holte would be perfect, particularly in an area where most people stand in any case. It'll up the capacity of that area, more voices in a smaller space equals better atmosphere, the fans who want to stand enjoy it more as the layout is much better suited with a barrier on front to lean on if things are quiet.


    Something like the middle two or three blocks of Dortmund's Kop, only with the safe standing barriers, with the little seats on the back. The ones in Germany even have a cup holder for your bier. That's a tougher debate though haha



  5. As I have not seen him specifically say so anywhere I would like you to ask him to what extent he is deliberately and conciously following the Dortmund model.

    (Which I am all for as it happens).

    Ta !


    Out of interest what exactly would you describe as the Dortmund model?


    I'd be interested to hear how Paul feels about the trial of safe standing which the club is pursuing - seeing as it's quite topical on here at present.

  6. our hopes to an extent rely on Luna and Okore turning into good premiership players. We cant succeed with last seasons defence disasters.


    I think our hopes should be for progress really and progress would be Okore and Luna playing better than the likes of Chris Herd, Eric Lichaj and Enda Stevens last season. These three were our back up defenders last year who ended up starting a scary amount of games. We were bloody lucky to have Lowton play 38 games to be honest!


    Okore and Luna provide us options to our other established choices and are quite likely to challenge last seasons first choice defenders for their spots in the squad. Those players offer quite a significant upgrade in themselves whilst also considering the experience last seasons defence, Baker, Bennett and Lowton as well as Vlaar (although more experienced, he had never played in the league) gained by staying up.


    Add other factors such as a full preseason, training together and all round greater confidence and morale generated by a quality player like Benteke staying, on top of added competition for places improving performances will I think result in us being great deal more solid at the back than we were last season.

    • Like 2
  7. Had a quick look over a Spurs forum on my lunch and the abuse/trolling and baiting they are copping from Real fans about the Bale saga is unreal. Glad we haven't experienced anything like that on here!

    • Like 1
  8. When we beat Sheffield Utd 5-1 at home in 1975, me & my mates at the back of the Holte End, insanely celebrating a brilliant goal by Chico Hamilton  found ourselves almost down behind the goal some 30 seconds later still wildly celebrating. That's what it was like in those days. Everybody went crazy & you could easily find yourselves 30 or 40 Yds away from your normal standing position after being swept away by the madness & excitement of the crowd. Wonderful days.


    Being born in 91, I was never able to experience standing either. This experience sounds crazy though, so far removed from football stadiums today, somewhat brings images of being in crowds at gigs to mind. If they can allow 2000 fans to be pressed openly against a single barrier at a gig, there isn't a doubt in my mind that the safe standing option would pose any risk to crowds. It's probably safer than seats even as it creates a taller divide between fans, especially if fans are standing in seating areas anyway, ie. upper Holte or anywhere in Villa Park when a goal in scored.


    It's the perfect model but any suggestion of standing will be quashed by the media and overly negative commentators who have rarely even stepped foot in a football stadium and think things are still like 1989. 

  9. Nice to see Gabby involved tonight. Looked a little like Benteke against Luton, certainly still finding his legs and his touch but nice to see him back in the fold all the same. All in all our injury worries are easing slowly! Hope it can remain as such! 

  10. Think Weimann's thread deserves a bump for his early efforts against Crewe! He looked a threat tonight, especially picking the ball up deep. Almost think he fills the slight gap for a goalscoring midfielder we've had when we plays like he has tonight. Still seems to have the connection with Christian Benteke nailed on too. Glad their partnership hasn't been effected.  

  11. Woodward definitely said Helenius was still on the bench after they made the switches. Last time I ever post anything from his mouth!

  12. Don't want to start the picking on Clark bandwagon thats been going on but I don't think there's any need to slide into a challenge like that in opposing box in a preseason game


    Quality link up from Weimann and Benteke. I guess we knew they could do that though. Tonev and Helenius due to feature too. Interesting to see them tonight too. 

    Tonev isnt involved tonight.



    Ahh that's a shame, thought I heard Jack say he was, hard to keep up with him in fairness! 

  14. Stream is completely perfect here in 60mb/ps download speed in Melbourne. If it's perfect down under I guess Woodward has a point about people's connections, as cheeky as it might be to say so. 

  15. Quality link up from Weimann and Benteke. I guess we knew they could do that though. Tonev and Helenius due to feature too. Interesting to see them tonight too. 

  16. Tall, thin players don't look right to me. Watching Peter Crouch bumble around a pitch is like watching a Daddy Long Legs try to find it's way out of a porch window.


    Saying that, I hope Helenius does the business for us! Maybe his unfashionable height and stature will make him our next dark-horse, going underneath the radar?


    Apparently he's been in the gym for the last 6 months according to those tweets from his agent. Could be stronger than his height and stature gives away. Height disguises weight well, it's amazing. I know a few big guys, one is a rugby player 6ft 4 and very wide, spends a lot of time in the gym, weighs 115kg and another that looks like a bean pole upfront but is 6ft 5 and only weighs 5kg less for those 2inches. Height is very deceiving in my experience when it comes to judging power and strength, that's all i'll say! Benteke's strength isn't that obvious either, he looks a bit gangly at times but he's proved his power! Remember the report where Delph said they stopped bothering to try and tackle him in training as he's so strong on the ball! 

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