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Posts posted by chrissmith921

  1. My point is everyone thinks their club has a 'special' part about their name.

    Its either having the name of the city or not - but both cases make your clubs name special?

    You could argue our name is more towards the 'franchise' naming convention the Americans use than others in fact, therefore making the make up of it less unique.

  2. Kiddeminster Harriers is a unique name, as is Manchester United, as is Arsenal, as is Bolton Wanderers, as is Middlesbrough..... etc etc.

    How can something be 'more' unique?

  3. Winning by cheating is far far greater (espeically in a World Cup semi final) than losing gracefully.

    i respectfully disagree.

    You'd rather Villa lose an FA Cup semi final because one of our players didnt take an opportunity like Diego did, than win it with a similar sort of goal?

    well yes.

    I feel embarrased when any of our players deliberately and obviosuly and intentionnaly cheat.

    Ash is occassionally guilty of this, in the way that Ronaldo sometimes is for Utd.

    something as blatant as a handball into the goal, i would not be happy with, no.

    It would devalue the win, for me.

    I wouldnt care, I'm sure there is something you could look at from our European win in 82 that should have meant we didnt go through in some round and therefore shouldnt have won it.

    The ideal is winning fairly and honestly, but the important part of that is the winning, rather than being fair and honest.

  4. Winning by cheating is far far greater (espeically in a World Cup semi final) than losing gracefully.

    i respectfully disagree.

    You'd rather Villa lose an FA Cup semi final because one of our players didnt take an opportunity like Diego did, than win it with a similar sort of goal?

  5. Undoubtedly, as he was the greatest footballer I have ever seen and probably the best ever World Cup performer for his efforts in '86.

    Talkshite have been going off on one about him for days but the simple fact is that the England captain, John Terry, is a cheat. Moreover his cheating is sponsored by his association who overturned his red card for cheating at Man City earlier in the season.

    The England vice-captain also a cheat, falling over regularly and uses his 'star' status to bully referees into giving him decisions.

    The game is littered with cheats, including a number of English ones, none of whom are fit to lace Mr Maradona's boots

    so that makes cheating allright does it? just because the english cheat how does that detract from the fact he cheated.

    This is professional sport - not a kick about with mates.

    Winning is ALL that matters in professional sport - so therefore winning by cheating > losing because didnt take the opportunity to cheat

  6. Yes - not because the HoG put England out etc - but because of his status as a footballer.

    If an English player had done that, you'd all feel a hell of a lot different - Neil Back cheated for Leicester right under his posts in the final of the European Cup against Munster, got away with it, when he tapped the ball down on scrum put in. Is he villified amongst the English Rugby press along the same lines as Maradona is for the English football press? No - reason being, English Rugby benefited from that, where-as of course English football got crushed by Maradona.

    I'd think the referee should be the focus of England's disappointment, he should have picked up Maradona's handball - in my opinion Maradona did what I'd want any player to do in the situation - do whatever it takes to win the game, and if you get away with it, go beyond the ideals of doing it fairly.

    Winning by cheating is far far greater (espeically in a World Cup semi final) than losing gracefully.

  7. are you being awkward ?

    I am comparing New York to other US states, you would imagine in New York being a city actually some problems there are actually worse

    yet their levels of murders are way lower than New Orleans _ Lousiana which I think has the death penalty

    surely you must accept comparsions between US states are valid

    therefore if there is no deterrent effect shown then simply it does not work ?

    you have no evidence at ALL none, to prove captial punishment works as a deterrent

    Japan are below us in the rankings for murder.

    They are pretty much similar to us in terms of rich/poor divide, weapon ownership etc.

    Yet they have capital punishment.

  8. Well if he still is in 3 years time, I'll re-evaluate my opinion.

    I dont believe he's good enough, and in fact, dont think he ever has been. Surrounded by better players now he can play more confidently, knowing if he makes a mistake there should be enough around him to drag him out of a hole, but I still dont think hes what you'd call a top class Premiership defender, and I certainly wouldnt swap him for Laursen, Davies or Cuellar.

    Knight on the other hand.....

  9. Right went on an Everton forum, first thread I found on him

    This season he hasnt really had a bad game. He has been the player of the season so far, and MoM for most matches

    Jagielka has been our best player this season by a fooking mile. He is so good in defence and without doubt the best defender we have in our squad, he's one of a select group (three maybe?) who absolutely love the club and show that on the field

    Jags by a mile should be at the top of everyone's list so far for player of the season. He's lead at the back for us when certain other players heads (and bodies) have been god knows where.

    Jags is the best, Great player, great bloke, great leader. Mr EFC, exactly the quality of player and type of character we need more of.

    He's my favourite player.

