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Posts posted by donnie

  1. No offence but every post of yours leaves me flabbergasted. I'm going to hazard a guess you're no older than 14?

    Aint you the same guy who suggested Villa should sign sneijder?! Now that leaves me flabbergasted

  2. Deffo, DEFFO go to the Szecheny spa in Budapest, absoultely incredible day out and quite weird in a cool way when you go in the baths outside.

    Its a strange place is budapest, its a dump but yet has lots of charm. Weird, weird place. restaurants are hard to find and ones you do are vile...people are cold and quite rude also.

  3. I normally wear chinos (grey, beige or maroon) and a variety of polo shirts, cardigans, jumpers etc.... I rotate between proper shoes and pumps/converse in neutral colours.

    Nhs forbids denim but I only wear jeans at home anyway. I've seen people wear band shirts and those generic meaningless shirts you get at river island and such, I draw the line at that. Wouldn't wear a band t-shirt to work. It's smart casual for me, not hobo.

    How do you wear chinos in an hospital?? Are you a nurse, cause if so dont you have to wear nhs uniform??

  4. I work in an office, dress code is strict shirts, tie etc! Now boys have to adhere to this, yet women in the office (seems to be every office) come in a flowery top, stripey jumper, etc how the **** is that office wear?!

    One day the female manager pulled me up about me wearing a jumper!! She had the CHEEK to say this whilst wearing a stripey jumper

  5. So what are good careers to get into then in mid 20's?? to old to become a humble plumber, electrician which would suit me fine. Not clever enough to do accountancy, so teaching and radiography is all i can think of...in my industry cant see me ever earning much more then £25k. Need more to buy a house in future years to come.

  6. Ive worked in shipping/logistics last 2 years. The money isnt great and chances of progression in slim. Already have a degree which has got me no where and at 27 need to find what i want to do now.

    Considering either doing a PGCE for primary school teaching or going back to uni to do radiography (which i want to do), however the thought of 3 years with no cash is hard to swallow.

    My elder daughter was in a similar position - 2:1 in English, but no career job (working for Morrisons at minimum wage).

    She really, really wanted to do primary PGCE, did some teaching assistant work at our local school (where they absolutely loved her and said she was a born primary teacher), applied to all the local colleges/universities that offered it - and couldn't get a place. A year later she tried again - still no joy. And I know someone else who had exactly the same experience - she's working at Starbucks.

    Apparently, the courses around here (West Yorkshire) are, massively oversubscribed - they get about 100 applications for every available place, very few of them "timewasters". She is mightily pissed off about it.

    Funnily enough, I also have a friend who went back to Uni to do radiography - he got a 1st, and an immediate job.

    Draw from all that what you will!

    The thing with primary school is the obvious massive shortage of male primary school teachers, around 15% are male. The teaching unions are encouraging more males to go into the profession, so whether that would work in my favour i dont know.

    Was your friend a mature student in radiography??

  7. Ive worked in shipping/logistics last 2 years. The money isnt great and chances of progression is slim. Already have a degree which has got me no where and at 27 need to find what i want to do now.

    Considering either doing a PGCE for primary school teaching or going back to uni to do radiography (which i want to do), however the thought of 3 years with no cash is hard to swallow.

  8. It's not about willy waving.

    Just a case of showing your support for the city. Birmingham's economy is struggling and way one to inject some money into the area is through tourism. London doesn't throw much to the regions and what it does is the scraps. Lets fight for ourselves for one.

    Birmingham and Manchester are both two different cities with different offerings. Manchester has the support of the media, while Birmingham has to fight for itself. I'm not blaming Manchester for this, they are just far superior at marketing what they have.

    Vote now.

    Other then the 'more canals then Venice' line dont think we advertise our canals enough. The canal area in central brum could and should look alot prettier other then the area around the mailbox / brindley place. This should be our main selling point.

    Our other attraction 'Balti Triangle' is located in an area of Brum i wouldnt dare venture too and our Music district in Moseley is located too far from the centre of Brum although hopefully the new tram line will make the connections easier. I wouldnt go on a Travel West Midlands bus if I was payed too.

    All in all though we are still lucky to live in a city like Birmingham rather then Leeds, Sheffield, etc and id much rather live in Birmingham then London.

  9. Had an interview on Livery Street yesterday which is next to Snow Hill station. I think Birmingham is a great city. I have spent 4 years living in London, and although it is without doubt a great city, it is so expensive to live there and is too big. Birmingham is the perfect size, not too big, not too small and people are friendly. Birmingham is affordable to rent and buy. I would choose to live in Birmingham over London.

