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Posts posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. As is mentioned in other posts we had something like 46 shots and only scored 2 goals, that tells me one thing.

    Mc Clueless has changed the players mindset already,you cant blame them, after playing his brand of football for 8 months what else can you expect ?!

    Thats why we had 44 misses and only 2 goals ..........the team know how to run up and down the park but they have lost the killer punch playing under Mickey Mouse McLeish

    What complete and utter bollocks!

    Youre seriously saying that Mcleish has coached the strikers not to score?!

    Trust me, i bet mcleish is as frustrated as many a Villa fan. Seeing all those chances go to waste has **** all to do with management. Having that view just shows what a bitter, twisted anti-ginger fan you really are.

  2. Completed this last night. **** brilliant game, even better than the second. The last mission in particular was superb and i thought the ending was very cleverly done. So much stuff to talk about but dont want to spoil anything for anybody

  3. Cant people just be happy with a win?!?!


    People are happy with a win. :|

    well even doug said it above... would love to be happy but cant with him in charge. And thats what its all about.

    Havent been on here since the win yesterday and as far as i can tell its just the same old shit being regurgitated, nevermind we got 3 points. How sad.

  4. Needs to be playing regularly now. Need to stop pussyfooting around giving the kids ten minutes here and there. Same for Weimann, especially with Bent being out. When Fergie or Redknapp think a kids good enough they put them in the team, end of. I dont see why we should be bigger than that.

    Thats not a criticism of the manager its been a Villa thing for years. Mcleish has acually been quite good in this respect but the kids should still be getting some starts

  5. Although hes had a few decent games this season i still say we should be looking to replace him. Still far too inconsistent and i think we could give that 70 grand a week he gets to somebody whos hungrier and does it more consistently.

  6. Oh and another thing...i mentioned 'Another World' in the best games of all time thread the other day. Found out last night that they are releasing an enhanced 20th anniversary smartphone version in the next few weeks.

    Will definitely be getting that

  7. Mass Effect 3 currently has a Metacritic user rating of 3 out of 10.

    I'm not sure if this is largely due to a mass log-on by homophobes not liking the gay romance. But this was in the Dragon Age games so they must be slow aswelll as stupid.

    I hope it is this. Because people will burn down the EA offices if this turns out another Dragon Age 2.

    Its something to do with the ME community being pissed off about the way Bioware have incorporated Tali's face into the game. Apparently they ripped it straight from some artists blokes portait of some random bird, causing the community to be up in arms about Bioware being lazy programmers.

    Just a bunch of tits with nowt else better to do IMO. Who cares where they got her face from?!

  8. Id like to see Ireland in the same team as Makoun but i certainly wouldnt have him in there instead of him. A midfield of Makoun Ireland and Gardner could work well IMO. Makoun sitting deep, Gardner as box to box and Ireland in an attacking role. Sounds good to me.

  9. He is still the best CM we have on our books.

    The fact that he now plays for somebody else tells ypou everything you need to know about whats wrong with the Villa. Poor, poor descisions made at every turn

    He's been on-loan all season in a pretty average league, and from what I can tell has played about 15 games all up. He is a regular bench warmer. That surely tells you something too.

    Petrov is twice the player Makoun will ever be.

    Im sure this has been mentioned about oooh 100 times already but hes been injured.

    Do keep up.

  10. He is still the best CM we have on our books.

    The fact that he now plays for somebody else tells ypou everything you need to know about whats wrong with the Villa. Poor, poor descisions made at every turn

    Based on what???

    Hes better than Petrov, better than Clarke, better than Herd, better than Ireland. Who else is there? Oh yeah...Jenas, but that one goes without saying really.

    Thats an opinion, not a fact. Its not based on any evidence I can see...

    Yeah, its an opinion. You didnt ask for any 'evidence', just what it was based on. Which, funnily enough, happened to be my opinion.

    Care to provide me some 'evidence' that disproves my opinion?

  11. He is still the best CM we have on our books.

    The fact that he now plays for somebody else tells ypou everything you need to know about whats wrong with the Villa. Poor, poor descisions made at every turn

    Based on what???

    Hes better than Petrov, better than Clarke, better than Herd, better than Ireland. Who else is there? Oh yeah...Jenas, but that one goes without saying really.

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