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Posts posted by lapal_fan

  1. lapal_fan wrote:

    if the shoe were on the other foot, would you care if we cheated to win a world cup (linesman?)

    he's the most talented football player ever to grace the game, like other football genius's (gazza, stan (lol)) he's had problems with drugs etc etc so whats with all the stupid negativity?

    we all love george best and he was a raging alcoholic throughout his life, big deal, he did what he had to do to win a world cup for his country i'd have done the same. And they probably would have beaten us anyway...

    What linesman cheated? I dont understand.

    Gazza and Stan had mental issues and Bestie was an alcoholic, as was Paul McGrath.

    But none of them were CHEATS

    i mean one of our world cup final goals which was pretty inconclusive, its all hindsight really, ronaldo dives, does this make him a 'CHEAT'?

    Gerrard has gotten penalties for numerous dives including the dive where he got a free kick against us (1st game last season) and scored, does that make him a cheat?

    people cheat to get an advantage, its only because it was a world cup final that we all lost that we're moaning.

    If we had gone on to win the cup (which we could have done at 1-1) noone would be saying diddlysquat.

  2. if the shoe were on the other foot, would you care if we cheated to win a world cup (linesman?)

    he's the most talented football player ever to grace the game, like other football genius's (gazza, stan (lol)) he's had problems with drugs etc etc so whats with all the stupid negativity?

    we all love george best and he was a raging alcoholic throughout his life, big deal, he did what he had to do to win a world cup for his country i'd have done the same. And they probably would have beaten us anyway...

  3. im a racist....

    I MEAN ATHEIST! :shock:

    i love the idea that when you die u just get out your body and do whatever,

    but i'm a man of science so i dont believe, but it still is a nice thought.

    and nick rogers, you cant just dismiss religion altogether, your offending billions of peoples beliefs.

  4. what will happen is they will probably turn some pubs into members only pubs, much like liberal or conservative etc etc clubs, in which its up to the owners.

    You'll get smoking pubs for smokers i imagine.

    but normal pubs,clubs and nightclubs will obviously be smoke free.

    and i think the stats show alot, 80% of this forum choose non-smoking as a good thing, which makes you wonder how ignorant the 20% of smokers are to make 100% of people smell! :D

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