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Posts posted by donnie

  1. Froch didn't turn pro until he was 25 so he is a "young" 36 year old on that count, though he has had some pretty epic battles with some of the very best fighters in the world over the last four years. The thing is, he has looked fantastic for the most part, he is certainly a much better fighter today than he was at 30 which I guess is the age where most athletes (who don't rely on pace at least) are supposed to peak. I think his fight against Groves will be an extremely one sided affair, I'm not sure about a clean knockout because Froch isn't a one punch finisher but I think the ref will jump in and stop it during the middle rounds.

    No one thought groves had a chance against degale but booth worked on a strategy and it worked. I give groves more of a chance then a clearly past it kessler.

    Thing with groves he is still unproven. Other then degale he fought no one of note. Glen Johnson was washed up many years ago

  2. Rumours saying that Froch Groves will be announced today, fight taking place on November 23rd. Dunno about the venue.

    Yeah looks like it's happening. Mmm Could see an upset here. Surely age will catch up on froch eventually. Would be outraged if this is ppv though.

  3. He stopped the fight before completing the count, a typical Warren job this.

    Chisora is now the Warren Boxing Order 'international' champ LOL.

    Obvious fix, that ref should never be in a ring again. **** Warren and **** box nation, this is why I stream everything they show.

    **** box nation?! Best thing that's happened to boxing in a while. Brilliant value for money considering fights we get to see from abroad and the upcoming cards.

    No way was it a screw job. Scott didn't want none of it simple as that. No heart.

    What is pissing me off is fast car Eddie Hearn claiming Scott quiqq is fighting for a world title. Bullshit is it. Rigo is the champion of the organisations belt he is fighting for, so unless he is fighting Rigo then it's bullshit.

  4. The world I would prefer:

    No monarchy. OK, I'm in the minority, ho hum.

    The world I could accept:

    Royal baby born, media reports its birth as an "...and finally" item. People in the bus queue have a bit of an "Awwww, how nice for them"-type chat, some inevitably more interested than others, and we move on.

    The world we have:

    Massive, massive overhyping and media overkill, whipping up the gullible into a frenzy of mindless celeb-worshipping and forelock-tugging, keeping their minds off realising what shit conditions they are being kept in.

    Serious question, would you prefer a world with no monarchy or a world with no politicians??? I know which option I'd choose

  5. Haven't we got a new fitness coach?!

    All these injuries doesn't bode well. Maybe he is overworking them or using new methods. That's way to many injuries in a short space of time to be a coincidence.

  6. Wow just seen elite squad 2.i thought the first one was good but number 2 was even better. I have next to no hope for the new robocop but someone told me the director of elite squad is now on board with robocop so maybe, just maybe, it might be decent.

    Elite squad 2 - 9 out of 10

  7. Who could possibly play batman next in the superman v batman film??

    Honestly can't think of anyone. Fassbender maybe?!

    Off topic slightly but always thought brad Pitt would play a perfect joker with Johnny Depp the perfect riddler

  8. its not like its difficult anyway

    9 til 3:30 and 2 weeks off for every bank holiday

    Primary school teaching seems like a piss easy job to be honest with the amount of time they get off and the kids seem pleasant enough at that age. Secondary school is something else though.

  9. I've been wanting to emigrate for years but obviously I'm still young and getting a Visa etc isn't exactly an easy task. I'm doing a month tour of the US and Canada next summer (mostly Canada cause I've lived in the States for a bit) and this time next year I'll have my QTS and everything.

    My plan is to do my NQT year then find out what the actual requirements to get certified are. Obviously I wouldn't even attempt to move straight after my PGCE so getting my NQT year down is sensible I feel.

    Any Canadians here who can help out?

    From reading this, I can see why the next generation have no hope if you're a teacher.

    Nah I'm only messing fella, you took piss out of my comment on another thread so getting my own back. Sure you make a fine teacher

  10. I've been wanting to emigrate for years but obviously I'm still young and getting a Visa etc isn't exactly an easy task. I'm doing a month tour of the US and Canada next summer (mostly Canada cause I've lived in the States for a bit) and this time next year I'll have my QTS and everything.

    My plan is to do my NQT year then find out what the actual requirements to get certified are. Obviously I wouldn't even attempt to move straight after my PGCE so getting my NQT year down is sensible I feel.

    Any Canadians here who can help out?

    From reading this, I can see why the next generation have no hope if you're a teacher.

  11. People who think they are being cool and edgy with their vile anti-monarchy opinions.

    The duchess is giving birth to a future king or queen. Of course it's going to be main news you numpties

    What? What opinions are vile and edgy? :crylaugh:
    Many people judging by my Facebook time line writing vile things about the monarchy when it is obvious they only write it for 'likes'
  12. Road to perdition - 10 out of 10.

    Easily one of the greatest films of the 21st century and arguably the most overlooked also. I know sometimes people are not keen on tom hanks but he is perfect in this. Love love love the ending and the beautiful soundtrack. Masterpiece

    • Like 1
  13. Been watching rick stein in India. Fantastic show considering I normally hate cooking shows. Annoys me that in Birmingham we have no Real Indian restaurants only crappy bangladeshi ones which although okay is nothing like the Indian food I've had when I went to India or the beautiful Indian food on the rick stein show. I've never been to a real indian restaurant in Birmingham and my Sikh friends haven't either. Shame that what people think is true Indian food in the curry houses isn't. By the way India is beautiful

  14. What radio stations does people listen to??

    Absolute shite when I was flicking through today. I like planet rock although it can be a bit 'dad rock' sometimes. Zane Lowe on radio one is superb although the rest of the content on the station is utter shit. Talk sport has way way to many adverts but I like collymore and Durham.

