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Posts posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. 1-I dont remember finishing in the bottom half in the last 5 seasons

    2-I dont remember losing so many games at home in the last 5 seasons

    3-I dont remember scoring so few goals in the last 5 seasons

    4-I dont remember getting so few points in the last 5 seasons

    5-I dont remember playing such crap football in the last 5 seasons

    Just gotta ask...where were you last season?

  2. I'm also gunning for that news reporter piece with the big tits

    Been there, done that :thumb:

    Does anybody recognise her?? She is Jessica Chobot from IGN, the bird who does the IGN videos on inside Xbox. Tasty.

  3. I could be wrong but I get the impression this forum is quieter after a win. I don't know if this says anything about Villa fans or football fans in general.

    So true. Its not just limited to wether we win or not either.

    For example, N'Zog had a good game against Blackburn and there were tumbleweeds blowing aroung in the N'Zogbia thread. You can bet your bottom dollar that had he had a bad game the thread would have been bumped every 20 seconds.

  4. Bradley wasnt given anywhere near a fair crack of the whip here. We have never been good at blooding new players into the first team though. We always seem to leave them on the bench. Not because theyre not good enough but because the manager (whoever that may be) is scared to change the lineup from his usual 'tried and tested' formula. Bit of a shit way to do things

  5. I'm at the same sort of place as those who have loved it but are now starting to ease it out.

    I've done nearly all the main questlines, with just Dark Brotherhood to finish and then I think I'm out.

    I'd be keen to hear recommendations for where to go next - never really done anything non-Fifa or Rockstar until this one. Part of me is tempted to go backwards and give Oblivion a go, but then I wonder if it'll be a let-down after Skyrim. And that I should just go all out for something else new.

    What would people suggest?

    If you liked Skyrim you will like Oblivion. Both are superb. Dark Souls is another game i would highly recommend if youre looking for a big adventure type game.

  6. We'll see next season. Lambert is just a poor man's MON IMO. As for Moyes, better than Mcleish but Everton are dour to watch like us they don't have any real blue-print or set way of playing. 10 years no trophies. I want an innovative manager who's going to try something different and is obtainable. Rodgers fit's the bill for me.

    So this is the answer then? Get Rodgers in and we will start playing like Barcelona? Great stuff! Get him in!

    But what happens if he doesnt meet your lofty expectations? Get your pitchforks out and start a protest?


  7. Im surprised so many people havent seen him play. Ive seen him for Australia a few times and he has always stood out as a dangerous player, although ive never seen him play club football. Im quite excited about this tbh.

    Welcome to the Villa Brett

  8. i also dont get the way they've done the DLC other than maximising the £££ for themselves, as a result ive lost interest in it

    Its just a way for them to give players the chance to get the DLC upfront for a cutprice fee. Thats all. If you are willing to wait then you pay the normal 1200 MSP's for a map pack.

    The Elite thing is worth it IMO. Lots of interesting stuff to watch on there (if you like COD of course) and the cutprice DLC is a nice bonus. I think it has been well implemented tbh. Although i know alot of Battlefield fanboys who would say otherwise :winkold:

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