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Posts posted by lapal_fan

  1. I severely doubt Cassano would be part of any deal this summer.

    Gallaini says he likes him as a player, has 3 years on his contract and if he sorts his body out (looking good in pre season) then he see's him in red and black for the rest of his career.

    Wouldn't suprise me to see Monty in Milanello for 12M euros in september.

  2. Just to reiterate Sie's great post.

    It is more about team play than COD. You sprint at your peril. It's a slower (sometimes!!) paced battle rather than a race to get to 'X' amount of kills to win the game.

    You get points for more than killing too I.e. Assisting with motion spots if you are a sniper, reviving people if you are a medic, giving people ammo if you are playing as assault or repairing/destroying tanks if you play as an engineer.

    There are 3 squads of 4 in each team, but that doesn't mean if you lose your squad you're useless, you can help other squads as well.

    There are 2 main game modes (doesnt sound like much, but there is plenty), they are Rush and Conquest.

    In Rush, it's attackers vs defenders. The attackers have 'tickets' which are spawns. You have 3/4 sets of 2 Mcom stations to blow up. But you have to do them in order (A,B,C,D). The defenders have unlimited spawns and you have to defend the Mcom stations. This mode is generally a bit harder/more fustrating than Conquest, because it's gotten to the point where people are proficient at defending their bases.

    Conquest mode is all out war over 3/4 bases which your team has to try and capture and hold. Obviously this means the opposing team tries to capture them as well and you battle the opposition for these bases. Once you have captured a base, all of your team (12 people) can spawn from it to defend that point, or continue to push the other forces back. The maps in this mode range from long thin linear maps, to large wide open maps. This creates variety in each of the maps with different tactics becoming more useful/useless. On the larger maps for instance, using flanking vehicles is a wise choice if your team are struggling and getting pushed back to their own base. Finally, the game starts and each team has X amount of tickets (spawns) the team who hit zero first is the losing team.

    About the unlocking system.

    You start with pretty decent guns in any one of the four classes. Getting kills with each class with unlock attachments for your current gun which you dont have to use, unlocking new guns or depending on the class you are using at the time, unlocking specialist equipment to use as that particular class. An example is for the Medic. To begin with (lvl 1) you have medic packs which you can throw to your team mates to help them heal, when you get so many kills, you unlock defibrillators which can revive dead team members (not just your squad remember).

    As you get kills with any weapon, depending on the class you use (you can use any class whenever you like) then you will be awarded points for that class, which unlocks items for that class. I.e if I use assault and get 10 kills, that will give me 500 points for the assault class. If I then switch to engineer and get 10 kills, I will be given 500 points for engineer class.

    The level up system is not linked to the upgrade system and is largely there so it tallys up your entire score, regardless of the class you use.

    The game is also different from COD in the way it is balanced. It takes more shots to kill someone. It takes 2 (unless head shots or short distance) shots for a sniper using a bolt action rifle, 3/4 from a semi rifle, 5/6 shots for an assault rifle, 4/5 for a LMG (machine gun) and 5/6 for a full auto carbine/uzi gun.

    There are also 1 shot kill shot guns etc, but you obviously take a hit in the reloading/shooting speed.

    With regard to the 'lone wolf/rambo syle'. Because the maps are so large, if you do sprint down roads, gullies, into enemy territory, you will most likely be spotted or shot. Also, because it takes more bullets to take someone down, you can really kill more than 3/4 people max without reloading, meaning if you do sprint into trouble, more than likely you are going down.

    Of course though, just because you choose Sniper doesn't mean you can only camp. You can actively help your team but spotting the enemy (pushing select on the pad when your sights are over the enemy) (this also works for any class). You can level buildings (or tanks) with C4, should you choose it. Or you can call in Mortar strikes over enemy bases/tanks.

    If you start running out of ammo either get to an assault class team member and ask him for ammo (select when looking at him) or use fallen team mates/enemies guns which you can pick up (doesnt matter if they are the same class as you, you can use anything you pick up).

    Thats all's I can think of right now, if you have anymore questions, let me know. :)

  3. Galliani has said AC Milan will sign a Mr X.

    Thought to be Montilvio (sorry Gaz) or Aquiliani..

    Viola are getting impatient with Montilivo and I think Galliani will keep waiting until the end of the transfer window to get him cheaper.

    Other rumours are Bastian Schwiensteiger from Munich, he said 'Milan is a great club, never say never'. although it is thought that he would be too expensive for Milan, especially since Burlesconi's company have been hit with a rather giantic 560 Million Euro fine!


    Should still have enough to win the Scudetto though :)

  4. thats because you have a huge nose which can suck in copious amounts of air.

    whereas myself and paddywhack have small nose openings which do not let enough air in to maintain swim speed. If we were to breathe in just using our noses we would drown. It's not like im processing the water, hardly any water gets in. I just let it out of my mouth rather than spitting it out.

    I dislike people who's wrists break ridicoulously easily!

  5. No Stu, it will be the same as Bad Company 2, 24 players maximum (12 V 12).

    They state the reason is due to consoles not having enough juice in them to do more than 24 players + frostbite 2 engine running at the same time without severely denting the lag/graphics.

    I think 32 would have been a good comprimise to be honest.

    We will also have smaller map without as many flags to capture in conquest mode.

    It will still be a great game, but we will have vehicle restrictions and it wont be as intense as PC.

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