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Posts posted by Stu_The_Villan

  1. Going by this logic then Dalglish is the 8th best manager in the league. After all, the table doesn't lie right?

    I thought we were talking about the quality of the squad, not the manager?

    Well according to you the table doesn't lie about the squads, so one would assume that it's the same regarding the managers.

    Then again, that would also make McLeish the 15th worst manager in the league (we all know he's worse) and I'm not sure you'd like to admit that. ;)

    What on earth are you waffling on about now?!?

  2. The difference is the players there are hungrier. Like i said in my post above...most of our seniors just couldnt give a **** about busting a gut for this club. They know some stupid sod will sign them again once they leave here so they just dont care. Whereas all the Norwich players are looking to make a name for themselves. For example...id take Grant Holt over any of our strikers all day long, just the same as id take Pilkington over any of our midfielders (including the genius Stephen Ireland). They just want it more.

    Some would blame Mcleish. I dont. Im not saying hes not to blame at all because he blatantly is...but the players need to take most of the blame for their shocking performances

    Heres the post Mantis. Note the points about Mcleish being partly responsible but how the players must also take some blame.

    What questions you on about now? Whatever they are, id rather not to be honest. Im quite sick of you following me round this forum like a lovestruck teenage girl

  3. All you have to say is look at our squad compared to Norwich over the course of the entire season, out players havent been performing for AM.. Look at gabby he has been awful.. Has not scored in about 14 games.

    The difference is the players there are hungrier. Like i said in my post above...most of our seniors just couldnt give a **** about busting a gut for this club. They know some stupid sod will sign them again once they leave here so they just dont care. Whereas all the Norwich players are looking to make a name for themselves. For example...id take Grant Holt over any of our strikers all day long, just the same as id take Pilkington over any of our midfielders (including the genius Stephen Ireland). They just want it more.

    Some would blame Mcleish. I dont. Im not saying hes not to blame at all because he blatantly is...but the players need to take most of the blame for their shocking performances

  4. When everyone is fit, which of course they are not at the moment, we have the 11th best squad in the division

    How you work that one out??

    Well I was looking at the league table and I looked at each team and considered whether they have a better squad or not. I counted 10 teams who have better players then villa, so 11th. What do you think?

    In all honestly mate, i think our squad reflects our league position just about right. We have lost all our best players and most of our senior players are now just going through the motions putting in half arsed performances. Half of them dont even want to be here. Our kids are the only real thing to be happy about but its unfair to ask them to come in at this stage and put right what our seniors have managed to **** up all season.

    The bottom line is that our squad is painfully average. Comfortably a bottom half squad of players. Major overhaul needed

  5. I do manage to watch most Villa games for myself mate and no way was he MOTM in every game he played. He has stood out in maybe 2-3 games this season. You also have to bear in mind that he is massively overrated on here so those MOTM votes are slightly biased

  6. My god this is awful news. Maybe he has been playing on knowing about this all along. It aint something that just happens overnight. Might also explain why he tires so easily in games.

    Get well soon Stan.

  7. Personally i think it would be a good move for him. Hes not cut out to do the business week in week out in the English PL.

    If we get anything over 5m for him it would be good business

  8. He cant be any worse than the invisible man Petrov

    Why we insist on playing overpaid useless old men who perform once every 5 games whilst keeping potentially cracking young players out the team I will never know..

    Well said

  9. I've never said CI loves McLeish. At least read my posts properly before accusing me of being hypocritical.

    Yes you have, dont lie. And before you ask me to trawl back through 600+ pages in the Mcleish thread to find you 'evidence' , dont bother, i cant be arsed.

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