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Posts posted by chrissmith921

  1. Horrendous idea imo.

    Everyone in the same area of the ground should pay the same, regardless of if they attended last season or not.

    The club needs to encourage new fans as well as existing ones, this idea completely alienates non local, every-game attending supporters - which I would suggest are in fact the majority of our support.

    Why should I pay more because I cannot attend every week?

  2. I am at the Wales vs England game on valentines day with work, the other half is going with friends so I have bought her a hip flask from Links of London.

    Also at the game, with the misses.

    So thats her present.

    She always harps about going to this game and me never missing playing football on a Saturday to see her - so thats both those things at once.

    She cant complain now for a while :)

  3. Born in that hotbed of Villa greats, Erdington, now live in 'town' (Burm City centre for non brummies).

    is it only Brummies that call a city centre 'town' ?

    Well, by definitiion that would make them idiots? As City != town.

  4. If a woman says "Do you think I'm fat?" You basically have to put your trainers on and run as far away as you can. There is no right answer to that question.

    Yes there is - the truth.

    If she is, and she doesnt like it, perhaps she should get to the gym. If shes fine with it, then theres no problem.

    Also, if she isn't, yet thinks she is, she's attention seeking.

  5. Hi General

    My condolonces for your loss.

    Small, and possibly irrelevant to most question, but recently I've ordered tickets for a game and had to change my address on the system - as I live in a Welsh street, in a welsh-named village, in a welsh named borough, it gave the woman on the other end of the line a large amount of difficulty in getting the address right (hopefully my tickets will turn up!!) - I believe she got there in the end, but this issue could easily be controlled by a post-code lookup option on their system, or even easier, a way of editing it ourselves via our login on avfc.co.uk.

    Although it doesnt affect a lot of people - it maybe something to look into, as human error can always happen

  6. does this reflect people on salaries. i probably average 5 - 10 hours of unpaid work a week. I always have done, it makes my working day a bit easier and is has always been well thought of by people senior to myself. Do others do it or am i alone in this?

    I think most do it, its what just needs to be done and if it means you hit your job targets... must be a good thing?

  7. I believe if he played for us now in his Prime he'd be banging the goals in. Bottom line is we were rubbish, utter rubbish team when he was here and he's a confidence player. The one season we had a good run he scored 23 goals. Says it all.

    I love JPA. Always will.

    How about you turn that last bit around - the one season he actually performed, we did a lot better. That says to me we always had a decent enough side just never scored enough goals. For me there was one reason, and one reason only for that.

    Lets put this into perspective mate, in GT's season where he was often criticised he had Leanardhsen/Kinsella playing alongside. Put it this way even if we had Dwight Yorke in GT's season he would never have scored the goals.

    He still had chances though. And he missed them. It wasnt as if he was going game after game without touching the ball. He wasted many chances, but because he was a big money signing then people always point at the others around him as a reason for it.

  8. I believe if he played for us now in his Prime he'd be banging the goals in. Bottom line is we were rubbish, utter rubbish team when he was here and he's a confidence player. The one season we had a good run he scored 23 goals. Says it all.

    I love JPA. Always will.

    How about you turn that last bit around - the one season he actually performed, we did a lot better. That says to me we always had a decent enough side just never scored enough goals. For me there was one reason, and one reason only for that.

  9. People will still act the same way too, moving around to be in groups in certain areas, crush points (particularly behind the goal) when goals are scored...

    You can't completely predict human behaviour - trying to do so will mean they miss a certain scenario or situation, which they havent designed for.

  10. Also, do you think that in the 80s the terracing was referred to as 'unsafe standing'?

    You'd never know if it was safe until it was in full use across the country, it wasnt the design of the old terracing that made it unsafe, but the actions of the people in and around it.

  11. Blackburn proved that you could ... so have Chelsea who have gone from the poor relations of London to a team with glory boy fans and illusions of grandeur .. I think Hoddle (?? was it him ) actually started putting them on the map with signing Guillet and the baldy guy whose name has completely escaped me (he that managed Watford) ... without those players I don't think the Chelsea profile would ever have been high enough to get Abramovic's attention ..or indeed some of the players they subsequently attracted ... a problem man City will face short term in trying to get Europes top (sane) stars ..hence i think the reason he will buy British from now on in .. the Torres of this world are a good 5 years away from joining Man City in my opinion

    getting there is one thing , having the structure in place to stay there is the important bit i guess

    oh it's come back to me now ..Vialli was his name

    Blackburn spent a shit load when they won it.....

  12. Aggregate debt (student loans) of about a tenth of my annual income & a decent number of investments inherited over the years. Unfortunately, I have an unfortunate tendency towards profligacy (mostly manifested as eating out).

    I have the same problem, but my missus loves it ;)

  13. As above, I personally think I'm alright, I could pay up the car and can cover my mortgage payments if needed, my neighbours have both been evicted for non payment, poor buggers,so obviously it can and does happen, but I'm careful with my money :)

  14. Tony - no problem - I chose 'Decent savings & income - pretty comfortable'

    Income - explains itself, in fact when the car and wedding are paid up and done (September) I will be very happy - near enough a grand extra disposable income a month :) Happy days. :)

    I chose that option because,

    I have 3 savings accounts - 1 - car money - seperate from others because in my mind its 'paid' and i dont want to touch this cash. 2 - Wedding - this is pretty much done too, but is getting spent in chunks so i need access to it constantly - again its money I could use in a dire emergency, but I'd rather not. 3 - This has about 8 months of mortgage payments in it. However I use this money for other things too, eg last winter I needed new guttering, summer - new windows. I'll need a new boiler and roof-repair someday in the next 2-3 years so hoping that doesnt happen all at once!

    I'd say that thats enough savings to keep me going for 6 months now (taking bills etc into account) - and my unemployment cover on my mortgage kicks in after 4 months out of work anyway, so I think I'm covered in that respect. :)

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