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Everything posted by TB

  1. Ah. Learned something new there. Google returned 53 300 000 results for "cooked celery", 5 790 000 results for "braised celery". So actually cooking or braising celery as a single side-dish is a thing? I have never considered it. An ingredient in a dish, nothing more.
  2. IMO, celery is only useful for Waldorf salad and pizza sauce. That's it. As a youngster (about 55 years ago), I enjoyed munching on young rhubarb stalks dipped in sugar, and a favourite childhood grandma-made dessert was rhubarb compote with cream. Almost caramelized rhubarb jam is nice, too. But rhubarb stalks contains so much oxalic acid that you can clean old, stained aluminium pots by simply boiling a bunch of them, so something to be enjoyed (that's if you actually enjoy it) in moderation.
  3. I'm quite certain that someone will come up with a better image (Kenneth?) for "502: Bad Gateway" than a Firefox screenshot...
  4. Possibly a browser problem? Was ok in Edge and Chrome for me, but Firefox returned a 502 error.
  5. Edit: Duh. Refresh before replying.
  6. TB

    Memory Lane

    He did. I'm intrigued by the 1:12 scale figure. Google Image search suggests 'super-villain'. Haven't found anything similar online so far, though.
  7. Not necessarily very expensive, but decent malt whisky, port and sherry is on my list every year. New set of guitar strings, new bottles of ink for my printer. Stuff I'll buy anyway sooner or later, so why not let someone else pay? My list includes boring everyday items such as black or grey wool or cotton socks as well.
  8. (Edit: just noticed that Wainy posted 316. Quite fitting...)
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