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Posts posted by Big_John_10

  1. I can't believe all this rubbish on here - we all know Spurs are the best team in the world!

    Hoof 1:

    Exhibit A

    Davies notes 'long ball' Spurs

    "Tottenham played a lot of long balls into Crouchy"

    Hoof 2:

    Exhibit B

    "Spurs were looking to use the height of Peter Crouch rather than playing through Stoke"

    "they went route one"

    Hoof 3:

    Exhibit C

    “I think they played more long balls than anyone I’ve played against this season with the balls upto Peter Crouch."

    Hoof 4:

    Exhibit D

    “It’s funny I thought in the game it was quite strange because a lot of their attacks came from long balls up to ‘Crouchy’"

    Hoof 5:

    Exhibit E

    Redknapp dropped the England striker for Tottenham's subsequent league matches against, unimpressed with how his team resorted to playing high balls towards Crouch.

    'We can play it too long at times"

    Hoof 6:

    Exhibit F

    "It was mentioned to me that our goals against Liverpool were out of the old Wimbledon manual and I have to admit it is something I literally called for at half time."

    Hoof 7:

    Exhibit G

    Predictable long-ball merchants Tottenham don't scare us

    'They always play a long ball first, and the game will start from there."

    Hoof 8:

    Exhibit H

    Kranjcar defends route one Tottenham

    "You are looking to create chances through crosses and long balls"

    Nice work :thumb:

    Agreed, you have just killed his argument with those posts so well played.

    I think i hate spurs more than the scum. I would be devestated if they finished 4th

  2. That annoyed the fans, the fans made it known to MON.

    So this season MON has took them seriously, and guess what has happened - we were in a Cup Final and we are three weeks from a Semi-Final/

    So moaning bitching fans who post on the Internet and ring up radio shows are now being given some credit for our success in the cups this year?

  3. Most of the bench weren't signed to help us break into the top 4 this season, most of them were signed as our squad was improving and while our aims were changing. We need to start signing better players but I don't think we should expect a bench load of players good enough to come in and maintain a top 4 challenge.

  4. So sometimes you actually agree with these deluded insane people that think certain players should be picked ahead of others?

    You're really not getting it are you jez? It's not deluded to have these opinions, it's deluded to believe a premiership manager like MON is a complete fool and useless because he doesn't think the same way as you do.

    Your first on pointing out how wrong everyone is and how deluded they all are, not agreeing and wanting other players to play, very strange.

    Is it? I think it's more strange to just constantly slag off the manager and players of the club you support.

    How about when a fan see's their side play absolute tosh they dont have they greatest of restraint that you obviously have and let that frustration out in over the top ways. Are they wrong for doing that, or should we all have the perfect response that you clearly have BJ?

    If after the season we've had you think the manager should go because we had a bad 45 minutes then yes i think you're an idiot and you are wrong for acting that way. I wouldn't say i have the perfect response i just don't see the point in going crazy when the man in charge has proved over and over again that he deserves to be trusted. If you think acting like a spoilt little girl is the best way then please continue.

    Should we all just wait till the end of the season, have no discussion about RB's and strikers, because lets be honest none of us have a clue about how the season is going to end, then again it would be very boring, especially if we all had the same obviously correct opinion as yourself.

    God you just don't read do you Jez? In my last few posts i've said how my opinion is wrong and i have no problem with people on this board sharing opinions as you say its what all fans do.

    The problem is when the vocal crazy minority on here start abusing the manager when he doesn't do what they think, or even after a win they aren't happy because he didn't do what they think.

    At the start of every transfer window we have to read how crap he is at buying players, at the start of every season we read how we will do nothing with our average squad. At the start of games we had to hear about how clueless he is because he picks petrov in a 4-4-2, during games we have to read about how crap he is because he hasn't used a sub at the exact moment barrys boot wanted him to.

    It's good that people share their opinion and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest that you're the sort of fan who would encourage the over the top posting against the manager and some of our players. Me i like to actually support the teams so while i have my own views i'm happy to put faith in the man whose doing a great job in charge.

  5. I know, thank god we have fans like you, whilst the rest of us have our own opinions right or wrong; your still consistent by just having MON's.

    Once again jez you are completely wrong. Against burnley i wanted downing off and then he went and scored 2 goals. Against reading i wanted downing off again and heskey to come off and then we go and score 4 goals in a half.

    Yet your once again getting worked up with people not happy with certain things of the performance before, during and after the game.

