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Posts posted by leemond2008

  1. I watched let me in the other night

    not as good as the original

    no where near as good as the book

    the original chopped loads of stuff out of the book and the remake chopped loads of stuff out of the re-make

    for all of the hype I would probably give it a 6.5 or 7 out of 10

    they have just hollywooded it up, hit girl was quite good in it though

  2. ive been with vodafone for about 6 or 7 years, and ive had unlimited internet for the last 18 months and was told when I was upgrading that I was on the exact same contract except for the fact it was now 24 months instead of 18 months.

  3. just got an iphone but now I am hearing something about a data cap which means if you use more than 500mb then you get charged?

    is this true if it is then thats a crock of shit i was told I had unlimited internet

  4. Watched Devil last night. Quite clever and a bit of a Whoodunnit thriller, had me guessing throughout and was quite tense. Pretty good.

    thought this was awfull watched it last week, I had it sussed after about 15/20 minutes

    its one of them who dunnit lets make it a complete shock by making the person who dunnit the least likely...therefore making it the most obvious

    I didn't have that person down as being least likely, didn't think it was that simple and could have been anyone.


    Not sure what you thought, but I had anyone in the building down as a suspect, from something the security guy said earlier in the film.

    Didn't think it was brilliant and the ending was a bit crap, but quite good.


    nah considering that the people in the lift consisted of a giant black security guard an ex army bloke a good looking bird who clearly is up to something a bit dodgy and a sweet little old lady...it was only ever going to be the sweet little old lady

  5. Watched Devil last night. Quite clever and a bit of a Whoodunnit thriller, had me guessing throughout and was quite tense. Pretty good.

    thought this was awfull watched it last week, I had it sussed after about 15/20 minutes

    its one of them who dunnit lets make it a complete shock by making the person who dunnit the least likely...therefore making it the most obvious

  6. Watched Black Swan the other night, it was brilliant. Portman is outstanding in it.

    It was similar to the Wrestler in a way but a little more messed.

    I have since read that Aronofsky's original idea was to make a film about a relationship between a wrestler and a ballet dancer.

    a film about man love with hulk hogan and christiano ronaldo?????

    i'm glad he changed his mind

  7. 51PwyJJDlNL._SL500_AA300_.jpg

    In the depths of a sweltering summer, teacher Samuel Szajkowski walks into his school assembly and opens fire. He kills three pupils and a colleague before turning the gun on himself.

    Lucia May, the young policewoman who is assigned the case, is expected to wrap up things quickly and without fuss. The incident is a tragedy that could not have been predicted and Szajkowski, it seems clear, was a psychopath beyond help. Soon, however, Lucia becomes preoccupied with the question no one else seems to want to ask: what drove a mild-mannered, diffident school teacher to commit such a despicable crime?

    Piecing together the testimonies of the teachers and children at the school, Lucia discovers an uglier, more complex picture of the months leading up to the shooting. She realises too that she has more in common with Szajkowski than she could have imagined. As the pressure to bury the case builds, she becomes determined to tell the truth about what happened, whatever the consequences . . .

    quite a good book this was it is wrote from loads of peoples statements and is only wrote in 3rd person when it is the detectives own perspective if that makes sense?

    some of the characters were quite predictable and some of the pupils seemed like they came out of the bash street kids but it was still quite enjoyable

  8. I half read the hobbit when I was about 12 or 13 I stole it from school...the cover had abig golden dragon on it or something like that

    got half way through and lost the book so never got to finish it. dont think I could be arsed to read it now though i'll just wait for the film

  9. still reading that relentless book I posted on the last page or 2 ago

    once I have got through this one i'm gunna start on the girl that kicked the hornets nest

    a bird I know has got me a £30 waterstones voucher for xmas as well

  10. next 2 books that I am reading just bought them today

    sound like your bog standard crime books nothing too exciting about them


    John Meron, a happily married father of two who’s never been in trouble, receives a phone call that will change his life for ever: his friend Jack Calley, a high-flying City lawyer, is screaming down the phone for help. As Meron listens, Calley is murdered. His last words, spoken to his killer, are the first two lines of Meron’s address. Confused and terrified, Meron scoops up his children and hurries out of the house. Just in time. Within minutes, a car pulls up outside, and three men get out. It’s clear that they’re coming for him. He’s being hunted and has no idea why. And with his wife missing, an unidentified corpse in her office, and the police after him for murder, his life’s about to get one hell of a lot worse.



    Thirteen-year-old Johnny Merrimon has to face things no boy his age should face. In the year since his twin sister’s abduction his world has fallen apart: his father has disappeared and his fragile mother is spiralling into ever deeper despair.

    Johnny keeps strong. Armed with a map, a bike and a flashlight, he stalks the bad men of Raven County. The police might have given up on Alyssa; he never will. Someone, somewhere, knows something they’re not telling.

    Only one person looks out for Johnny. Detective Clyde Hunt shares his obsession with the case. But when Johnny witnesses a hit-and-run and insists the victim was killed because he’d found Alyssa, even Hunt thinks he’s lost it.

    And then another young girl goes missing ...

  11. any one got any streems for this?

    pissed off I was gunna go round and watch it at my mates house but he is working tonight now and the only chance I have got of seeing it is online

    Ive got a funny feeling the smith mite do de gayle, I dont think its gunna be as one sided as everyone is making out

  12. I havent been to a works christmas party for about 5 years and I have been working at this place for 8

    Normally i'm the only one on the floor pretty much who doesn't go, its not that I am a grinch or anything just more than I would prefer to get a bottle of vodka or jagermeister and have a drink with all of my mates. I explain to everyone that I have 'mates' and the 'workmates'

    I mean why the fook would I wanto prop up the bar with a 50 odd year old woman who I cant stand any way when I could be out causing havoc in my local with me mates. I have quite a few proper mates at work but I make a point of seeing them outside work when there isn't a load of other knob heads there who I cant be arsed to stand and have pointless chit chat with

    I dont pretend to like you at work so why would I pretend to like you just cuz I am outside of work

    even team meals and stuff like that, if they are being done during work then fine i'll pop along but if they involve going out after work then I just wont bother

    yeah I know that makes me come across as a bit of a prick but oh well...in all fairness the majority of people understand.

  13. well I live on Erdington high street I dont know what its like there but I just phoned me old man and he lives on marsh hill and whilst I was on the phone he said it had just started to come down pretty heavy

  14. i'm in town (on livery street) and it is just starting to snow here, very very very lightly

    I wouldnt even call it snow....more like a few random snow flakes falling from the sky....then again I suppose that would make it snow wouldn't it

    no doubt it is more than enough to stop the traffic when I wanto go home

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