    Other then that it's utter shite. I need a dab radio in my car to freshen up my commute to work but they seem so expensive.

  15. Well always knew the UAF were absolute words removed. One of these guys gave a speech a while ago at a UAF rally. Whats the liberal view on that then???

    I have no time for the EDL and **** hate the BNP, but frankly UAF come across as words removed too. It's always packed with loud mouthed students and do gooders who by and large living in white, middle class areas and have **** all clue what the issues are surrounding multiculturalism and segregated communities. They are also absolute hypocrites. The Islamic extremists who want gays stoned to death and women to be subjugated don't seem to attract the attention of the UAF fans and yet whenever there is an EDL march, they show up in force. It's also a bit odd that whenever I see these videos of the EDL it tends to be the UAF who throw a bottle first or instigate a fight and yet let's be honest if it was 100 vs 100 they would get their **** heads caved in.

  16. Shallow thinking. It's right at the top of my list and it covers lots of different things but pretty much makes me hate bigots.

    Almost nothing is black or white, there's always something in between but people jump to one side or another, like 99.9% of all posts on VT, and 99.8% of the posts in this thread I'm afraid to say.

    e.g. the amount of people criticising the use of Baby on Board signs. Sometimes they're a reminder that actually, you're driving like a bit of a dick and you're ultimately responsible for good few many others' lives on the road as well as your own. I've no doubt they've stopped accidents due to this kind of thinking. Even outside of that, when you're a parent of a newborn or very young child you're extremely protective of them and you know the roads are full of people with no respect for their life or your life, so you appeal to their good nature to at least try to give a little more space when tailgating, or think twice about overtaking on a blind bend etc. Just because I don't necessarily feel the need to put them on my car (even when my kids were little) I can understand that people are different and some people would.

    Eyelashes around the headlights. Why? What actual, physical, irreparable damage are they doing to you? They're not my personal taste but the people who work hard for their little Ka and want to add their flair to it are perfectly welcome to do so. It's their property, their money, their choice, best of luck to them.

    These are just a couple of examples from the last few pages but unfortunately it's hard to find any posts which are not just examples of people not really considering stuff before being offended. Everyone has their own battles, faces their own hardships, has their own problems, even if they may not be apparent to you, or you can't understand their reasoning.

    Sanctimonious crap I know, and bitching on this thread is also something that ultimately doesn't really make any difference, but it's just an example of the modern day trend of shallow thinking, and it makes me angry.

    It annoys me when people chat shite, and keep suggesting that villa should have signed wesley sneijder in the january window and actually truly believed that it was possible.....mmmmm who could i be refering too
  17. Jaguar!!!

    First they knock down the jag social club, now the showcase cinema in erdington to build a facking carpark!! BASTARDS!!!

    Gutted, been that cinema since i was a kid and tonight was the cinemas last ever night.

    Nearest is smelly star city which i cant stand and is frankly not a safe place to go

  18. Honestly think lambert does have money to spend to an extent...but he is **** clueless what to do with it and is clueless in identifying any players we can bring in. Huddlestone was the only player i could realistically see from the premiership who could have done a job and would have came to us, but we left it to bloody late and now sandro is out he aint going anywhere.

    Graham dorrans is the only other available player but he is shite. Surely our scouts would have identified someone from abroad?! What they hell have they been doing?!

    I cant stand that word removed lambert with his dour interviews and clueless tactics but to be fair the players he brought in have been okay. Benteke, westwood, vlaar, howton have been good signings when you factor in there low cost. Just think he is now clueless regarding any more targets.

    Dont believe for a second lerner hasnt given him money to spend in jan

  19. I seen it with my own eyes along with the other 30.333 people who attended the match


    He was the reason we got overrun in the first half


    He could not get the ball back off any newcastle player he just let them run past as if he was casper the friendly ghost


    His closing down was minimal he just stood there ballwatching


    Ive never seen such a mismatch in my life him taking on sissoko was the equivalent of a tick taking on a mammoth


    In the rare occasions he actually got the ball he either got shrugged off the ball gave it away or did the usual land crab sideways and backwards pass with no end product putting more pressure on an already shite defence


    I keep hearing you talking how he's meant to be a playmaker he does not make any plays at all


    He's meant to be creative?


    He does not find or make any space for himself everything is rushed he reminds me of a rabbit caught in headlights he has no composure whatsover

    Utter shit!

    Dont blame bannan for that first half, it was the manager pure and simple with his naive tactics.

    Bannan actually had an okay game and passes the ball better then most of our team. Yeah i dont think he should be with us next season but to blame him solely for the first half is completly stupid

  20. Not sure why everyone saying we played 442 second half. We played 4231.

    Honestly if lambert stays in charge we are down, simples. Tactically he is clueless. Why the **** would you play 3 central defenders first half when they only had one centre forward?? I hate sacking the manager in times like this but he has got to go.

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  21. People keep saying he wouldn't come here. Why?

    He joined Galatasaray for £8.3m and £120k / week wages. He didn't want to go there but was forced out of Inter and the wages helped soften the blow.

    If we gave Inter the same £8.3m tx fee and gave Sneijder £60k / week wages with a £2m signing bonus, then when he has to choose between the Premier League or Turkey, why would he not choose us?

    Give him a 2 year contract with a release clause to allay any relegation fears and he's sorted.

    I fail to see your logic apart from a simple dismissive 'he wouldn't come here'.

    You really think Villa could sign Sneijder?!?! hahaha.

    You are either trolling or just an idiot.

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