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Posts posted by lapal_fan

  1. hah, you probably anti tanked mined me as few times!


    Today I had a game in White Pass as Recon and went 48-17 in conquest. The team balances were great. very tight fight, but everthing i aimed at died.

    got about 25 kills with my Grach sidearm.

    I love this game, hope BF3 is as good.

    VBM, add me and we can squad a few games :)

  2. Its not slower per se, its just everything is much bigger..

    so it takes more time to do things. But if you play properly and get into a decent team, you can spawn off team mates in useful locations.

    just tonight I learned to strap C4 onto my quad bike and jump off it just as it wanders into a cluster of enemies... Click, boom. :lol:

    extremely satisfying! muahaha.

  3. Looks very good.

    Hopefully they make it more enjoyable for people playing on their own. BF2, unless you were with a team, was a nightmare to play. Hopefully it's not as slow paced either. They're the 2 things keeping it way behind COD.

    If you want to play COD, play COD!

    I love the fact battlefields are nothing like the run and gun shit of COD.

    Its good that its slower.

  4. People who like easy kills like MW2 because it takes less bullets (2/3 generally)

    It also means people are more effect at camping - something I hate.

    Black Ops took more skill to kill people, you had to be quick on the stick - which I like.

    effectively, they are exactly the same mechanics, just different skins/maps.

    BLOPS is better.

    MW2 lovers are generally campers who love to sit in a corner, waiting for someone to run in front of them and shoot them in the back. Its not skillful, its not clever, its boring and the people who do it are scared of protecting their precious K/D ratios or shit themselves when a good ruck is going on.

    On the whole, Battlefield is a world better. It promotes team play, not selfish divs who think they are Rambo.

    The maps are better, each class ou choose has an actually purpose which can help your squad/team.

    There are tatics which help and you have to think.

    The reason COD is so popular is because people prefer to be selfish over the internet, so they run around like headless chickens (I do on COD) thinking they're awesomes :lol:

    Both good games but now I've given BFBC2 a proper good play, I dont even think of putting the COD discs back into the machine.

  5. Me also.

    I mastered Assasult class first, then got my recon (I never camp though!) and now i've started doing engineer class, which has been fun :)

    I ocasionally do medic, but only if my team are struggling and I feel the defibs will help. I dont really like the guns though.

    If anyone wants a game on ps3 my id is lapafan.

  6. Plasterers also suffer from high blood pressure which can lead to heart attacks.

    Due to holding your hands over your head with weight.

    Its a decent profession, and one we're losing skilled people to do though.

    But think long term too.

  7. good advice there tony :) thanks.

    absolute newbie question coming up, so be warned..

    How do you actually buy stocks? Do you call up the exchange and give them your bank details?? Or can you do it in on a website?

  8. Bonjour,

    I've been interested for a few months in the stock market.

    I have no experience, but over the last 6 months I have been keeping my eye on a few extremely cheap stocks which have all risen over time.

    I have read quite a bit about the risks of trading and I think some people out there make it seem more risky than what it is.

    I mean, its obvious that you do not risk what you cannot afford isn't it?

    Anywho, my question is, has anyone had a dabble in penny stock or just regular stock?

    It may be that your company does a stock based perk and you've made a few quid out of it.

    I think I'd like to throw £200 at something and just see how it goes.







  10. We should hold a poll to see who we should ban!

    I'll vote for that pesky GarethRDR fella, I hate him soooo bad, I poured boiling water over my hamster and watched his eyes melt, and then ate his dead carcass, then poo'd it out and set fire to it, then put it out and revived him, because i love my hamster.

    If I ever saw that mother flippa' I'd ignore the vagoo out of him!

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