    For me he is up there with the best defenders in the league. However I think he will always be overlooked by Capello as he is not playing for the Sky4.

    pure class, most underated player in the prem, his performances after performances get better, he had rooney and berbatov in his pocket sat, and has constantly kept the top strikers in the league quiet, he played torres brilliantly in the derby out battled him and didnt give him a sniff, he was let down by his team mates

    there is no other contender for player of the year so far

    I ain't even reached bottom of the first page ;)

    I'm not trying to change your mind but just giving our views on him.

    Read through this forum about Petrov.

    People proclaiming him to be our best player this season despite having a go at him over the past 2 years.

    Form is temporary - class is permanent. I think Jagielka is on form, but is he a top class player? I dont think so myself.

  10. I wont, because I'm not saying it to cause argument etc, I just dont rate the lad.

    He's played the majority of his career where he has for a reason, now hes stepped up, the side he's stepped up-to hasnt looked as good a side as they did previously.

    Obviously there are always further reasons for this, but I dont think he's that good, in the same way I never thought Steven Davis was that good for us, just ran round a lot in a very poor side...

  11. Wait a minute here - you cant say the US because the US also have the firearms laws that are different to our own.

    I would certainly think that being allowed to own and operate your own weapon is more of an influence on the murder rate than getting a few volts up your arse 20 years after being convicted for it....

    oh right so the US is the only western state with captital punishment but we are not allowed to reference because they clearly do not prove the detterent point if you look at different states, with or without it

    so do we compare with any country, maybe Saudi and would you be happy to have Sharia law then ?

    No - you cannot compare however our country to theirs - there are far bigger influences to their crime problems than there are to ours. However, given the fact that they virtually all are carrying shooters, they have a much bigger gap between rich and poor (both these factors will increase murder rate significantly) etc - the fact their murder rate remains just about as low as ours should actually point to Capital Punishment being a very good deterent?

    the US's according to

    good old Wiki has a murder rate of almost double !!

    in fact if you look at the murder rate for just England and Wales it is nearly three times bigger because Scotland's is higher it brings up the UK average

    so you still say it is a deterrent ?

    And what about the effect that owning firearms has on those figures?

    Or can you not accept that the ownership of weapons is a far, far greater influence on that rate than capital punishment is??

  12. Do the people advocating a violent death, also think Islamic states are barbaric? Because that would be a little hypocritical.

    And I challenge anyone who wants to see prison "harder" to stay at home indoors for, let's say 3 months. You're allowed to go to work but as soon as the day is sone, back home. No friends or relatives can visit, no spedcial food or booze is allowed, but you're allowed your music, TV, dvds, playstations etc.

    Shouldnt be even allowed them.

    Brick walls, a space to lay down (not a bed) and a pot to p*ss in.

    Why on earth should they have ANY luxuries? Absolute basic survival is what it should be. I couldnt care less if theyre bored either. Perhaps they would be so bored they (heres a revolution-inspring idea) they might not commit a crime next time???

  13. Wait a minute here - you cant say the US because the US also have the firearms laws that are different to our own.

    I would certainly think that being allowed to own and operate your own weapon is more of an influence on the murder rate than getting a few volts up your arse 20 years after being convicted for it....

    oh right so the US is the only western state with captital punishment but we are not allowed to reference because they clearly do not prove the detterent point if you look at different states, with or without it

    so do we compare with any country, maybe Saudi and would you be happy to have Sharia law then ?

    No - you cannot compare however our country to theirs - there are far bigger influences to their crime problems than there are to ours. However, given the fact that they virtually all are carrying shooters, they have a much bigger gap between rich and poor (both these factors will increase murder rate significantly) etc - the fact their murder rate remains just about as low as ours should actually point to Capital Punishment being a very good deterent?

  14. Wait a minute here - you cant say the US because the US also have the firearms laws that are different to our own.

    I would certainly think that being allowed to own and operate your own weapon is more of an influence on the murder rate than getting a few volts up your arse 20 years after being convicted for it....

  15. How much does it cost to keep a prisoner in isolation (or max sec) for 25 years for the crime they commit?

    They're kept away from other criminals because of the fear of what might happen to them, despite THEM being the one who has committed the horrendous act.

    Why should everyone have to pay to keep this scum in existence? Cut off their heads.

  16. Part of the deal with the official travel is to ensure that people who take that package have a ticket...that would only make sense.

    Would it not be fairest that those who want to book official travel can only do so when they are entitled to a ticket under the priorities that are placed on everybody who goes independently? Otherwise, as we have seen those going with official travel jump to the top of the queue.

    which is why its far more expensive.

    paying out big money to get preference over others - thats the usual line given by Season ticket holders - same thing here.....

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