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Posts posted by donnie

  1. Watched the British 2010 film "Monsters". I don't even remember hearing about it or seeing it advertised, came across it on Netflix and thought it was decent for a pretty tiny budget.

    Savages - 4 out of 10. What a proper shite movie lol. I thought with oliver stone directing and a top cast this would be decent. Was god awful.

    Never seen it, but surely 4/10 is just below average? Shite/Awful would suggest a lot worse?

    Yeah your right it should be lower. Give it a 2 / 10

  2. Moon 7 out of 10. Really liked this movie. Poor man's version of kubricks 2001 which is no bad thing. Sam rockwell was superb.

    Man of steel - 4 out of 10. Diabolical. What a mess of a movie.

    Taxi driver - 9 out of 10. Watched it again recently after many years. Brilliant. Feel it loses its way slightly near the end when jodie foster is in it but other then that it's almost perfect.

  3. Zodiac - 8 out of 10.

    Really good, slightly chilling movie. The fact the killer is still out there is creepy.

    Must add Robert Downey junior gives the same performance in every single film including this. He has to be the most annoying actor out there

  4. Apocalypse Now is my favourite film. I could go on all day about why I love it, but it really comes down to this - no film captures the madness that is war quite like it.

    It is flawed, Brando just mumbles T.S Eliot in the dark (don't we all after a few drinks?) and is about 6 stone heavier than Kurtz should be, but it works, strangely, because it is a descent into hell and hell is always a bit off, really.

    I adore it and would encourage anyone to watch it because it has countless memorable scenes, incredible cinematography, a great soundtrack and Robert Duvall.

    You know I'm gonna watch it again. Like I said I didn't warm to it the 2x I seen it but will give it another go.

    I will watch Lawrence of Arabia on Sunday night. Never seen it before. I will post my thoughts on here after.

    Not that it matters but on the subject of atg films my personal favourite is one flew over the cuckoos nest. The best film ever made in my opinion. It has everything

  5. DH is loooooonnng but at least you know the best scenes are at the end

    if you want a vietnam film then you cant go wrong with hamburger hill

    Platoon for me. Love that movie

  6. Haven't seen AN, but felt similarly about The Deer Hunter.

    Granted Iw as only about 14 when I watched it so probably couldn't appreciate it, but I remember thinking it was pretty boring.

    Nah you need to watch it again fella, really great great movie even if does drag on in parts. A must watch movie.

    Jeez talking about these great movies shows how bad cinema is now with mindless rubbish like ironman, avengers, etc

  7. Yeah agree. First hour was brilliant then turned into shite. Brandos performance was weird in that movie although I know there was a reason for it I can't remember. Drunk I'm guessing?! But can't remember the story if someone can refresh my memory

  8. On raging bull - the acting is tremendous, the cinematic experience and the soundtrack is beautiful. Far far more then a meh movie and rightly is renowned as one of the atg movies.

    For me the biggest 'meh' movie that is considered an atg is Apocalypse now. I see why people like it but personally I just don't like it and will never warm to it. Don't get the hype over brando's performance in that eithet

    • Like 1
  9. Kovalev will stop Cleverly, he's a very big puncher but is also very high volume, which is quite rare for a puncher. Can't wait to see the Cleverly hype train get derailed.

    Cleverly has no real defence and there's no way anyone at lightheavy can absorb a lot of Kovalev's punches, I see Cleverly looking to impose his physical size and punching volume on Kovalev but I expect him to get hit a lot of hurt, Kovalev is a very fast starter. Cleverly can take a shot so it'll be fun whilst it lasts. I'm not sure whether Kovalev has a chin, I assume he does and besides Cleverly doesn't hit particularly hard anyway so I doubt that issue will be answered,

    Kovalev's best win to date is against Gabe Campillo, a very slick and technically sound boxer who was robbed against Murat and Tavoris Cloud. Besides that win Kovalev's resume is weak, but then, so is Cleverly's. Campillo is a better boxer than anyone Cleverly has beaten IMO.

    As far as Brook is concerned, well he'll be a joke until he steps up to world level. If Senchenko is his opponent then again he will have failed to find a world class operator to test himself against.

