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Posts posted by choffer

  1. 2 hours ago, tomav84 said:

    it used to be. they're much easier now for obvious reasons. i got tickets to all 3 home games in the 6 nations (sold the france one luckily)

    i wasn't convinced jones needed to be sacked. some of the best rugby, if not THE best rugby i've seen an england side play was under him. i didn't watch today, but losing at home to fiji (warm up match or no warm up match) is a borderline sackable offence on its own. borthwick won't be the head coach for the 6 nations if the world cup goes as badly as we all expect it to

    I didn’t think Fiji were much cop today. England were abysmal though. If that’s what England fans have been being served up since Jones left, I almost feel sorry for them all. 

  2. 13 hours ago, Dodgyknees said:

    My dad passed away this week after a short battle with cancer. I’m trying to be pragmatic, but I don’t quite know what I’m supposed to do. I think I am coming across as cold to it all but I’m trying to just work it all out. 

    You do you. We lost my old mum two years ago and I was amazed at how my brother and sister and I all grieved in such very different ways. All of them were legitimate though.
    Take your time, talk if you want to talk. Get therapy if you think it’ll help (it’s the only thing that got me through it).
    Mostly, be kind to yourself. 
    So sorry for your loss. 

    • Thanks 1
  3. 1 hour ago, mjmooney said:

    Are the white racist good ol' boys going to support a brown guy called Ramaswamy? 

    British racists didn’t seem to have too much of a problem supporting the policies of Sue Ellen or Rishi. 

    • Like 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Demitri_C said:

    As far as i am aware she hasnt made a formal complaint. If she has then different story.

    I think if he just apologised and given a warning then thats fair punishment.  Sacking for me is abit extreme

    They said on the radio just now that she is so upset by it she is considering not playing for them anymore. I think saying sorry and moving on isn’t the answer here. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, TheAuthority said:

    Was it a creepy, overpowering OTT man kiss, or a warm Spanishy friendly kiss and he's misread the current times?

    Seems odd he would try and be a creep in front of a crowd of 1000's.

    Any kiss on the lips is creepy if it’s not a direct family member (and for some past VTers, even that’s creepy). Part of the issue is he said it was consensual whereas the recipient said it wasn’t. There is also the issue of him grabbing his crotch in celebration whilst stood next to the queen of Spain and her daughter. 

  6. 2 minutes ago, theboyangel said:

    To be honest, the recent prices at Twickenham have been astronomical and when you’re paying that to watch turgid rugby no wonder people are staying away. 

    Last time I was there, I was on the back row of the top shelf. Half the pitch obscured by the scoreboard (which they'd blu-tacked two tiny telly's to the back of so we had an indication of what was going on in the bits we couldn't see. £125 a ticket. Absolute insanity, quite apart from the fact that it's generally impossible to find any tickets. Then again, it's England and that's not generally something I'm all that interested in (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿).

    • Shocked 1
  7. Bit out of the loop as I haven't seen much/any rugby for a while but I can't believe how many seats are still available for Saturday vs Fiji. Are England really that bad that nobody wants to watch them? 

    I'll be there cheering on the Fijians.


  8. 28 minutes ago, bickster said:

    You get used to it, we're right on the normal take off path for John Lemon Airport, just at the point where planes heading east bank to the right. Not so bad for us though because at JLA you get two hours of take off from about 6:30 am when I am generally up anyway, then I’m in work or out most days and in the evenings it’s generally landings and that’s just Runcorn, Widnes and Speke's problem, which is no more than those inbreds deserve :D 

    Sometimes he wind will be in the opposite direction so the pattern gets reversed but not very often

    20+ years directly under the flightpath into Heathrow. About 3 miles as the crow/A380 flies. 650 of them a day, mostly 45 seconds apart. I never notice them these days but always have spare earplugs for any friends and family visitors to ensure they get a decent night sleep. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, Stevo985 said:

    My renewal quote for my car insurance is 112% higher than my current premium.

    Seems fair

    Ouch, I thought mine doubling was bad enough. Especially liked the bit where the letter said they were legally obligated to offer me a renewal rate that's the same as if I were a new customer. If I get a minute this weekend, I'll be checking out that suggestion. 

  10. 37 minutes ago, Straggler said:

    I thought VT would be a hive of useful skills! I love wild camping so I can do all sorts of simple skills. Probably the most useful is making a fire with several different techniques from bow drill to magnifying the sun using just a clear plastic bag and water. I can make all sorts of rudimentary shelters and I'm pretty handy with a bow and arrow for hunting (although I've never shot at anything living I have taken loads of hours of classes). I've never done the butchery job on anything other than fish but I'd give it a stab. Oh yeah, I can fish too, but I am a bit crap at it. I seem to just slowly feed fish bait from the end of a hook, but I'll get the odd one in and I know in theory where to look.

    I also already have most of the gear I need to survive in the wild, although I could really do with a decent axe.

    So yeah I think I'd be useful, but I do have a bad back so I'm not carrying the rest of you lot.

    Right lads. We kill @Straggler first. Sounds like he has all the kit we need to survive. 

    • Haha 2
  11. This lad gets interviewed ahead of a Naaarch game, gets pelters on Twitter because, well, people are nobs. Within 24 hours the football community flood the post with positive and encouraging messages. As if that wasn’t enough, it becomes clear he is running a marathon for charity and he’s now had £23,000 in sponsorship. Restores your faith a bit. 



    Grrr. Twitter won’t embed.

    • Like 4
  12. On 12/08/2023 at 19:25, Spoony said:

    I’m a bit concerned that they all look like they’ve been playing in Dubai at peak summer. Does this kit wick nothing away??

    Looks like West Ham’s Umbro kit is made from the same fabric from the match today. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Follyfoot said:

    mentioned the werewolf, was they not one and the same? 

    No idea. I was always The Right Side and presumed Tarzan was on The Left Side at the back. All I ever knew about him was the Tarzanning. Not sure I remember the werewolfing. 

  14. 3 minutes ago, nick76 said:

    The Sheriff has already said all defendants will get a mugshot, height and weight taken and it gets posted publicly.  He’s going to hate his weight posted, remember he got Ronny Johnson to change his annual medical number

    From what I saw on CNN this morning, he said "Unless something changes or he's told otherwise....mugshots etc". Just giving himself a little bit of wriggle room. 

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