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Posts posted by tomh621




    How does Benteke start offside there on that free kick? He can see the whole line.

    Because his positional sense isn't the best.
    Im sorry but that is so basic. 101 forward to not be offside from a set piece
    No need to be sorry.


    Thanks chum


    How does Benteke start offside there on that free kick? He can see the whole line.

    Because his positional sense isn't the best.


    Im sorry but that is so basic. 101 forward to not be offside from a set piece

  3. Looks like Gil is the Plan B from the Canales link at the end of the August transfer window.


    Seem another case of a highly rated young Spanish player who hasn't quite kicked on yet.


    I'd much rather a move like this tbh. Sometimes with all the money awashed in the premier league and this debate over paying Sinclair 50k a week, we forget most european players even at some top clubs are pretty poorly paid by comparison.


    There's been a cash crisis in La Liga for years so I reckon Gil is in the 10-15k a week range so much rather take a chance on him than Sinclair.

    Never heard of Gil myself. I was looking him up earlier and noticed he had 83 potential on this years FIFA! (Not that it means anything just thought id throw it in here). 

  4. My view on current transfer window, rumours and the status of our players;


    Finances are obviously (unfortunately) the key in all decisions that needs to be made so we have to be realistic, accept what we can get and let go of our pride to some degree.


    Vlaar - if we can sell in Jan then we should. He's hardly played, he's not going to make us any more likely to avoid relegation and any money we can get for him is a bonus as I think we all accept he's not signing anyways new contract anyway.


    Delph - try our best to make him stay but if not, he must see out contract. He's far more crucial to our midfield than Vlaar is to our defence. Only silly money should make us sell him now.


    Cleverley - after failing to really impress we shouldn't be buying now. Certainly not for the ridiculous figures banded around (how come Vlaar captain is worth £1.5m with 6 months and unwanted midfielder is worth over four times that much with 6 months left?!) Decision to buy in summer should be left til then.


    Sinclair - the sort of player we need position wise. Unproven recently and a risk but I think he's the best we'll get with the kind of transfers/ wages we can offer. 


    Very few players we will be linked with will excite fans now. We are not financially able to buy those players. The best we will get is more 'meh' players that we can only hope will prove at least adequate players - see more Cissokho's. 

    Can't argue with that!

  5. I like the style of play we're attempting, and we're bound to experience growing pains.


    Should probably wait until next season before trying to completely overhaul our philosophy though. Dicing with danger.

    At has its strengths for sure. But the players run out of patience and look bored with their own style of play. and its hard to get past 11 players in one half regardless of the team you're playing. 

  6. So basically, our new style of play is to walk up the pitch and let Palace build the Great Wall of China in front of us and then pass sideways in front of it, occasionally attempt to lob the ball over it, or cross the ball so it lands on top of it without causing any damage whatsoever. Cleverley has made some alright passes but whoever gets on the end of it is closed down and the ball comes back again. Bacuna looks alright. Okore solid. Hutton looking up the tempo with no avail. Not promising at all to be honest. CRYING out for creativity or some sort of spark. A rush of pace, a clever move, a cutting edge pass. THE PLAYERS LOOK BORED. Get Grealish on. 



    I know that Nick Powell has apparantly had an attitude problem at Leicester, but being a Villa fan (and someone that has lost his way slightly, and probably wont feature under Van Gaal), maybe we should take a punt on him?

    He was meant to be quality at Crewe.

    Would have loved him here, up until reading the recent comments on his attitude. If he can't/won't change it being at Man Utd then what's it going to be like at his boyhood club?

    Me mentioning Villa being his boyhood club was more about attracting him to come here, not a way to sort out his attitude.

    It's often down to managers to sort these players out, and I imagine Lambert is the type of manager that could put an arm around his shoulder and get him playing properly again.

    Maybe Nigel Pearson's charismatic team talks haven't inspired him. :D

    Whether Powell sorts his attitude out or not, he seems like one of those players that could join a mid-table side, and would leave us shouting "Why weren't we in for him!?"


    Villa was his boyhood club?! Never knew that. As someone who watched him frequently at Crewe i can tell you he was **** amazing there. Seriously. 



    I'd like us to try and get Maloney back from Wigan. And maybe have a punt for a loan deal for Salah from Cheslea. 

    Isn't salah a slightly better tonev? cutting inside and all that. 



    Slightly crapper Robben


    I'd take a "slightly crapper" Robben any day of the week though...

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  9. Maybe I'm loosing touch with the modern game...for me that was not a red card, it was a yellow and a stern warning.


    but then, I din't think Gabby's was either.... we are a clumsy lot at times and that is our main problem.


    It was born out of frustration at loosing control but without malice, he trod on his foot more that the leg and stretching took his foot sliding up gomez's he didn't have 2 feet off the ground either. It was more clumsy than malicious.

    Not saying it was ok, but we used to see them regular in the earlier days.

    Awful tackle could have broken the guys foot! Gabby's was completely different if you ask me.



    Yes, he has wasted many chances lately. Yes, his technique could be better.

    However, he does get into scoring positions and does get chances, unlike our other players. I'm not sure you want to get rid of a player like that on a team that doesn't score. Would it be better to let him get his groove back?

    He gets chances because of his position. Means nothing without execution!

    Sorry. Tom, I don't buy that at all. He often plays a big part in creating the chances with his runs. Sometimes awkwardly, but he does. And he is in the right place more than our other guys, I'd almost like to say including Benteke, but that would lead the conversation astray.

    Oh, and about execution - who else in our team has executed better so far this season?


    None of them really that's the problem! Benteke will do when given 3/4 good opportunities a game. I do really like Weimann, and i remember him in Benteke's first season and he looked good, popping up in the right places - I specifically remember the run he made into the centre of the box, Benteke crossed it in along the floor and Weimann smashed it. Tore the **** net off! He looks disheartened to be honest and i agree that he isn't in his "natural position" or whatever. BUT i do only think he plays a part because he's on the field in the first place - a lot of players would do a lot better i think. 

  11. If Benteke wants to lampoon players for not playing the ball where he wants it, he should accept responsibility for rarely being in the right position in the box. Where was he on the Grealish cross? Why wasn't he making a run the second Jack went towards the line? Why does he always run back post?

    I think Benteke is smart and knows what he's doing and where he needs/wants to be to score. Dont doubt that for a second - he's got plenty of evidence to back it up. If you analyze every step the guy makes of course there will be mistakes - as with most, if not all players.


    HOWEVER i do think the way he reacts to not getting his way is hot headed and disrespectful, he could explain things to his teammates cooly and they'd listen and want to get it right. Honestly if anyone shouts at me like that for doing something wrong it doesn't make me want to work for/with them. 

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    Did genuinely seem with a couple of crosses that he couldn't generate the power to put a good cross in due to his more slight frame, but he can work on that. Looked a real threat. Does he actually wear shin pads or does he just wear them really low? Hard to tell.

    This sounds like I admire a mans body too much but here goes.

    Did you see the size of his leg muscles? Did you see the whip on his shot? The kid is an athlete. I don't think he struggles to kick the ball hard.


    Yeah that's bollocks i can hit a corner into the box piece of cake and have done since i was 15. All I've ever done was kick a ball about with my mates too. 

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