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Posts posted by sir_gary_cahill

  1. they are the only scouts ive seen down the training ground. theres rumours of liverpool but havnt seen their scouts, hes a cracking football he just needs to bulk up a bit as he's a bit lightweight

    he looks quality! I'd love to see him stay at Hull instead of rotting in Liverpool's reserves

  2. that CM obviously being Parker

    and if you think Downing is better than Diamanti you're living in a dream world

    That same Diamanti who isn't even a regular at West Ham and the same Diamanti who most West Ham fans think is average.

    He's just a player who scores some good goals, doesn't make him a good player.

    No work ethic, gives the ball away, sloppy, lack of final product generally.

    what on earth does Downing do??? please inform me

    at least Diamanti's got a bit of a flair and unpredictability about him

    you know what you're getting with Downing- a cross that goes straight into row z

  3. OTT.

    We have Young, Milner, Downing, Carew, Gabby.

    They have, Diamanti, Noble, Faubert, Cole, Mido.

    I know what i'd rather have.

    erm Faubert's a right back for them

    and you conveniently left out our worst striker

    and their most on form striker

    Diamanti is better than Downing

    Cole better than Carew

    Mido better than Heskey

    Ilan would be a very good impact sub

  4. Why does the mood on here plummet whenever we lose? We lost to Man U in the CC final and came back and won the next week. We lost to Chelsea 7-1 in the league and came back to win the next week.

    no disrespect to Bolton and Reading but Everton are a different proposition altogether and we all know it'll be the same team as today with maybe Heskey in for Carew

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