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Posts posted by bose

  1. This is big. I'm pretty confident he wouldn't just come here for the big wage increase,  he would also want guarantees that he would be able to buy the players he and Emery want.

    Really exciting summer ahead.

    • Like 1
  2. 3 minutes ago, duke313 said:

    Didn’t we announce Kamara really early? Like the week after the season ended or something like that?

    We could have deals almost done at this point.

    Basically confirmed during the City match, officially announced a bit later

  3. 3 hours ago, deeps said:

    I’d be stunned if he left. 

    Don’t be. Sadly that’s the way it is today. Even though Chelsea have had a poor season they are still a “big” club, that’s the way football is today.

    Please stay though Emi!

  4. 3 minutes ago, juanpablosaliceband said:

    We are still in it. In spite of Luke Shaw, I still expect us to be within two points of Brighton on the last day. 

    No you see they have done the maths. Don’t have any hopes. Brighton will steamroll both City and Arsenal.

  5. 2 minutes ago, paul514 said:

    It is over they have two games in hand are are effectively two points ahead.

    I mean it’s going to be tough as hell and unlikely but Brighton still have Arsenal, City, Newcastle and then á 6 pointer against us. Let’s see.

  6. Once again under Unai I’m going to be naively optimistic. Been through too much shit with the Villa to try and temper my hopes.

    We’re going for the win tomorrow. If we lose it’ll be because United played very well.

    I’ll be delighted with 8th after everything that’s happened but there is something special brewing here and It’s fine to be excited and maybe even too optimistic for a change.

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  7. 1 hour ago, TRO said:

    I have never suggested "Aggression, desire, passion or desire, can wins games on their own. I am countering the point, that success can be achieved with out them.

    i think the suggestion they can be seperated is folly.....I also think that to suggest tactical understanding of the game( if you are) is something new is also folly......are you suggesting that progressive managers over the years, were not creating new ways to steal a march on the opposition? read your history on Football....its littered with managers who were deep thinkers of the game...and the managers today are not oblivious to their teachings.

    Many managers of the past like Rinus Michels, Vic Buckingham, Johan Cryff etc were tactical masters in their day......sure the game has changed, it always did, since its conception....The modern Managers like Pep, Jurgen and Unai, have learnt from these pioneers to formulate their own interpretations.....its progression.

    Whilst the game has changed in so many ways, some things that the game relies on are still the same, and always will be....It might be worth remembering that.




    I’m clearly not saying that tactical knowledge or understanding is something new. I like to think I have pretty good knowledge on the history of football and people like Michels, Cruyff etc were ahead of their time and clearly very involved in the tactical side of things. Innovators. Tactics have always been important and lots of managers in the past have of course relied on tactical knowledge. It’s even more important today when managers have both more knowledge available to them in the form of various data and managers can go through endless clips of teams to see their strengths, weaknesses and how their team can counteract those factors.

    I feel that desire, determination and working hard is the bare minimum. I think no one is saying that you don’t need these things?

  8. 52 minutes ago, TRO said:


    PS I would back my last shilling, if you said to Pep " Desire and fight and want it more" are no longer , key things, he would disagree....I think Unai would too.

    They are crucial but incredibly basic things in todays game. The other things like tactical understanding, man management, planning, knowing when to change things etc are much more important because you won’t win a match in the premier league today with just more aggression, passion or desire. It’s why the likes of Gerrard and Lampard are horrific managers in todays game, they might have worked in the 80s but the world and the game has moved on.

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  9. 3 hours ago, HKP90 said:

    Weeeelllll. Whilst I'm loving the optimism, I think we need a bit of a reality check here. If the three teams below us win their games in hand they will be above us and we'll be 8th, so while it is a good position to be in, we need to not go mental as a fan base if we drop a bit (not that i'm implying you would, I mean the wider 'we').  

    Yeah well we have to play them all as well. Without having checked it properly at least on of Brightons game in hand is against City. If we win them and they lose to City then thats 6 points gained. If they win their other two games in hand they’ll be at 55 points. So it’s as much in our hands as possible, but of course very tough!

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