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Posts posted by leemond2008

  1. Watched this last night, and would recommend.


    yes yes oh yay

    just watched this myself and thought it was **** good man

    not heart stoppingly brilliant but still very good

    not a big budget thing just a good old watch me enjoy me i'm only 90 minutes long

    none of this lets throw in as much cgi as possible and make it 3 and a half hours long

  2. I got the Limited edition one and yeah the war horse is quality

    only thing is i cant get him to change outfits any idea's why? I have seen a few people saying that when they get to a certain point in the game and it wont let them change then but I have only just started the game pretty much

  3. bought this yesterday, cant believe how in demand the game is, I had to go to 8 shops in town before i could find it and the only had the limited edition one for £50

    cracking game though, I was never a fan of GTA (yes I know i will probably get slated for saying that) but I love this game I just prefer the settings and characters compared to the standard bad asses that you get in GTA and I just prefer the whole wild west world.

    not got too far in it yet and i havent gone online with it, but I am enjoying the game an awfull lot at the moment.

    only problem that i find is when the main character keeps ducking and crouching when I am trying to run or walk somewhere but that is more due to the shitty xbox pads than the game I think

    makes a pleasent change for me as I only really play modern warfare, FIFA and fight night round 4.

  4. love it always have done i remember when me mom n dad used to go out on the piss on a friday night and ship me and me sister off to me nans and we would sit down with a cup of tea marmite on toast whilst watching red dwarf...happy days

    go through about a tub every week i do, mite do meself a nice big pint of tea and a few slices of marmite on toast actually

  5. I always used 2 have my head stuck in a book but havent had a proper good read for quite a while now

    last book i read was about 6 months ago called 'the absence' proper good little horror it was i cant remember the authors name now though

    any one recomend any good horrors (aside from stephen king and james herbert cuz ive read all of them)

  6. regardless of what he has or hasn't done i dont think that the general public need know what he has done.

    I dont think they should have been released but that is merely my opinion, now he has been released and 'may' have reoffended what he has or hasn't done will have no affect on my life at all and the only people who should concern themselves with what he has done are those who it has or will directly affect

    if he has reoffended and ends up behind bars again then that is more than enough for me

    the majority of the general public are demading to know what has happened due to morbid curiosity.

  7. just fot back from newcastle after seeing spiritualized at the sage fooking magnificent best gig i have ever been to man

    the sound in that place was **** brilliant the band the choir the orchastra even the **** harmonica blew me away

    as for the lights well they were just as animal as can be expected from spiritualized trust me if you have never seen them then you have never seen lights like it absolutely amazing

    cant come up with enough things to big the weekend i have just had up but at the moment its easily the best gig i have been to absolutely amazed

    plus we had quite a cultured weekend...i got bladdered in the bar of the hotel on friday and had an indian takeaway and destroyed my room with it, we went to an art exibition on saturday (not my choice) then we had lobster (then we got back to the bar) then we watched the gig then we got back to the bar then we had pizza then we went back to the bar then we went to another bar then we got some cans and wine and jumped back on the train and come home....and i slept a bit...and watched motd at some point

    im sure there was some other stuff that i am forgetting but i was completely soba for the gig and it was bloody brilliant.

  8. im watching eden lake at the moment

    **** horrific it is proper old school type film

    like a modern day straw dogs set in the big outdoors

    lots more violence and blood than i was expecting

  9. yes

    got done for D & D

    walking near new street station after having a few beers (wasn't too pissed had enough to enjoy the night and want a chinese for when i got home) some kid was walking past me and barged rite into me and nearly knocked me on my arse i said 'fook me mate watch it' he then started going mad at me and kept shoving me i dropped my chinese on the floor and the police came up behind and just knicked me didn't even ask what had happened and the other geeza just walked off without them saying a thing to him.

    proper pissed off about it i was i mean i was just on my way home looking forward to my BBQ ribs when some dick decides to start gobbing off at me all i literally done was drop my food on the floor and take one step towards him

    coppers were knobs as well they threw me in the cell gave me my fags but refused to give me my lighter...and the bed was proper orrible as well.

    £80 fine and a night spent in there, got home about 5 o clock in the morning and had to get up for work at 7

    not good man not good

    never really done much else to get meself knicked for though to be honest

  10. no i dont think they do believe he will pass on their words of wisdom to MON, it is just one way of getting there thoughts across and venting frustrations

    the general has said he wants the good and the bad and wont hide from any questions (albeit that some he will choose not to answer)

    plus i'm sure it makes a change for him to read about something that doesn't involve the state of the catering in the doug ellis stand ;-)

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