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Everything posted by Genie

  1. I wanted to progress the next level of my sharp shooter by going for 5 x birds from a moving train, I managed to track the train down and it was waiting at a train station, I got on and waited for frickin ages and it didn't move, whats that all about? In the end I got bored and shot the driver
  2. Thought Germany looked the real deal last night. Compare their calm and composed style to the 'rabbitt in the headlights' that you saw from England.
  3. I'm interested to know this too
  4. Ha ha, I know the woman you mean, she was on the train at the very beginning of the game
  5. At least those guys looked like footballers
  6. Could you imagine Heskey with a World Cup winners medal :shock: It just aint going to happen is it.
  7. I find the side games all pretty dull, don't really understand poker if I'm honest, blackjack, 5 finger game and throwing the horseshoe all get boring very quickly.
  8. I'd expect him to chuck Dawson on at some point to make his England debut (although this is not an official game the players will not get a cap etc).
  9. I don't know what time the game is happening. One thing that I don't think is very clever, the reporter this morning said that tickets for the game would be sold on a "first come forst served" basis, there are concerns that demand might outstrip supply and cause security and safety issues around the game. Lets hope not. There was a crush at a game yesterday leaving 14 people needing hospital treatment. Apparently Portugal had an open training session that was very chaotic due to the unexpected number of people wanting to see it.
  10. Its a 20,000 seater stadium and is expected to be full. Reporters and media will be there too. Capello has said that his starting 11 for the USA will all get a run although no idea if he'll start with that 11 or not.
  11. Hopefully England will score a couple today and come out without any injuries. If I was Capello I'd arrange a penalty shoot-out for after the match regardless of the score.
  12. Here's how it appears on the Virgin F1 car
  13. Boooo I wanted Jaguar Land Rover
  14. I'll be staying well away from trains on Saturday then :shock:
  15. Im sure 15k is nothing to Michael Dawson Me too, I was more thinking that his mrs would have been looking forward to going away with him on a fantastic holiday and now its, "see you in a few weeks, toodaloo"
  16. I bet Dawson's Mrs is well chuffed, I imagine they've just got back from blowing £15k at the travel agents and then he pops the TV on hear Capello say "We hope it will not be so bad but we have [Tottenham's] Michael Dawson on call,"
  17. Good point ED, 1 thing alot more common now that we wanted to avoid was to have children older (30+) and then be out of touch with them as we grow older.
  18. I certainly don't mean this as any kind of insult but a huge amount of your posts on here revolve around how depressed and unhappy with your life you are. Why don't you want to give that up? On my own situation, I'm 28 and my wife is 27, we've been together since 18/19. We've travelled the world, partied, done loads of fantastic stuff as a couple. We both got to the point where we wanted to raise a little one. 9 weeks to go and REALLY cannot wait!
  19. You cannot even begin to compare what City pay for players and what everybody else does. There's only a handful of players in the history of the game that have been sold for £30m+
  20. Cesc is a good player but I think £29m is about right. He aint worthy of being one of the most expensive players of all time.
  21. I just had my first venture into multiplayer and don't have a clue what the hell I am supposed to do. I found a 'gang match' station thingy but then there was nobody to play. Went to a grab the bag game, nobody. Weird.
  22. Couple of hours in, not thrilled to be honest, feels a bit too slow so far. Hoping it picks up a bit soon.
  23. I've had a similar afternoon to you Nays but dragged my arse to ASDA and Sainsburys too. No joy (Game, Gamestation and HMV Tamworth all sold out). Just ordered it from shopto.net who have it in stock and will post it today so hopefully be playing it in the morning. EDIT: Ordered 16.14hrs, despatched 16.44hrs Now thats service
  24. Would I be able to stroll into a branch of Game / Gamestation etc and grab a copy of this or is it uber popular and sold out everywhere?
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