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Posts posted by blunther

  1. After reading the comments on here I took the plunge and bought a couple of disposables.

    I enjoyed smoking but spending £6-10 a day on the habit was starting to piss me off.

    First impressions are good. Bit of a plasticy taste to start with but getting used to it. I'll probably go for this starter kit. Am I right in thinking that I will only need a bottle of E liquid on top of this?

    Been thinking about getting some eCigs for a while, but hadn't researched them. I'll trust your research, and have just ordered what you've linked to, along with 3x5ml juice.

  2. Things that piss me off - the prices of drinks in the JamHouse, where I'm going tonight for the first time.

    I don't think they're too bad in there.

    And it's a decent night out in there, pretty good crowd.

    Plus I've pulled every time I've been there. Which brings us full circle, as twice they were HR girls from work :D

    Also, if he's never before been to the JamHouse, how does he know the price of the drinks in there? :suspect::detect: :winkold:

    I had a sneaky peek at the website :detect:

    Eight quid for a Bellini. now I'm not a Bellini fan, but the missus is - £8 for 100ml of sparkling wine and a bit of peach juice. rocket polishers. £6 for a double without mixer! Jeeeez.

  3. I believe the booze is fiercely expensive though.

    Not too bad at all. I expected worse. Found a bar in Reykjavik that before the evening was selling a nice pint at about £2.50. The bars later on weren't too unreasonable either - no more than London prices.

    The hotel bar was pricier mind - £4-6 a bottle, but it was a four star out in the sticks with nothing around, so to be expected.

    ETA: Used to be a lot worse before their financial crisis I hear, hence the reputation.

    Do you remember that bar in Reykjavik, per chance? Also, what are your best suggestions in terms of bars/places to see/ things to do, etc etc.

    I was the Beatles Bar I think that did that. Pint of Viking I think it was,and think the deal was before 6pm - not sure how much afterwards. Didn't spend too long in Reykjavik, so just had the one night out. Lots of little cafes and bars on the hill up to the big church thing. Oh, and go up the big church thing - great view. Such an odd capital city - it's like a small town from above, with beautiful coloured tiled roofs, and a view out across the sea and the mountains beyond - stunning!

    If you've got longer in Rejkjavik, the whale-watching cruises seem popular. But like I say, definitely get a car and go and drive around the golden circle. And even further - maybe stay a night or two an hour or two out of the city. We stayed in Hotel Ranga which was stunning, but quite pricey again - about £120 a night for a room I think, but sitting in the hot tubs while it was -10 outside was something else!

    Was nice to see the infamous Eyjafjallajokull, and there are some beautiful smaller waterfalls around there. The road is a beautiful drive. I'd love to go back and drive around the whole island. Watch out for the MASSIVE jeeps on the roads though with wheels the size of tractors, that go up onto the glaciers. Wish I'd done that too, but it was pricey. Also looking ace but pricey were the helicopter tours over the volcanos, but think they were £2-300 each.

    I'd also recommened going when it's not 'summer' too ,as their summer isn't really anything to shout about. We went in February, and the weather was amazing. You think it's changeable here - can go from sunny, to hailstorm, to a couple of inches of snow, to sun and a complete thaw in half an hour - mental! you also get a better chance of seeing the Northern Lights - we just caught the slightest glimpse on our last night. Loads of people stood outside the hotel in their pyjamas freezing their arses off was a sight to behold....

  4. I believe the booze is fiercely expensive though.

    Not too bad at all. I expected worse. Found a bar in Reykjavik that before the evening was selling a nice pint at about £2.50. The bars later on weren't too unreasonable either - no more than London prices.

    The hotel bar was pricier mind - £4-6 a bottle, but it was a four star out in the sticks with nothing around, so to be expected.

    ETA: Used to be a lot worse before their financial crisis I hear, hence the reputation.

  5. Iceland is **** amazing. Went there a couple of years back. Rejkjavik is a cool little place, and we stayed a few nights near the foot of Eyjafjallajokull (I know how to pronounce it now!) and did the famous sights... Gulfoss, Geyser, etc. The roads are a joy to drive on too as there are no people there. Stunning country.

  6. Doubt I'll have much chance of being able to get a ticket on 8th August then will I? (only went to one away game last season).

    Tickets for those with one away been on sale for a while...?

