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Posts posted by mottaloo

  1. 18 hours ago, HanoiVillan said:

    For me, it's not the taste that's the problem, it's the price. 

    A bowl of pho cost about 60p in Hanoi. It's £8 in Grand Central. It'd probably be pretty nice, but I can't pay that on principle. 

    Add such words like artisan, rustic or craft to a food's description totally justifies the hike in price. 


    • Like 2
  2. 52 minutes ago, BOF said:

    You're missing a VT meme!  Back in the day someone didn't know who (the blatantly obvious) Thom Yorke was.  Much much piss was taken.  To the point where other people now get 'mistaken' as Thom Yorke (har har) and if he DOES come up then 'no one' knows who he is :) We're a gas lot altogether.

    Aah right OK......thanks for the heads up :D

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, pintpotvilla said:

    Murphy really doesn't like us does he?

    For me, the d1cksplash of a commentator (can't recall his name) was worse. He was either a closet spuds fan or he was just a bit irritated that he didn't have a goalfest to report on. He even took a sideswipe at us singing "Champions of europe, you'll never sing that", indicating we could only bang on about our history.

    Otherwise, I'm "meh" about the game. Keeper looked good and has a decent kick on him.

    We go again :) 

  4. 3 hours ago, Xela said:


    Hoping, focusing on my mental wellbeing this will in turn help my physical health, which has suffered due to stress over the last 2 years. I also need to eat healthier and exercise more, 


    Bang goes all those indian BBQ visits then.....;)

  5. Sat at my desk for a 12 hour shift.....with a few techy nerds who i will outrage by saying a wookie could beat a dalek in a fight.....then i'll sit back and watch the heated debate unfold.....

    Rock n roll eh ?

    HNY fellow VTers !

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  6. 6 hours ago, dAVe80 said:

    Your first mistake was listening to talksport. 

    In all fairness to talksport, they do have one jewel in the crown in Paul Hawksbee, whose show that idiot Parry has taken over for the week.

    Genuinely funny bloke, PH and the only reason I listen to talkshite radio

  7. On 25/12/2016 at 17:52, Xela said:


    Yes the pigs in blankets were present and correct. 

    My Indian neighbours invited me around for nibbles last night and his wife did desi style pigs in blankets....I didn't even know it was possible......suffice to say I nearly jizzed my pants eating them !!! The best bit was they were covered in a light tempura batter......:wub:

    Will see if my local Indian bbq pub fancies doing them !

    • Like 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Deisler123 said:

    During lunch time I was trying my luck to see if I can find Villa Scarf from Taobao (Chinese Ebay if you like). No luck.... Tons of Man U, Arsenal, no stuff for villa.... Damn

    But guess what, :DI found this: https://world.taobao.com/item/16934698144.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.T6XeB5#detail 

    It is quite expensive....almost 6 pounds.... And look at the signature..... Anyone can tell if it is genuine? 


    Looking at the simplistic child like scrawl.....Yeah, I'd say it's the real deal...

    • Like 1
  9. I recently had a twitter exchange with an ollbeeyun fan, taking the mick out of a crap villa performance earlier in the season. I commented on why he had this pic as his background (esp as it was out of date !). His reply was that he was happy with the work Garde did at our club ! He still has it as his pic. I wished him the best as wba were now representing the midlands in the top flight but got no response.

    Jeez....they just cant let it go/get over it. Chip on the shoulder or what :rolleyes:


  10. This clown still offers nothing and his selection in the team/squad is the one thing I really cant get my head around and it is fast undoing the credit Bruce has built up.

    I know it's all about opinions on here but how can any of the gabby lovers argue a case for him now ?

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