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Posts posted by leemond2008

  1. 1) The exact date in November the kits will be ready for sale - i know you are looking into this, so just a chaser!

    I just need to know if it will be out by November 19th as I have promised to buy it for my godson for his birthday and need to know if I should start looking at alternative presents

    can I third the villa tie for G.H. as well please

  2. Watched this on Saturday night


    It is still bouncing around in my head a few days later, highly recommended, and if you watch it not knowing what it's about you will enjoy it X10

    could have a thread of it's own for discussion

    watched this a while back thought it was quite good, the acting was pretty shoddy but it was a decent film.

    me sister watched it for the first time a few weeks back and emailed me at work asking me to explain what the whole thing was about because she has the mental capacity of a retarded duck and didn't understand a thing about it....after trying to rack my brains as to what happened in it I sent her a full essay trying to sum it up, its actually pretty dificult to explain what its about and why things happen in it

  3. I watched rec 2 last night

    decent film no where near as good as the first one though

    and I wanted to see Manu ripping some people apart, he was quality in the first film when he snotted the little old lady...and then went rampaging through crowds of zombies with a mallet

  4. martyrs is easily the sickest most orrible film I have ever seen

    you've obviously never seen ' August Underground ' then ?...my god !!!!

    nope never seen it but just been reading a few reviews online and one of them said something along the lines of ''I couldn't believe how boring this film was, the highlight was when they made her eat her brothers genitals, yeah that bit was funny''

    most of them say its incredibly boring poorly shot and hard to get hold of

  5. yeah i'll make my own mind up...only problem is i'm goin the pub after work tonight and even though I aint planning on a massive night I dont think me and a subtitled film would be a good combination after 7 or 8 pints...

  6. just been out and bought rec. 2 and martyrs

    martyrs is easily the sickest most orrible film I have ever seen so i cant wait to watch that again

    didn't get around to watching baise-moi last night so ive still got that to watch, ive also just discovered that I have got irreversible in my flat so I will haveto make time to watch that as well

  7. I went out and bought the omen pentology from HMV for a tenner (I know they are all shit...maybe apart from the first one)

    and I got poltergeist 2 purely cuz the old man in it scares the fook out of me I watched it about 12 months ago and had nightmares about him at the age of 24

    bought rec. as well the spanish version pretty decent that is I was pleasently surprised by it

    got baise-moi to watch as well I mite stick that on tonight

  8. drive by truckers-academy saturday 10th november-I am GOING to this even if i haveto go by myself they are my favourite band around, just been trying to get tickets but I think the website has crashed

    black rebel motorcycle club-academy tuesday 10th december-I am going to try my best to get to this one but my mate said he cant give me the money back untill he gets paid next so im hoping the tickets are still there

    ocean colour scene-academy sometime in february-I wouldnt mind going to see this they are playing the whole of the mosely schoals album and were the first band I went to see live so it would be pretty good but £25 is quite steep and I dunno if any one would be interested in coming to see them with me

  9. The same newspaper prop is used by many different American film and TV shows:


    A Murder of Crows


    Why I Wore Lipstick to My Mastectomy


    No Country for Old Men




    Power Rangers Zeo


    Married... With Children






    Malcolm in the Middle


    Six Feet Under


    Lucky Louie




    Everybody Hates Chris


    Desperate Housewives




    This in turn may well add more shows to the Westphallian Universe.

    That's strange, is it some running industry gag? I'd like to know the back story on that one...

    this was in the papers a couple of weeks ago.

    The article goes on to explain that production companies use prop newspapers instead of real newspapers to avoid getting clearance from an actual publication. Of course, we already knew that. Slate claims that “prop masters buy a stack of Earl Hays fake papers, which cost just $15 each. Sometimes if they have some left over they’ll recycle them for another job.”

    Read more: More Information About The Recurring Prop Newspaper | /Film http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/06/09/more-information-about-the-reoccurring-prop-newspaper/#ixzz0usAxxeWV

  10. Just got back through the door after watching Predators... **** AMAZING. If you've any love for the Predator/Alien franchise (and, like me, you attempt to negate the existence of the terrible AvP films) this film will bring a tear to your eye. :thumb:

    One of the WORST film I've ever seen in the cinema, almost as bad as The Mommy. Predicatable, cliched rubbish with serious flaws in the plot 'twists' and some weak acting.