    Mmm sounds like an exciting fight then unlike the usual bums Nathan fights. I personally rate Nathan but as you say he has no power. His chin seems good though maybe he would out work kolavev and nick it on points?! I'll watch a YouTube clip of him then you sold him well. Sounds like my favourite fighter at the minute golovkin.

    2 big domestic fights upcoming that will go under the radar is jazza dickons v kid gala had and Billy Joe v ryder. Interesting bouts on paper.

  10. Well annoyed with the so called Massive fight kell brook was to have announced this week.

    It's senchenko. How shit is that. Paulie schooled him and a well past it Hatton give him problems. Superfight my arse.

    Kolavev is the bookies favourite against cleverly which is surprising. Any one seen much of Kolavev can't say I have. I know he has power that's about it

  11. Just me but I really don't find any of these American comedies funny in the slightest. American humour is shite to be blunt. Silly, really silly.

    Not many good comedy films from america. In fact can't think of any other then bad santa. Love that movie.

    UK comedy shits all over American comedy.

    • Like 1
  12. Always been a lurker on here but trying to post more now I have so much free time at work. Really annoying how hard it is to build a forum persona... Like I come across argumentative on here when in reality I'm a laid back.

    Just when I read things that shouldn't annoy me as it's some ones opinion and each to their own but reading nonsense like prison break and lost better then sopranos and the wire, aliens 3 being better then alien and aliens, and the worst being the Bourne Legacy being the best of them all, all that really annoys me when it shouldn't as it's an harmless opinion lol

  13. Dont get me wrong I Love breaking bad. Recommended it to all my friends as a must watch show. HOWEVER it's pissing me off how overrated it's becoming. Reading comments calling it 'the best show ever' puts me off it. Not even half as good as sopranos or the wire. Some of the story lines are ludicrous. My order of top US shows are:

    The wire / the sopranos

    Boardwalk empire / game of thrones / breaking bad

    Dexter/ entourage

    Its all opinions and each to their own but no argument that breaking bad is as good as the sopranos or the wire

    definitely opinions.

    i would put:

    1) Game of Thrones

    2) Breaking Bad

    3) 24

    4) Battlestar Galactica

    5) Prison Break

    6) Lost

    7) Homeland

    8) The Wire

    and i just didn't like The Sopranos at all.

    Prison break, lost and homeland better then sopranos and the wire?! You serious Bro??

  14. Dont get me wrong I Love breaking bad. Recommended it to all my friends as a must watch show. HOWEVER it's pissing me off how overrated it's becoming. Reading comments calling it 'the best show ever' puts me off it. Not even half as good as sopranos or the wire. Some of the story lines are ludicrous. My order of top US shows are:

    The wire / the sopranos

    Boardwalk empire / game of thrones / breaking bad

    Dexter/ entourage

    Its all opinions and each to their own but no argument that breaking bad is as good as the sopranos or the wire

  15. I said it back in January and I said it a few weeks ago on this thread but I will say it again....

    Ryan Shawcross.

    6'3", 25 years old, lives down the road, prem experience, currently on 30k, nuff said.

    On football manager I'd agree, but this is real life man. We already got 4 central defenders anyway. Stoke would want well over £10 million and he would want double the £30k you say he on which I don't believe as I reckon he be on more then that. He would go to a bigger club then villa also.
  16. I watched the Bourne Legacy last night, and I thought it was better than all the others, which I thought were overrated.

    This has to be the most ridiculous post I've ever read. You have to be trolling fella

    • Like 1
  17. Only God forgives - 6 out of 10.

    Well I absolutely loved drive. Was a fantastic cinema experience. I expected this to be like drive, unfortunately it's nothing like it. It's a weird movie. Violent, strange and confusing at times.

    The director refn has now done drive which was fantastic, bronson which I thought was woeful. This film sits in the middle of both.

    Defo worth seeing though but go in with low or no expectations and your enjoy it more.

    • Like 1
  18. It wasn't a standing 8 count! LOL! He took a knee, therefore touching the canvas (you don't administer a standing 8 if the boxer touches down) and the ref got to 9 so how on earth was it a standing 8?