    However, you've just admitted you've done the same.

    So whats the difference?

    Because I and i'm sure the majority of villa fans who are quite sane don't think MON is a clueless idiot because he doesn't always think the same as us.

    There are too many people on this site who react like a spoilt 9 year old girl who didn't get their own way for the first time ever if MON plays players or formations that they don't agree with.

    Sometimes MON picks players i don't think should be playing but i'm not deluded enough to believe that that makes him wrong and an idiot. I might not agree with every decision he makes but he has done more than enough since he has been in charge for me to have faith in him getting it right more often than not.

  6. I know, thank god we have fans like you, whilst the rest of us have our own opinions right or wrong; your still consistent by just having MON's.

    Once again jez you are completely wrong. Against burnley i wanted downing off and then he went and scored 2 goals. Against reading i wanted downing off again and heskey to come off and then we go and score 4 goals in a half.

    I have opinions on the villa and yes at times they are shown to be wrong but the big difference between most people on here and a small crazy minority on here is that most of us don't believe that MON is a complete idiot and useless manager because he doesn't share our opinion.

  7. Some people are getting on our players back far too easily too. We are doing so well at the moment then as soon as we play poorly well.... we are back to an average - below average team going nowhere with shit players and a shit manager.

    Some people have made such a ridiculous fuss over the years about how poor MON is and how poor a lot of his signings are and how he hasn't got a clue with tactics. So when the opportunity to get on his back comes up they jump at it. Its a shame for them that MON keeps making them look like the foolish champ man fans they really are, you would have thought people would have learnt by now.

  8. Just got back and still buzzing! What a crazy game!

    Match thread was hilarious so thanks to the usual people. Love the fact the one person who thinks we'd be top 3 if MON listened to him was crying for Carew to come off.

    This game once again shows us that we as fans really know nothing and it's about time people trusted the manager more. I was pissed off at half time and would have liked some changes to be made but what do I know, the man in charge knows what his doing and it's clear he has the respect of that team (who was claiming our team spirit wasn't great?)

    another trip to wembley, how boring!

  9. Well first it was petrov and now it's Carew, how come it's the same people who seem to focus on one player every so often?

    Carew has been poor this season but was his other seasons he's been excellent. I don't get what his age has to do with things, yes it means he won't improve much as a player but that's not the problem, he is out of form, it's not like his legs have gone or can't physically handle it, he is in poor form and injuries have effected him this season.

    I wouldn't be too quick to sell him in the summer unless he really wants to go.

  10. Going to villa park is beginning to not be fun, too many **** moaning rocket polishers around.

    Dont go then!

    They pay their money and can do what they like, the same way you pay yours to sit on your high horse.

    Good result i think, anything other than a loss to Utd is a good point.

    We're going to actually have to create something in the final mind..

    Haha it's quite comfortable on my high horse thanks and i'm happy to be on it, it's always a good thing as a supporter to actually support the team.

  11. against a side that were there for the taking.

    Man U even with 10 men will never be there for the taking. They are too good at keeping the ball and have players like valencia and rooney who can make things happen while the rest of the team sit back.

    Man U with 10 don't suddenly turn into pompey.

  12. Yes man u went down to 10 men but those 10 men were still quality players who know how to keep the ball and they still

    had the best player in the league up top.

    Good point in the end and keeps us in the mix.

    Going to villa park is beginning to not be fun, too many **** moaning rocket polishers around.

    Man u were getting well on top when we changed it and although delph was playing well he was the only one who could go off when we put another striker on

  13. ... every season Spudz fall away into nothingness, this season will be no different IMO, hence I'm not spouting shite.


    Two 5th places finishes, plus two Wembley appearances and a League Cup, all in the last 4 seasons, says otherwise.

    Those who live in glass houses ....

    Where did you finish the other two seasons and is that similar to your usual league finish since the premier league began?

  14. Has the whole 4-4-2 with petrov doesn't work been put to bed yet?

    So one win in the last five games.......

    Depends on if you view Heskey as playing a proper one of 2 strikers or is he taking up a deeper 4-4-1-1 position?

    Not sure anyone can claim a moral (or immoral) victory on this as we will never know how the team would have done playing 4-5-1 will we.

    We'll never know how the team would have done in a 4-5-1 but we do know that in a 4-4-2 with petrov we are in a cup final and still well in the fight for 4th place which makes all the ranting about the manager being clueless and blind for not seeing that it doesn't work look a bit silly.

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