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Everything posted by Reality

  1. Ash is back? Dude it will take more than 1 goal against a bad Pompey side for me to say that.
  2. FFS. Glad we have scored don't get me wrong. Annoyed about the fact I've predicted goals from Heskey and Downing, and never put a bet on.
  3. The coverage the beeb have devoted to the scum and spuds is hardly surprising, the biased clearings in the woods.
  4. What is this sitting back nonsense, O'Neill has us at these days?
  5. We cannot sit back. We must control the midfield. I see another 2 goals here.
  6. Woodward usually counts the amount of pigeons in front of him the moron.
  7. To be fair though they were playing on Saturday.
  8. Good to see Heskey and Jimmy on the score list.
  9. Told ya's Heskey would score..pity I didn't put a **** £10 on him.
  10. Yes, I quite clearly said Laursen is average. You can see it in my previous post. Wait. No. No, you can't. Wow, I love the way so many of you are quick to slam Spurs fans, yet manage to prove yourselves to be idiots at the same time. With seemingly each post I read here, I lose a little bit of the respect I had for Villa fans. Always pegged you all as honest, rational, respectful and decent fans. I guess the Spurs fan was over-rating something again, eh? Also, it's "you're". You're going to judge all Villa fans on a few posts from random Villa fans, on the internet? Idiots? Rationale? Pot.Kettle.Black
  11. They have been playing alright. This will be tricky.
  12. Sidwell has to be nominated for worst ever attempt at a clearance through a header. Even though the goal was disallowed, that was absolutely embarrassing to watch.
  13. We'll take them. Not predicting a score as I'm always way off the mark. This match has goals.
  14. If only I could meet a woman that supported Villa. They all support the usual.
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