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Posts posted by paddy

  1. How about a monthly AVFC magazine. My local CO-OP has the Blues mag, plus the likes of Liverpool, Man U etc.....

    Being the biggest club in the Midlands, I'd expect an AVFC magazine to be there too..

    We have Claret and Blue but you really struggle to get hold of it, I used to buy it loads when I was younger and while I know they sell it at the club shop now you never see it in WH Smith or anywhere like you used to.

  2. Who remembers when it was announced who the new board of the club was and people were saying don't get excited because the board would have a hands off role and would probably very rarely meet and not have a hands on running of the club...

    Well I'm not saying told you so, because I didn't say any different, but isn't it amazing, we have a board who've done more on just about everything in a few months than the previous one did in 20 years.

    Being a Villa fan is exciting again, its brilliant, I can't wait to get back down VP, its exactly a year since I travelled over to Manchester for my first game since returning to the country to see us get humiliated up at Man City, how much has changed in a year is amazing (and I'm not just talking football).

    When something like what's happened to me occurs some things seem less important all of a sudden, I can assure you football isn't one of them...

  3. did you know the lad and father in the picture, if not how do you approach photographing people?

    Now I'm just guessing here, make it look like you're photographing the back ground, no-one is going to object.

    Could be wrong of course.

  4. I never wear mine, I don't have crashes so I don't need to.

    If someone walks out in front of my car then they're gonna die, simple as that cos I ain't going through the windscreen cos of some careless rocket polisher - windscreens are expensive.

    I'll assume that's a joke?

    If not what if a driver smacks you from behind?

    I always wear mine, always.

  5. Boost should definitely be up there, my nan randomly gave me 3 boost bars when I went over to see her today, fantastic.

    Oh and call me a big girl but I love Kinder Bueno bars as well.

    edit: In a bag to take back with me and eat at my leasure, not to stuff down my face there and then incase you were wondering. Healthy eating goes out the window when boost bars are around (and working in a pizza shop doesn't help).

  6. Haven't read the rest of the thread, but I'd do it if the price was right. Like everyone has said we'd still call in Villa Park, that's what matters. First I'd sell naming rights to the North and the Witton though.

  7. Im sat here feelign suicidal. People are asking me to do their jobs, and taking longer to explain it to me than it would take them to do it.

    Its driving me mad.

    im dying for some Job Satisfaction.

    Thought you had the best job in the world :roll:

    I'd go for job satisfaction, but I guess it depends how much money you need. My job in NZ was simply amazing, and the wage was crap, but if I was supporting a family I couldn't get myself a job like that.

    I suppose if you had amazing money and were only required to work say 30 hours a week you could put up with a shit job as you could do so much more with your time off you really wouldn't care.

  8. Radio 5 is packed with Villa fans quite bizaarely. Vassos and Matthew Bannister are the 2 that spring to mind but there's quite a few others I think.

    Is Pat Murphy a Villa fan or just a midlands reporter?

    He's at the cricket today anyway.

  9. Sorry there seems to be some sort of mistake, there isn't an option for Peter Crouch.

    I would say Gerrard, but the number of scousers I know who bang on and on about Gerrard is ridiculous and they'd be unbearable if he was, so I've gone for Terry.

  10. Southport sound like they need a bit of that global warming.

    Here's a couple more of my pictures, first you'll probably say needs a focus point, but I like it and second one admittedly is of quite a famous lake, so not all that difficult to photograph, but still I like it, came out better than any of the people I know who've been there. So come on, how could these have been better?



    (I'm aware having nice things to take pictures of makes it easier to take a good picture by the way)

    Ok one more, quite like this one.


  11. One of Tonights efforts..


    Like that. For some reason the thing on the pier looks false but still. I like it.

    My efforts for the evening consisted of beating a national league hockey side 7-1 in the summer league (We're 5 levels below in normal season league I think), which is very impressive if you ask me. Admittedly they were missing all their international players but they're still a strong side, we didn't have our first team out ourselves.

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