    In terms of Box Nation's coverage of US matches, well they aren't Box Nation cards are they, they buy it in from HBO or Showtime and I'd much rather watch the HBO/Showtime coverage than see Steve Cunce sitting on a leather sofa so personally I choose to stream it, I'd rather hear Roy Jones commentating than that Welsh clearing in the woods they usually get in, or Paul Smith lol.

    Lol It may be called a standing 8 count but it doesn't mean the boxer has to be standing for the count. It's up to the ref to decide if the boxer can continue. The fact he wasn't up by the count of 8 suggests he didn't...

  19. He stopped the fight before completing the count, a typical Warren job this.

    Chisora is now the Warren Boxing Order 'international' champ LOL.

    Obvious fix, that ref should never be in a ring again. **** Warren and **** box nation, this is why I stream everything they show.

    **** box nation?! Best thing that's happened to boxing in a while. Brilliant value for money considering fights we get to see from abroad and the upcoming cards.

    No way was it a screw job. Scott didn't want none of it simple as that. No heart.

    What is pissing me off is fast car Eddie Hearn claiming Scott quiqq is fighting for a world title. Bullshit is it. Rigo is the champion of the organisations belt he is fighting for, so unless he is fighting Rigo then it's bullshit.

    I think that Box nation has terrible production value and it's cards absolutely suck, I'd rather stream HBO or Showtime any day of the week and I don't care for Warren's fighters.

    The basic fact is that Scott beat the 10 count so the fight shouldn't have been stopped, he was clearly lucid and on steady legs, no excuses.

    In terms of Fat Boy Hearn, well Quigg might well fight for a title but as you say, Rigo is the lineal champ at the weight, the rest are paper champions. The current WBC champion is tied up right now so that leaves the IBF champ Romero who is not very good at all, in fact despite being a champion he'd barely make a top ten list of super bantamweights.

    Its called a 'standing 8 count' for a reason, the fighter is expected to have stood up within those 8 seconds after that it's up to the ref to see if he is okay to continue. Scott was correctly stopped even if he wasn't hurt. Like dave coldwell said he didn't seem bothered it was stopped it was his corner making the fuss.

    Agree about the poor box nation productions and there UK output is poor. However there American cards are fantastic, I mean the Mayweather card is worth the months subscription alone. Also they are going HD this year so it will improve especially with Hattons stable and Frampton on board.

    Looks nailed on that Frankie gavin will switch to match room after his fight in September which is a huge blow for fisheyes warren

  20. I wouldn't say nobody thought Groves had a chance against DeGale, it was probably 60/40 in DeGale's favour but a lot of people were backing Groves in that fight. Froch is also leagues ahead of James DeGale.

    I'm not sure Kessler is past it either. He put in a very good performance against Froch in my opinion. I don't think Kessler is the fighter he was four or five years ago but he doesn't look shot to me. I think Kessler beats Groves at the moment.

    Do you think Groves will win then?

    By the way on the topic of no one giving groves a chance against degale in boxing monthly they asked 25 boxers, trainers, promoters etc who they thought would win. 24 said degale lol

  21. I wouldn't say nobody thought Groves had a chance against DeGale, it was probably 60/40 in DeGale's favour but a lot of people were backing Groves in that fight. Froch is also leagues ahead of James DeGale.

    I'm not sure Kessler is past it either. He put in a very good performance against Froch in my opinion. I don't think Kessler is the fighter he was four or five years ago but he doesn't look shot to me. I think Kessler beats Groves at the moment.

    Do you think Groves will win then?

    Nah think froch will win and reckon your right we will wear him down and stop him in the later rounds. However other then ward, who froch will never ever ever beat, I give groves the best chance of an upset.

    Disagree on kessler though, fight was hyped to the max by sky. It wasn't a close fight really. Kessler peaked at froch 1 then has looked poor since other then against a limited magee. Groves would beat kessler, I know it's a sparring story but hear he tore kessler apart in sparring.

    Who you got for Mayweather v canelo?? Mayweather all the way for me

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