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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Are they B23's photos? If so I'm very impressed.

    I'm only in doubt as you split your post, seemingly for effect. Is that art?

    Yeah they are his pics.

    Anyone know where he is these days?

    In the ghetto.

  2. I've got a camera not much bigger than my phone, its great for carrying around and capturing things like that, easy to take to sports events and stuff as well.

    Thinking about it that was taken with my old camera which was about twice the size... but still.

  3. This is my favourite sunset picture. Palm tree leaning over the beach, the figure in the foreground, love it. Took it on my first night in Fiji, the girl I was with said leave it as it'd be the same every night. That was by far the best sunset of the lot, so there's a lesson I learnt there... never listen to women.


  4. Have fun and dont get bogged down to much, after all, as long as you like them who cares??

    My favourite ones are ones that capture the moment, no time to mess with settings or anything like that, ones that really bring the moment back to you rather than just look impressive to others.

    Having said that I like an arty photo every now and again (empty beer bottle amongst large pebbles on a beach taken in black and white is a favourite) and some landscape shots.

  5. Nope, have no desire to be on the tellybox.

    If they ever did one that wasn't televised then i think it'd be a great experience.

    I agree

    Its called university halls of residence!

    Don't I know it :lol:

    Slilghtly different in that we can go to the pub, actually leave the building etc. Which is always nice, I've been about 3 days without leaving the building before.

    We were talking about this earlier, imagine if freshers fortnight was televised. :shock:

    I don't remember most of it but what I do shouldn't be allowed on tv.

    I know what you mean though, our block is so inbred now its ridiculous.

  6. Sorry to spread this over 2 threads but people were having a go at the freaks they always put in. So all I'm asking was would you go in it? You know what, I think I would, it goes against all logic, but something inside me just makes me want to.

    Maybe I just want the media to rip apart my personality.

  7. Been down the hockey club drinking most of the day and we were watching the scores roll in and it was fantastic to see the scores roll in, there didn't seem to be a single inbred in our midst judging by the celebrations when the news of Pompey's 2nd goal came in, fantastic.

  8. Not as cruel as some people have made out though.

    No prizes for spotting the person who doesn't have children.


    You missed out the bit where I said it wasn't funny either...

    Clearly a fair number of parents didn't think it was that cruel either (the guy on the video, the real dad of the stepson of the guy on the first page). Not saying he should have done it, just don't think it was amazingly cruel, cruel, yes, not the worst thing that's ever happened to the world.

    Not funny either though, just pointless.

    And how do you know I don't have any kids? :D

  9. Was the person who voted for Mclaren Australian/Welsh/Scottish by any chance?

    O'Neill for me.

    Out of the others... Curbishley.

    Doesn't anyone wonder why JG turned down the Hungary job though? :winkold:

  10. His best position seems to be the left side of a back 3. But no-one plays a back 3 anymore, and with good reason, so that makes him kind of obsolete.

    Like I say if he can recapture the form he showed under GT great, but at the moment he's not pulling his (considerable) weight.

  11. Under GT Barry was amazing

    Wasn't that like 4 years ago and we almost relegated? There's always a few players who over-perform when everyone else is doing shite, like Barry that season, and Marcus Allbäck, who saved us from relegation with some vital goals.

    Yeah I knew someone would say that.

    The fact that we're just as shit this season (almost certainly going to finish with less points, got 45 didn't we?) and he still looks distinctly average says a lot don't you think.

    And yeah Allback had a good 10 game spell or something, Barry was quality all season.

  12. I'd have Milner but still wouldn't see it as a good deal. Whoever it was that asked why we didn't include a fee we could buy Milner for in the deal had a very good point, we're just adding to his value to very little gain for ourself. Solano and £1m would have sorted it I'm sure.

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