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Everything posted by LondonVillian

  1. Deliberate handball is always a yellow - I'm more angry at the first yellow which was laughable at best
  2. this ref should be sacked what a complete joke - wants to be the centre of attention - **** off you clearing in the woods
  3. first yellow was for complete nothing **** joke of a ref
  4. Neil Taylor had a great game - something I am surprised by voting him MOTM!
  5. When Dean's plan A doesnt work we have no other plan - thats the worry for me
  6. You still here? Been missing good chances and not linking the play he was a few months ago
  7. worrying that tammy has been poor for some time now - would give kodija a start next game
  8. almost a great break maybe should of gone grealish first
  9. cant string two pass together is shit - amazing calm it down lucky to win vs blackburn
  10. Mr potato head will be out for blood after his unfair dismisal
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