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Posts posted by leemond2008

  1. Regardless of what our thoughts are on him coming back, how would the media and fans of other clubs view the move?

    If he was to rejoin us in this window (which isn't going to happen) I am pretty sure that his stock would plummet massively, yes we are a club on the up but the narrative would be "Grealish returns to Aston Villa after failing to live up to Peps expectations" and "Aston Villa re-sign £100m flop"

    Personally I wouldn't want him back at any point, I don't have anything against him I just always think of the old "never go back" saying, he's a different player now and we are a different club, let him go to Spurs or Newcastle.

    • Like 1
  2. I think this is only the second race I've watched this season...first lap, massive smash, red flag, huge delays 😔

    Should have chose a race other than Monaco 

  3. If we sell him on is it still a 100% win for FFP or does the fact that we have signed him back from Sheffield now mean he isn't classed as a product of the youth system?

    Or does them being relegated effectively turn this into a glorified loan deal?


  4. 5 hours ago, Adam2003 said:

    I personally think scoring four goals in that dreadful side age 21/22 won’t have hurt his career at all. Plenty of PL teams will fancy him. 

    It’s only 3 seasons since he scored four in 20+ games for Solihull Moors in nonleague, he’s doing fine.

    Blimey, is that all he got, i didn't really keep tabs on him while he was there, was he a regular starter for them

  5. 10 minutes ago, chrisvilla4 said:

    One man doesn't make a team, if Emi is out then others have to stand up and be counted. I thought Olsen did well and shouldn't carry the can. Obviously he's going to be under immense pressure when the ball just keeps coming back, what were the other 10 players doing. If you've no confidence in him, do what you can to keep the ball away from him. 

    I agree, the pressure on him when he does come into the team must be ten times that of when the other squad players are bought on, I don't think he did bad yesterday but unfortunately when you are standing in for the worlds no.1 every little thing you, or those around you do, is going to be scrutinized.


    • Like 4
  6. 59 minutes ago, bobzy said:

    If you're getting abuse/verbals, you have every right to give it back.  Doesn't matter on the level that the club is at - that's nonsense to be honest.


    (Although FWIW, I'd say Coventry are on a similar level to Man Utd).

    but you have to remember of course, it depends on how you choose to give it back 🤣

    Sloth - part one | Soccer | The Guardian

    • Haha 2
  7. So today alone we have had:

    Villa win their second game in hand taking 6 points from them and really putting the pressure on Spuds

    Man Utd 3-0 up and blowing it in the last 20 minutes

    Coventry scoring in stoppage time of extra time and having it ruled out because the Cov player forgot to cut his toenails before the match

    Nottingham Forest going nuclear against VAR

    The ghost of Enckleman returns to Blackburn to concede a farcical goal which could lead to being one of the final nails in the coffin for the blues

    Its been a pretty eventful day.

    • Haha 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Davkaus said:

    It's been a good few shows since I last enjoyed anything Carr put out, but we gave it a go anyway.

    Just the same old rape and anti-pc jokes, at times he seems to be the only person laughing, and every couple of minutes he ponders if the next joke is the one that gets him cancelled, which wasn't funny or original when he did exactly the same thing on his last netflix special.

    The only thing I was offended by is that he's released the same show twice in a couple of years, and it was shit the first time. Though, I suppose there's only so much you can change things up when your entire act is edgy one liners, a sealion impression and a look of surprise

    I watched some of this as well, ended up switching it off because I was just bored by it, the whole "I'm going to get cancelled for this" is really tiresome now, it was the same with the last one that Ricky Gervais did, if you are setting out to shock and offend then shock and offend, don't constantly tell me that what you are saying is too edgy and shocking to be cancelled.

  9. I'm glad to hear that it is decent, after I saw the trailer I thought it looked expensively cheap if that makes sense, like, the sets looked dilapidated yet new.

    Loved the games though, I never actually finished one because I would just get caught up walking around picking up hundreds of nuka-cola bottle caps.

    If there isn't a scene when someone slowly walks backwards while shooting some big scorpion thing then I'll be annoyed, that was what 90% of the fights were in this game lol.

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