    Special effects were decent but by no means mind blowing, took a lot of the terrible fight scene duals from AVP. Wud rather have my chest waxed than see that crap again, wud be a more enjoyable experience.

    completely agree with this thought it was **** awfull film, seemed really rushed the deaths were nearly as bland as the acting.

    **just thought I would change that just in case it is a bit of a spoiler**

    They must be a new breed of retarded predators as well, I thought they were supposed to be the bad boys of hunting, well **** me dont put them up against a japanese sword fighting midget who is less than half the size of them, it'll be absolute carnage i tells ye.

    shit film....best part was when someone in the cinema got up walked out and said 'this is the worst twilight yet, there aint even any **** vampires'

  11. not speculation or any thing but I was wondering if any one knows much about Hedwiges Maduro, I remember him playing in the under 21's for holand a few years back and he looked pretty decent if I remember correctly

    defensive midfielder I think, looked like quite a big lad who wouldn't be knocked about (at that level any way)

    cant remember where he plays now I think its valencia or somewhere like that

  12. just wiki'ed it, and it sounds interesting.... let us know whether it was any good or not.

    and i love this bit of the plot summary:

    David spends the night with Snow White and the seven dwarfs.

    He finds out that Snow White has almost eaten the dwarfs

    just had a look on wiki, it actually says

    David spends the night with Snow White and the seven dwarfs. He finds out that Snow White has almost eaten the dwarfs out of house and home.
  13. Steinbeck, Of Mice and Men. Just read it in one sitting (it's only 106 pages).


    whats that about now?

    I read that at school but I cant remember much about it, is it about the big dumb guy that kills someone by accident or something

  14. just spotted this, not out for another 2 day's but i mite get it, sounds pretty interesting


    Amy Harper Bellafonte is six years old and her mother thinks she's the most important person in the whole world. She is. Anthony Carter doesn't think he could ever be in a worse place than Death Row. He's wrong. FBI agent Brad Wolgast thinks something beyond imagination is coming. It is. THE PASSAGE. Deep in the jungles of eastern Colombia, Professor Jonas Lear has finally found what he's been searching for - and wishes to God he hadn't. In Memphis, Tennessee, a six-year-old girl called Amy is left at the convent of the Sisters of Mercy and wonders why her mother has abandoned her. In a maximum security jail in Nevada, a convicted murderer called Giles Babcock has the same strange nightmare, over and over again, while he waits for a lethal injection. In a remote community in the California mountains, a young man called Peter waits for his beloved brother to return home, so he can kill him. Bound together in ways they cannot comprehend, for each of them a door is about to open into a future they could not have imagined. And a journey is about to begin. An epic journey that will take them through a world transformed by man's darkest dreams, to the very heart of what it means to be human. And beyond. THE PASSAGE.

  15. Reading Jeffrey Deaver now. Rather good. Don't remember the name of the book, but it's the one about the illusionist. Trying to find "The Bone collector" but as it is the first one I guess it'll be hard to find.

    The second in the series 'The Coffin Dancer' was the best of the lot IMO.

    Should have told me that earlier as I ordered 2 books yesterday and could've added that one too. :P Will look out for that one the next time, which might be soon. :) Cheers.

    jeffrey deavers best book by far was the devils tear drop, **** great book that was

    i'm trying tho think of the name of the book with the illusionist, my copy had a grey cover but thats all i can remember now lol

    finished reading the girl with the dragon tattoo a few days ago, cracking book that was bit hard going in parts but you stick with it just to read what salander gets up to, got a bit confusing trying to remember who was who in the family tree though

    just finished 'tell no one' by harlan coben, proper good book it was a real page turner, bit predictable at times and a fair few stereotypical characters but I enjoyed it as a quick read, as a two day book it was spot on

  16. ive heard a few people say that but i didn't mind it, I just kind of got on with it, probably didn't think it was that bad because i went into it expecting it to be shockingly bad

  17. enough of the yellow already man.

    just about to watch saw 3 now any way, never seen it all the way through.

    watched wolfman yesterday thought it was good, bit predictable but still enjoyable.

  18. ive got a few films to watch.

    Ive just watched alice in wonderland-not bad, pretty much what i was expecting.

    watching the wolfman at the moment only just started so i cant comment on it yet

    and ive got green zone, clash of the titans and daybreakers to watch

    oh and saw 3, 4 and 5

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