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Posts posted by c-krulak

  1. General Krulak here:

    As some of the fans will tell you, I have not always been the bearer of good news on this site. I also hope they will tell you that I tell the truth. BUT, it is good when I can pass info a little "early" and let you all know what Randy, MOn and the Club are thinking.

    Love the post from LA!! I hope we get out in your neck of the woods. As I have indicated, we are still making the plans.

  2. General Krulak here:

    1. I had a great talk with Dennis...what a class act!! He has agreed to help us with the 25th Anniversay and I can tell you, it will be a very special weekend. I won't give you any specifics as yet....suffice it to say,it will be great. Dennis is our point of contact with the players and will be acting as sort of a "Master of Ceremonies" for the event.

  3. General Krulak here:

    1. Again, times/dates/locations of US Tour are not solidified as yet. We need to go where we can have the greatest impact and where we can find the teams to play. This is a coordinated effort and Bob Kain is using many of his contacts to make this happen.

    2. We have just contacted the Staffordshire Regiment and told them that Aston Villa would welcome, for free, all members of the Battalion currently serving in Basra, Iraq to a game at Villa Park next season. The Battalion does not return until the summer. This is one indication of Randy's desire to serve the community.

    3. I will be speaking with Dennis Mortimer tomorrow re. the 25th Anniversay Celebration. Do not worry, we will do this right!! We are well on the way to planning this celebration...it will be a great series of events...not just one. As soon as we nail down the Plans we will make them public...to include the media. BUT, we need to finalize the plans.

  4. General Krulak here:

    1. I just got off the phone with Randy...literally! I took the time to read him some of the very kind posts that just came on the site...and he was very touched. He asked me to pass on to the folks on Villa Talk that he appreciates their comments and good wishes. He fully understands that there may well be rough days ahead...that we are not where we want to be...but he does appreciate the fan support for MON, the Team and him.

    2. As soon as we get the dates and locations for the Summer Tour, I will get the info to you...and then strategize about possible group movement, etc. I fully understand the funding issues and perhaps we can get a group price...if we can have enough people who want to go. Knowing Randy, he will attempt to make the fans who actually come over to support the Team very much a part of some of the activities...practices, etc.

    3. Nike's distribution system will be very helpful and key to our marketing strategy. They are real pros and I am sure that we will see some innovative actions being taken.

  5. General Krulak here:

    1. Yes, we will be going on a pre-season tour in the US. Details, dates, locations, etc. are currently being worked out. Whe the dates and locations are nailed down, we will immediately make them available to our fans.

    2. Yes, Villa Village is going to be totally re-done. It is part of our plan and will make our "shop" world class. We will be selling both Villa and Browns merchandise. You would be surprised at the number of Villa shirts that are "popping up" in Cleveland and other locations around the USA.

    3. As I have mentioned before, we know we have a LOOONG way to go with our web site...bear with us.

  6. General Krulak here:

    Some answers to the series of questions posed:

    1. "Day-2' DUTIES. I have known Randy longer than any member of the Board and am more than happy to say that my duties...day one or day two...are to "do windows". In other words, whatever Randy wants me to do. Early on he asked me to oversee construction...Holte Hotel and Training Ground. I do that. The #1 man in that effort is Colonel Russ Appleton who reports to me...and who served with me in the Marine Corps. I am also working on the 25th Celebration...I worked on the effort to get Ron back at Villa Park. Bottom line: I try to help out the best way I can. Again, Randy is a dear friend and almost a "son" to me. I try not to interfere but am ready to help in any way I can. I post on 4 web sites to help Randy and the Club understand what is on the mind of the Fan.

    2. Will my role be long term. Absolutely. I will be a Director of Aston Villa FC as long as Randy is the owner and I am not 6 feet under. Both are a long time in the future.

    3. The previous owner. I must admit that I have never been treated with anything other than respect by the previous owner. Everytime we meet, it is very pleasant. He understands that there is a new owner and that he no longer has an official position with the Club. At the same time he is extremely supportive of Randy and of our efforts.

    4. Negative remarks. Obviously, no one likes to hear negative comments...Randy, Martin, or any of us. It is not in our make-up to enjoy hearing negative comments about what we are doing or trying to do. At the same time, people like Randy and Martin and the Board need to keep focused on the plan...focused on achieving the goal. Spending too much time worrying about what people think can be harmful.

