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Posts posted by donnie

  1. Think this has been mentioned earlier on in the thread, but people who give tributes to and mourn celebrities who have died via overdoses. I have sympathy for the family in that situation but have none whatsoever for the "celebrity" as they did it to themselves, and it annoys even more when people claim it was a "tragedy". Just been reminded of this as I saw a story about that guy from glee, but same goes for people like Amy Winehouse. Also when it happens to non celebrities but I've never come across some one who has lost a loved one through overdose.

    On the subject of sympathy it annoys me when on Facebook people put a status like 'rip grandad 10 years today'. Why don't they go to the graveyard or have a moments reflection rather then putting it on Facebook when it's obvious they are looking for attention for people to feel sympathy for THEM rather then the deceased

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  2. Vanilla sky - 8 out if 10. Really underrated movie perhaps due to the cruise hate. He was brilliant in this movie as was cruz.

    Thor-1 out of 10. **** woeful. How adults enjoy rubbish like this I will never understand.

    Enemy at the gates - 6.5 out of 10 - decent movie, I enjoyed it

  3. I went LA couple of years ago, stayed in central Hollywood. Gonna be honest and say I absolutely hated it. Cost us around £60 return to Venice beach in a taxi so hiring a car is your best option. Even Venice beach was nothing special though.

    I went with 3 mates and unless you have serious money, it is not possible to enjoy the nightlife. Dangerous, dirty and expensive. San Francisco was much much better

  4. Going for meals with my girlfriend I want to go to a restaurant and have some privacy.... HOWEVER bloody annoying how in restaurants now (places like Jamie Olivers in bham) they put the tables so close together. Jamie Olivers is the worse your practically sitting on the same table as the couple next to you. Gets very awkward having conversations with someone so close and can't help but ear drop into the couples next to you conversation.

    It's annoys my girlfriend as she thinks it makes me rude, but I always ask for a table away from eveyone

  5. Attention seekers on Facebook.

    Guy keeps posting quotes he copied thinking he is some modern day nietzche.

    One girl on my time line keeps slagging off men everyday, blah, blah. Expecting some male model millionaire when she has let herself go to the point of resembling a beached whale.

  6. Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.

    No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.

    So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?!

    Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn??

    Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-)

    Ah, I see. We're going to conflate my being ok with amounts spent with my believing the system is perfect. Lets not play this game.

    I'm not sure where you're getting your figures from for the rest, but I don't really care to be honest. All any further dialogue would achieve is a waste of electricity and bandwidth, amongst other things.

    So in other words you have nothing to say because you know I'm right despite childishly labelling anyone who doesn't agree with you an arse scratching moron.

    <sips tea awaiting the guardian brigades insults>

  7. Did you bother to look at how much we spend on, oh... just about anything else? About 1% of our entire expenditure goes to foreign aid. I'm not going to get too upset that we spend 1% of our entire expenditure trying to make some of the rest of the world a bit better and hopefully making them into customers, or clients, or perhaps simply just not enemys or problems down the road.

    No I don't think we spend too much on aid. I think we spend a decent amount.

    So Chindie how can you justify us giving aid to China, India and south Africa?! All with emerging or already huge economies?!

    Can anyone justify us spending more on foreign aid then on our home office budget which includes policing and counter-terrorism which has been cut to £8.3bn??

    Do only guardian readers post in off topic?? :-)

  8. Britain also places foreign aid fairly damn close to the bottom of it's spending agenda. We spend a fraction of a percent on foreign aid compared to what we do on pretty much anything else.

    But the average arse scratching moron on the street (or this intolerable tosser, Bloom and his ilk) doesn't give a **** 'cos they 'ate forners.

    We are behind only the USA in how much foreign aid we spend at a staggering £9 billion last year.

    Germany have a population and a gdp bigger then ours yet we spend more on aid.

    You seriously don't think we spend to much on aid?! Or am I an arse scratching moron that you insultingly described anyone who doesn't agree with your view on foreign aid

  9. Have to say Mr bloom was spot on with everything he said though.

    Ha ha ha. Shouldn't this post be in the joke thread though?

    No joke. Read everything he says. The amount of foreign aid we give has gone beyond a joke... Hey maybe we could put foreign aid in your joke thread?! :-)

  10. So in between sets of your 20 seconds sprints (whether 1 min rest or 30 seconds) what do you do?? Walk, jog, etc?? I been jogging for a minute in between sprints maybe why I find it so hard to do the full 10 X 15 second sprints.

  11. What are people's experience of hiit in terms of weight loss, fitness etc??

    Been doing 2x a week, 7 X 15 second fast runs followed by 1 min rest in between (bodybuilding world says do 10 X 15 secs but finding it hard to do the other 3)

  12. I'll list some stuff off the top of my head.

    Terrance Malick

    Paul Thomas Anderson

    David Fincher

    Christopher Nolan

    Darren Aronofsky

    Wes Anderson

    Stanley Kuberic

    Martin Scorsese

    Coen Brothers

    Pretty much everything they’ve made I like.