    And I can honestly say Birmingham has the best looking women in the UK. Absolute stunners everywhere.

    The problem is Birmingham does not market itself well enough. All the other major UK cities do. And Birmingham still has the negative connotations attached to it.

    Wowww, your joking right?! You should pay a visit to Walsall near Brum, some right 'beauties' there :lol:

  10. Some rumours that Amir Khan's 'comeback' fight will be against Joan Guzman.

    Now Joan Guzman is probably past his best at 36 years old but I can tell you that the man still has good speed, a lot of technique and can still punch with power from either hand.

    If this fight comes off we could be witnessing the end of Khan's career. I must admit, if this rumor is true Khan must have one hell of a stupid team around him as Guzman represents enormous risk and hardly any reward. Not many have heard of Guzman and he doesn't have any serious Belt at Light Welter. If Khan does win, because Guzman is pretty unknown to the public he won't be getting much in the way of credit.

    But yeah, this has the seconding coming of Bredis Prescott written all over it.

    I think the only hope for Khan now is it to leave Roach and move to a more defensive minded coach like Nazim Richardson who would be perfect for khan.

    It was obvious from Ringside that Khan was second best to pacman and having to fly to the phillipines to train for his fight then back to the wildcard without roach couldnt have helped.

    Nazim Richardson will defo improve his defense, as although he has improved greatly under roach he is still too easy to hit and willl focus more of his time on Khan then roach can.

    I trained in the wildcard when I was in LA 3 years ago (when I say train I did 3 minutes of padwork with freddies brother, pepper) anyone can go down and pay a small fee, its amazing how tiny the gym actually is. Unfortunetly freddie, pacman, and khan wernt there to laugh at my attempts on the pads

  11. I have lived in Manchester and completely disagree. You sound like you've only been a tourist there which means you aren't comparing like-for-like.

    Go manchester every other weekend so more then a tourist. Tell me why brum is better then??

  12. Reading Fulham have enquired about Mark Noble as he is in his last year of his contract...always rated him and adds a bit of creativity in the centre we need. £3 - £4 million he aint bad and at 25 is a good age. Lee (south korean) from Bolton as well is a player we should be in for to add to the midfield. Prob cost around £5-6 million but he is a good player and is realistic.

  13. If we put in a good bid and offered decent wages, I could see us being able to get Lennon if he really is unwanted at Tottenham. A marquee signing as such, probably won't happen I know, and it baffles me if he really isn't wanted at Spurs since he did a really good job for them last season IIRC.

    Other clubs that would be in for him such as Sunderland have already spent a fortune this window, Everton are apparently low on funds, and I could only see Swansea going in for him if the Sinclair move to City goes through.

    Yeah can see Lennon wanting to leave champions league chasing tottenham to join relegation battling Villa for alot less wages, yeah i can see it as well!

    This is quite fun reading some of the 'serious' suggestions on here

  14. I'd absolutely love Walcott but he'd probably have better offers at the moment.

    Weirdly, I could see Man UTD selling Nani and bringing in Walcott. Walcott provided a lot of goals Van Persie and Nani has been poor lately. He'd only be used as an impact player there.

    I think he'd have far more attractive offers than us. Though, would love him here.

    Nani to villa?!?! Now your taking the piss

  15. I am still failing to see what Manchester has that Brum doesn't, except for a global brand football team.

    Good transport system (tram that connects the city is outstanding whilst brum's is appaling and honestly feel we have the worst bus service in the country) better architecture (the old buildings and the new are spread out and designed well, unlike brum that places millenium point in the middle of an industrial wasteland), more of a culture and integration of people then brum, chinatown in manchester is awesome whilst brum's is tiny and pointless, easier to drive into the city then it is bham, manchester 'shite' areas are not as bad as our 'shite' areas...just a much, much better city and ive lived in brum all my life...although i think the area by the mailbox/canal is beautiful, other then that and the area around the town hall the rest of brum is pretty terrible, whilst manchester's nice areas are more spread out

  16. How about Huntelaar?

    Apparently he could be on the move for around £8 million (According to football rumours website)

    Essien could be a good buy, but at a risk regarding his fitness.

    As for Owen or Hargreaves? Blah, too much of a risk.

    This isnt football manager! Huntelaar, Essien, are you off your rocker?! lol no way in a million years could we attract these. Players like Dempsey, or Johnson wouldnt even want to come to us if given the chance so why on earth would these champions league players come to us.

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