    5. We looked at other Clubs but were never really close to buying one.

    6. Is Randy enjoying himself. He is having a ball. He likes Martin, he likes the Team, he likes the Fans, he likes Villa Park and he KNOWS we are going to be good!! He' having a ball. Not everyday is a holiday nor every meal a banquet but....he loves it.

    7. I am not sure you will see Randy taking a lap around the Pitch after the last game....that just isn't his style. BUT, who knows, maybe we can convince him that it would be nice for the Fans. He would NEVER do it for himslef. NEVER!!!!

  7. General Krulak here:

    1. I am no prude...having spent 39 years in the Marine Corps. I have heard bad language. At the same time, I cannot condone bad language in front of children. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do about it. Trying to police language is not really a viable idea.

    2. No smoking statute will solve smoking problem.

  8. General Krulak here:

    1. Nike...a great sponsor!!! The signal this sends, world-wide, is huge. We are one of 3 Premiership Clubs and with some of the great Clubs in Europe. Nike does NOT "partner" with losers!!! They see what we all see...that Villa will be winners!!!

    2. Gillett and Hicks: I know them slightly...both are good businessmen. I do not see them as a threat...nor does Randy. They will just be one more group we have to take on...just like anyone else. We aren't going to spend much time worrying about them...they better worry about us.

    3. Villa Park will be a beautiful stadium when we are finished....one that all will be proud of. It is a beauty right now...we will just improve on it.

    4. I have no "insider info" on the 2012 Olympics nor does anyone else at the Club.

  9. General Krulak here:

    1. We are absolutely going to have a 25th Anniversary Celebration. It will be announced soon and will be VERY special. It will not just be a one day event...it will include a couple of days and some special events.

    2. We are absolutely working on a plan to shift the away fans from behind the goals. It will be done.

    3. Cannot go into the thought of a new kit. Just let things play out and you will be happy.

    4. Randy will be speaking to media very soon. He will describe his vision for the Club, talk about MON and the Team and discuss a bit about why he will not be "visible" to the Press...at least to the degree they would like. "Measure me by my actions, not by my words."

    5. E_rocc hit the nail on the head re. Jim Brown.

  10. General Krulak here:

    I just got off the phone with Randy...and I passed on these two great posts. He was VERY pleased! He remembered the incident at Bodymoor Heath...and said to tell you that he got more out of meeting the fans than visa versa. He cracked up about the t-shirt comment. Like I have been telling you all, Randy is DOWN TO EARTH!! What you see is what you get...and you will see good things. He is a very good man.

    Thanks for both posts....they made my day!!

  11. General Krulak here:

    I was in the states for this game...Randy and Jim Brown had the "honours." I "watched" over the Internet plus communicated with Randy after the game. He was very happy...and felt that the entire team did well. Like all of us, he has been impressed with Young and Carew but like all of us...we just keep on plugging along. We know we still have a long way to go and we are not going to go "crazy" just yet.

  12. General Krulak here:

    Jim Brown played his college/university football at Syracuse University and was a superstar then...winning All-American Honours. He was also an All-American Lacrosse player...and considered the best Lacrosse player ever to have played the game...even to this day.

    He played for years in the National Football League (Premiership of American Football). Some consider him the finest running back ever to play the game. (I would agree.)

    The Cleveland Browns were not named after Jim Brown but he certainly has put his mark on the Club. He continues to work for the Browns and is a good friend of Randy and of mine.

    It would be hard for me to compare him with a football player in the UK. He would rank at the very top of the best to have ever played the game. Understand that he played in the 50's-60's and set every record there was to set during that time frame. When they ran a poll to see who were the best players in the past 100 years, Jim Brown's name was on everyone's ballot.

  13. General Krulak here:

    1. I will look into the mural...see if Randy would be interested. He loves tradition.

    2. 3 points was good!! As you think through the game, we obviously still have a way to go...no pollyannas here. At the same time, we played remarkably well for 70+ minutes and our new lads did very well...which helped some of our other players. Carew is an animal!!! I'd take him into battle anyday!!

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