    I also like Peter Wier, Sam Mendes, Clint Eastwood, Sydney Lumet, Ridley Scott

    Films off the top of my head

    Tree of Life


    12 Angry Men


    Big Lebowski

    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

    Blade Runner

    Mulholland Drive

    The Insider


    Big Fish

    The New World



    Raging Bull

    Jurassic Park


    Old Boy


    I'm just always curious about lists ...... not yours in particular though I happen to have quoted you

    but are the films really THAT good and thus make peoples list on merit , or do they make them because people see them on critics lists (Predator excepted of course :) ) and kinda feel they have to include them to give their list respectability ?

    For example Big Lebowski is Ok , but Top 10 films I've ever seen .. not in this universe .. but If I were to compile a list it would no doubt get slaughtered in much the same way

    I really don't see the fuss in the big Lebowski either so your not alone. Just an average 7 out of 10 movie

  13. Ignoring your pathetic childish dig and IMDB 250 (you seem like and IMDB type)

    I'll list some stuff off the top of my head.

    Terrance Malick

    Paul Thomas Anderson

    David Fincher

    Christopher Nolan

    Darren Aronofsky

    Wes Anderson

    Stanley Kuberic

    Martin Scorsese

    Coen Brothers

    Pretty much everything they’ve made I like.

    I also like Peter Wier, Sam Mendes, Clint Eastwood, Sydney Lumet, Ridley Scott

    Films off the top of my head

    Tree of Life


    12 Angry Men


    Big Lebowski

    Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

    Blade Runner

    Mulholland Drive

    The Insider


    Big Fish

    The New World



    Raging Bull

    Jurassic Park


    Old Boy


    Good list. I'd say mine in any order include:

    There will be blood

    One flew over the cuckoos nest

    12 angry men


    Godfather part 1


    Usual suspects

    City of god


    Good, the bad, and the ugly,


    Rear window

  14. Gangster Squad - Really enjoyed this. Thought it was cool as ****, really slick and just a very enjoyable movie. Got a bit cheesy for my liking, some of which I'm sure was intended, but kept me guessing. Gosling was decent. Stone was fit! Worth a watch. 6/10

    Really? This cliché by the numbers garbage was slaughtered by critics for a good reason.

    Absolute garbage.

    Cv I'm curious, without you looking at the imdb top 250, what are your top five movies???
  15. How early do people book their long haul flights?? Looking at shanghai in october on Skyscanner and they are around £600. Firstly is it worth waiting even longer for prices to drop and secondly how much do you guys pay for your Asia or new york flights??

  16. What apps do you guys use to record your runs?? Been using the Nike app on phone but I'm not keen on it to be honest but I don't know what else to use.

    Also on average how many times a week do you guys run??

  17. Comment as much as you want, I don't care. I like to get tips and tip people about films and discuss films with people on here. If we don't have the same taste doesn't really bother me. We'd probably not go to see a movie together, but we don't have to.

    Nah I've posted enough on Hunger Games.

    I think it's meant to be acted the way it is. It's the worst acting I've seen in a film for years. Also the worst dialogue too.

    But I think it's intentional. For its target audience of teenage girls.

    Lol I actually agree with you for a change. Hunger games is a film aimed at teenage girls

  18. Problem I had with hunger games is that I've seen battle royale. Once you have seen battle royale it is impossible to enjoy hunger games Imo without comparing it to battle royale.

    Battle royale is incredible by the way, generally brilliant. Because hunger games is so watered down compared to battle royale, cant help thinking it was a poorly made kids film

  19. I have never seen an episode of the Sopranos.

    The Sopranos while a great show and definitely worth watching is most certainly the most over rated show of the past decade. Still great though.
    Lol your defo trolling here if you think the sopranos is the most overrated show ever

    Well what show is lauded near universally from the past decade? The list is very small.

    Just because everyone says it's the best show ever doesn't mean it overrated lol overrated for me is breaking bad. I love it and it's a great show. But it's so unrealistic and silly that you have to take it for what it is. Like the gus character , whilst cool, was just silly.

  20. I have never seen an episode of the Sopranos.

    The Sopranos while a great show and definitely worth watching is most certainly the most over rated show of the past decade. Still great though.

    Lol your defo trolling here if you think the sopranos is the most overrated show ever

  21. The wire and the sopranos are easily the two greatest shows ever made.

    In regards to which is better I'd have to say the sopranos. Only because the sopranos you could watch again and again. The wire can be a bit slow and depressing at times and I'd find it hard to watch the series again for at least another couple of years.

    Saying that season 4 of the wire is the greatest series of any show I've ever seen.

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