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Everything posted by Razor

  1. Christ this is dull. Someone needs to tell them a point is no good ffs.
  2. And who are these amazing players ready to replace him?
  3. Umm he's probably been our best player so far.
  4. All this guy does is moan through every single game he is on. Who is it again? Miserable old fool
  5. Both teams were dreadful but the refereeing performance will live long in memory as one of the worst i've ever witnessed. A point wasn't good enough after Newcastle winning. Okore MOTM, Gestede was good when he came on too, for once he actually won most aerial balls.
  6. Has Veretout beaten the first man once this game? Awful crossing
  7. Why the **** does Gana instead on shooting so often
  8. I hope this ref gets a really horrible case of flu tomorrow. The shit.
  9. Watching Gana attempt to play football is painful experience
  10. What an absolutely pathetic goal to concede
  11. There's been some really pathetic passing so far
  12. Gil really does get out muscled which results in a dangerous counter attack very often. Still love the little fella though.
  13. Kozak is so much better than Gestede in every respect. How is this his first start?
  14. Well he plays for the mighty Aston Villa so how can he be, right? And they call us deluded.....
  15. It saves all this pointless discussion about it being a confidence issue. Get real guys, he is useless. We are the worst team in Premier League history and he's our worst player along with Gestede so i'm not sure how you can disagree.
  16. Simply one of the worst Premier League players of all time.
  17. Hutton has all the natural ability in the world. For beating up his dad.
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