  7. Is the Britannia Hotel in the town centre far from the ground? having a night in Nottingham after the game.

    don't think it's very far, but replying to say that the Salutation Inn near the Britannia is a great boozer. Ask to go down into the caves below the pub. It's just down the main round about 100 yards or so.

  8. Is it true that Bangkok isn't called Bangkok to people from Bangkok and that it hasn't been called that for a hundred years or so? QI said it has some really long name over there instead.

    Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat?

    I think you mean

    Krung Thep

    Bangkok's full name is:

    Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahintharayutthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Phiman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit

    Which translates, bizzarely, to:

    The city of angels, the great city, the eternal jewel city, the impregnable city of God Indra, the grand capital of the world endowed with nine precious gems, the happy city, abounding in an enormous Royal Palace that resembles the heavenly abode where reigns the reincarnated god, a city given by Indra and built by Vishnukarma

  9. thats the biggest problem with football atm. give a steward an orange coat and they're hitler.
    Fixed. :(

    That isn't fixed.

    That's* Give* Hitler*

    If you're going to be condescending, at least get it right.

    I think you missed a trick there. He wasn't correcting grammar and punctuation.

  10. yanks and bolt here is enough for me, disappointed there doesnt seem to be any open training sessions

    id be happy if all i saw of the olympics was the worlds fastest man warming up

    There was on open training session at the University for the Jamaicans yesterday, but tickets were limited to local residents and staff had a ballot for 100 tickets. I didn't get one :(

    Tried on Monday and Tuesday to have a walk round the university to sneak a peek and there were police and security moving people on and closing nearby paths. Very disappointing.

  11. Ah, the good old Akash. Bit of an odd one, that. I've never eaten a poor mouthful from there on the many occasions I've dined in but their take aways have been very inconsistent. It's a bit of a problem for me if curry houses give me anything less than excellent if I know they can do it. It only takes a couple of mediocre ones for me to **** them off.

    Talking of places no getting due custom, did you ever eat at the Plaza Tandoori near the Akash? It was brilliant but never had anyone in there. Me, Witton_Lane and a couple of others would include that as part of our post-match ritual. Pub then Plaza until the fateful evening when we pitched up and it was closed for good. Damn shame.

    Yeah I've found the same with Akash - the takeaways aren't great, and seem to be smaller portions, for the same price. I use the Dilkush for takeaways now. But eating in, the Akash is a delight. Lovely friendly staff as well. Never seems to be anyone in there, while mediocre curry places like Akram's are always packed. Never understood it.

    Never knew the plaza... only moved round there about 2-3 years ago. Another curry house has popped up and disappeared in that time - a double frontage jobby towards the British Oak from the Akash. I don't understand why you'd try and start a big Indian there when there are already a good 10 within half a mile walk.

  12. I've always rated the Dilshad, too. Never had anything other than good food from there.

    The Caspian, though? What were you thinking? I've driven past it often enough and it invariably evokes the thought "Would I **** as like..."

    Aye I've had some lovely tucker at the Dilshad. Always Akash on the Pershore Road for me if I'm at home. Lovely small place that doesn't get enough custom.

    Dunno what I was thinking about Caspian. Never again, mind. Bad chunder that was.

  13. Best diet ever. Dilshad international, Selly Oak - highly recommended ;-)

    (not actually sure if that curry house still exists though, it was a while ago)


    Yep, stil lexists, and has always been my pick of curry houses in Selly Oak...

    My particular dose came from Caspian Pizza in Stirchley. Violent cramps and vomiting, and dizziness and nausea for three days after.

  14. **** farce already. The roads are screwed.

    This is a massive "**** YOU" to those of us that keep this fare city running.

    "Walk to work"...? What, with six boxes of cable strapped to my back and a set of ladders balanced on my head? Piss off Boris, we may live in a services industry society, but without my particular services you wouldn't have a city you **** clown.

    We could go out of business because of this Stalinist utopia they've built for the faceless corporations and the faceless bigwigs that run them. Just so they can have a jolly old knees up on my taxes while we scratch around trying to survive.

    **** your Olympics. Knock yourselves out....

    I have to say if I lived in London and had been paying even more for the games through my council tax, I'd be inclined to drive in the olympic lane anyway. You've paid for the roads, and you've paid for the games. It's a pisstake.

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